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  1. MarcelForCongress

    Anyone Here Loves International Travel?

    Any state in particular really interests you?
  2. MarcelForCongress

    Anyone Here Loves International Travel?

    Trust me I'll, I can currently only window shop travel myself until I get back on my feet 😔. I have literally spent hours just viewing photos of Senegal 🇸🇳, Nicaragua 🇳🇮, The Philippines 🇵🇭, and Martinique 🇲🇶.
  3. MarcelForCongress

    Anyone Here Loves International Travel?

    Oh man, how did I forget to mention another country on my bucket list, The Philippines 🇵🇭! I am DEFINITELY interested in visiting The Philippines 🇵🇭!!! Also Martinique 🇲🇶!
  4. MarcelForCongress

    Drake Is Upset Because Nobody Thinks He's Black Enough

    Drake can go sit down some damn where! When has he EVER spoken up and used his platform to help address Black American #Freedmen issues? Then, he had a child by a white woman, if he was so black identifying would he not want a child from a Black woman so his child could be as well? He actually...
  5. MarcelForCongress

    Anyone Here Loves International Travel?

    Cruises, especially ones that stay dock at a destination for multiple days, are a good option. That being said, you should know that statistically speaking, flying is the safest mode of transportation in human history invented thus far.
  6. MarcelForCongress

    Anyone Here Loves International Travel?

    Wow, Angola!? You must be rich, LOL! Luanda is supposed to be the most expensive place in the world. What was your itinerary?
  7. MarcelForCongress

    Anyone Here Loves International Travel?

    Panama just seems dreadfully BORING to me. I loved, loved, loved Guatemala 🇬🇹 and Nicaragua interests me as well. Can you tell me what you loved about Panama outside of what you previously mentioned?
  8. MarcelForCongress

    Anyone Here Loves International Travel?

    I would love to visit The Philippines 🇵🇭 but Japan does seem interesting because of that real life Mario Kart game, seems so cool!
  9. MarcelForCongress

    Anyone Here Loves International Travel?

    Zimbabwe 🇿🇼 is on my bucket list as well, the ruins of Great Zimbabwe are a "must do" for me!
  10. MarcelForCongress

    Anyone Here Loves International Travel?

    I did a Capoeira class as well in Brazil, it was quite the experience!
  11. MarcelForCongress

    Anyone Here Loves International Travel?

    Ghana was WONDERFUL, I did NOT like Egypt outside of the food and respect for the ancient culture, I actually liked the history and culture of Sudan WAAAAAY more even though it was faaaaar less developed than Egypt. Australia is definitely on my bucket list as well but it is quite expensive...
  12. MarcelForCongress

    Anyone Here Loves International Travel?

    I can definitely concur with you saying that traveling internationally can definitely help instill in a person a sense of being more comfortable taking reasonable risks. Also, for me myself, it definitely increased my self-confidence because I often traveled abroad ALONE, I had to rely on myself...
  13. MarcelForCongress

    Anyone Here Loves International Travel?

    I know there are a lot of jokes made about the various African cuisines but the food in both countries were amazing, especially Nigeria. However, one of my favorite dishes of all time is is from Ghana, it is called kwelekwele, a dish of fried plantains and some type of beans cooked in a spicy...
  14. MarcelForCongress

    Anyone Here Loves International Travel?

    Which country in Africa, there are 54 of them? Do you mind sharing?
  15. MarcelForCongress

    Anyone Here Loves International Travel?

    Ghana was AMAZING , I rarely visit a country more than once, outside of Bahamas and Canada which I really did not want to but circumstances led to me doing so. However, I DEFINITELY want to return to Ghana, Nigeria too.
  16. MarcelForCongress

    Anyone Here Loves International Travel?

    If so, where have you been, or would love to go? I have been to the following countries: Bahamas 🇧🇸 Canada 🇨🇦 St. Maarten 🇸🇽 Puerto Rico 🇵🇷 Kenya 🇰🇪 Brazil 🇧🇷 Spain 🇪🇸 Mexico 🇲🇽 Nigeria 🇳🇬 Guatemala 🇬🇹 Colombia 🇨🇴 Haiti 🇭🇹 India 🇮🇳 Egypt 🇪🇬 Sudan 🇸🇩 Ethiopia 🇪🇹 Ghana 🇬🇭 For simplicity sakes...
  17. MarcelForCongress

    Processed Foods Is The Gateway To Unsuccessful Health

    Not only are processed foods more readily available, usually less costly, they are also more CONVENIENT, and that is probably the most overlooked factor. Our society has only become even more fast paced and while the cost of living has soared, wages have basically stagnated since the 70s so...
  18. MarcelForCongress

    Serious Question: Is Anyone Considering Or About To Run For Public Office?

    This is the ONLY way for us to get #reparations, we MUST become the candidates that we not only DESERVE but NEED.
  19. MarcelForCongress

    Will You Get the Booster Shot if Mandated?

    Absolutely NOT, especially when it now coming out that the majority of deaths from Covid-19 are from people ALREADY vaccinated! In New York, it was just ruled that those fired from their jobs because of refusing to take the vaccines are now to be rehired AND given back pay, I will stand my...