First off he was a mixed man, half Black half white. In all of human history when you have that mix you are automatically labeled Black,the issue I have is they don't (historians/movies/books) describe him as black, they say "his father is french and his mom was a slave" clearly to give credit to his accomplishments to his white side. Most of us have seen this same game being played in recent history with Naomi Osaka, she's Japanese and Haitian but they only focus on her Japanese side. Like her Melanin has nothing to do with her abilities...
Alexandre is known for writing some pretty famous books that are movies and plays. Here's just a few. here's a picture of him and how they portray him, no different from how they turned Egyptians white.
Alexandre is known for writing some pretty famous books that are movies and plays. Here's just a few. here's a picture of him and how they portray him, no different from how they turned Egyptians white.
The Three Musketeers
The Count of Monte Cristo
The Black Tulip