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  1. Princess El-Bey


    This Is The Day!! CjESSEX4StateAssembly I'm up and running! Please Donate towards my success in this run for CA State Assembly 2024. I'm not a politician. I'm an activist, running to unseat one. #reparations are on the radar, time to be in position. I can't do this alone. I need your support...
  2. Princess El-Bey

    Updates On California’s Reparations Movements Next major step: Establish California American Freedmen Affairs Agency (CAFAA) Based on the recommendations of the state Reparations Task Force, SB-490 would create the California American Freedmen Affairs Agency (CAFAA). The CAFAA...
  3. Princess El-Bey

    Is Dishonoring President Obama Anti-Black Hatred?

    IMHO Not honoring President Obama is all about Mainstream Anti-Black hatred. As American Presidents go, he is comparatively one of the best. He gave some of the best speeches ever. He honored his wife and his family. The world loved him and they still do but the Anti-Black hatred that surrounds...
  4. Princess El-Bey

    Stand With Black Floridians Fighting Anti-black Hatred

  5. Princess El-Bey

    We Are The Best At Everything!

    Black men and women! and Black Men! I see you 💌
  6. Princess El-Bey

    And This Is Why We Love PAC To This Day!!

    He kept it 1000!
  7. Princess El-Bey

    1 9 6 3

    It was the year of the demonstrations in Birmingham, Alabama. Four young girls were killed in the 16th Street Baptist Church bombing and Medgar Evers was assassinated in his driveway. Also in 1963, Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. gave his I Have a Dream speech in Washington D.C. Then on Nov. 22...
  8. Princess El-Bey

    Friends On Social Media For 7 Years…

    Then love at first site 🥰
  9. Princess El-Bey

    Oh Hell No😡 Eighth Graders At LeBron James’ I Promise School Haven’t Passed A Single Math Test In Three Years, School Responds
  10. Princess El-Bey

    Just Very Nice 💐

  11. Princess El-Bey

    I Took Twitter Off Of My Phone… That Site Is Toxic Trash

    The bird is gone… and so am I
  12. Princess El-Bey

    A F R I C A

    There are so many, and some high profile folks that would like for you to forget about Africa.! Whaat!!!?? Not me
  13. Princess El-Bey

    This!!! Listen To Entire Video WoW

    Thoughts please
  14. Princess El-Bey

    AI Is The New Frontier For Intelligence… But What If It’s Rigged For Misinformation?

    The world is now being swept by an Artificial Intelligence or A.I. Revolution… And the spark that launched this revolution was last December’s release of the breakthrough A.I. language processing program known as ChatGPT. What made ChatGPT so amazing was you could ask it a complex question and...
  15. Princess El-Bey

    Minutes Ago!

    Jamie Foxx
  16. Princess El-Bey

    NBA Summer League

    NBA Summer League in Las Vegas