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  1. Black Indie DEV

    Healthy(ish) options at fast food joints?

    Honestly, I get a lot of water LOL. Chikfila water is good. Some places have water that tastes like toilet water. Its Free too. Chipotle is good minus the rice.
  2. Black Indie DEV

    I love this game! Official NBA 2021-2022 Season Thread.

    I don't understand why a group of black men don't pool their money and resources together to develop their black sport videos and or league. The resources are their.
  3. Black Indie DEV

    At least 8 dead and many injured after crowd surge at Travis Scott's concert

    I don't know. I see a lot of nonblacks. Look at the victims. Little white kid. The hell you let a little white kid go to that type of place. They look Hispanic.
  4. Black Indie DEV

    At least 8 dead and many injured after crowd surge at Travis Scott's concert

    Chick-fil-a as well. I don't know why has been going on but everybody goes to CFA now and they stupidity is amazing. Retarded. I liked it better years ago. I'm not surprised this happened at this type of venue no offense.
  5. Black Indie DEV

    People Just Messing Up Their Bodies

    Tattoos and fried foods as well.
  6. Black Indie DEV

    Hood culture is not black culture...

    I know right, lol. I think hood culture is mix prob mostly black but a mix of other cultures. Corporate? They created hood culture???? Maybe profit from it but a lot of entities profit from it. Dude your worst than her for even signal boosting this stupidity. With all do respect.
  7. Black Indie DEV

    My podcast on the jab mandate for work

    I understand the resistance but I think a lot of people are wrong about this. I like how people don't want to get the jab but eat McDs, do drugs, and sleep with random people. Its sad. A lot of these people against the jab live filthy lifestyles but now they are so concerned with their health.
  8. Black Indie DEV

    Building A Render Farm

    O LOL. No I don't do that render farm thing
  9. Black Indie DEV

    Building A Render Farm

    blender, ue4, daz...
  10. Black Indie DEV

    WTF Is Going On In LA?

    Just someone playing around.
  11. Black Indie DEV

    Can I install a 3rd screen to my PC setup?

    Depends on your video card and or motherboard.
  12. Black Indie DEV

    Building A Render Farm

    I'm intel and Nvidia. I don't know much about the tech. All I know is the software I run likes intel and nvidia.
  13. Black Indie DEV

    Galaxy S22 Ultra

    LOL look at all those cameras LOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOL
  14. Black Indie DEV

    Who Is Jay Z?

    Can't be real.
  15. Black Indie DEV

    I make #b1 Video Games

    Yeah. I wasn't going to show anything but giving people early shots helps build a following. Keep me posted. I am interested. You on twitter? I'm on twitter under the same name. Thanks for the follow. Almost to my 100th mile stone. 👍🏿 #b1
  16. Black Indie DEV

    I make #b1 Video Games

    Nice got any early screen? Sub to my youtube channel. Whats yours?
  17. Black Indie DEV

    I make #b1 Video Games

    There is my black Resident Evil game with two black protagonist. Its just concept at the moment.
  18. Black Indie DEV

    These GFX cards are getting spendy

    I have 1066Ti I think. I make games too. I need a 30XX for development.
  19. Black Indie DEV

    Any software developers here? Really good ones?

    Just wondering. If so how good and what can you build?
  20. Black Indie DEV

    I make #b1 Video Games
