There are talks of them 25th'ing his ass real soon. Fingers crossed. The old crook needs to retire and go back to his farmhouse before the racist brain takes full control and he brings back slavery.
As long as we are still employed by them, we're still slaves, just another from of it.
80% of BM & BW are incarcerated, yet another form of slavery.
There are plantations still in operation today. Take a wild guess of the people that still work there.
I don't have all the answers, but I know collectively, WE CAN WIN. We've gotta beat them at their own game. Study them & strategically devise plans to shut them down permanently!
Our people are in all branches of the Armed Forces & in every field of employment. If we pooled all the money we spend on unnecessary bs, we could purchase what we need to revolt & liberate ourselves.
Granted, Amerikkka won't be overthrown overnight, but we can't stop fighting for our liberation. Put the brakes on their demonic control, one demon at a time & BY ANY MEANS NECESSARY! 💯✊🏽