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Black Farmer Needs Our Help. They are NOW trying to KKKill him!!


Royal Sixer
Community Host
Content Contributor
Courtney W. Mallory knows he is being targeted, sabotaged, hunted down, and punished for farming while being Black.

Yet like the other Black farmer John Boyd (Founder and President of the National Black Farmers Association), he keeps saying that there needs to be a law to protect "people of color."


Black people need to stop saying the phrase "people of color."
We are retiring that phrase NOW!

Black people are literally being hunted down, discriminated against, and targeted throughout the entire country by everyone from vigilantes, Proud Boys, and cops to Karens, doctors, and banks non-stop unlike anybody else.

You recently had anti-Black racist, Neo Nazi, white supremacist terrorists go to predominately Black Baltimore, Maryland to hijack and destroy the power grid and the white media is trying to bury, downplay, and cover up the story.


There is no Asian, Latino, or non-Black equivalent of a Courtney Mallory or a D'Monterrio Gibson, let alone a Tyre Nichols, a Breonna Taylor, an Atatiana Jefferson, an Elijah McClain, a George Floyd, or a Tamir Rice.

This strictly about Black people, nobody else. #StayOnCode

Non-Blacks continue to get more funding and opportunities than Black farmers and Black people in general do. When you invoke the phrase "people of color", you (Black people) are unknowingly saying that others are oppressed in the same exact way we are, which they are not. Therefore, you are advocating that you (Black people) should share the same pot with the other "people of color" who still get more funding, more benefits, more opportunities, less sabotaged and less oppression than you do.

None of these Latino, Asian, white Jewish or even white/red Native Americans are being targeted, sabotaged, railroaded, and oppressed to the insane level that Black farmers and Black people still are.

On top of that, you don't see any of these Latinos, Asians, or others standing by and helping C.W Mallory fight for his life. Only Black people (including Black farmers) are putting in the work while the non-Blacks continue to disgracefully eat off us, our pain and our sacrifices while caring the absolute least on whether Black people live or die tomorrow. Stop invoking the name "people of color" into this discussion and strictly focus on our Black survival from the day forward.

Black people are fighting this alone.
Accept that fact and move accordingly.

C.W. Mallory's story needs to be national news right now, yet outside of local media, the national news outlets still won't even touch this story. Where's ABC, FOX, CNN, MSNBC and nem folks at? Not even Joe Biden and his corrupt Department of Justice has declared to immediately step in and punish the domestic terrorists and the corrupt cops covering for them.

When the Asians had the Anti-Asian hate crime bill passed, it wasn't designed to protect "people of color", it was designed to specifically protect Asians / AAPI people. There was also an anti-Semitic bill passed to specifically protect Jewish people (mainly white ones). So the K.A.R.E.N Act needs to be specifically to protect Black Americans. End of Discussion.
