She proved her guilt when she rushed out the classroom and down the stairs. People like her should lose their license to teach. It’s disgusting how the other teacher was defending her. The public school system is a joke. By the way, I studied early childhood education in college. I have never...
The NAACP has done nothing for Black Americans. The Jewish community (collectively) have done nothing for Black Americans. We don’t owe those people anything. #HoldYourOwnMatzah
The Jewish community are not our allies. The only ones I know who died during the civil rights era was Michael Henry "Mickey" Schwerner and Andrew Goodmam. She acting like the whole Jewish community is against anti black racism. When you tell them who the real Jews are, their true colors...
I have a bag but haven’t packed it much. I learned of the bug out bag about two years ago watching survival videos. I am going to get back to preparing for a disaster. I think all people should have bug out bags. A medical emergency could happen and it would be great to have all necessities. I...
My household eats the same diet. Sometimes we do eat vegan. It’s been a minute but we usually get vegan food from two black owned spots especially Hue’s cafe. They have a mushroom burger that’s so good. I can’t eat the jackfruit vegan tacos (I had a reaction). The mushroom pasta is another good...
Better not. We shouldn’t have to return to those lockdown days. People have lives to maintain. Too many people lost income during the lockdowns. Crazy thing is when H1N1 came out years ago in 2009, there were no shut downs. Everything kept running (including school).
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