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Royal Sixer
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    Half Black
    Democrats have done nothing for us since JFK and we still vote for them. I ask why? I really thought Obama was going to be the one to turn things around. We may as well have had Biden from 2008 to 2016. That is what it feels like looking back. He didn't do anything for us and had 8 damn years. Every damn time they focus on foreign issues and start wars and I see more and more of our people pushed into poverty and end up being stuck there.

    Republicans can't be trusted either. So we are stuck between a rock and a hard place.
    New York City
    *I think that's the fault of numerous groups that support or put the notions of anti-black misandry towards black men.

    1) The Feminist movement - It's pretty clear ever since the 50s all the way into the 80s and Present day, White Feminist gave black woman this belief or idea that...they will be the full backbone of this country and with the help of the white females they can work to put themselves ahead of the curve and push men out of the way for empowerment. The problem was that when it was all done and smoke cleared the white men got more jobs than black men, White woman had more of a voice than black woman and most black woman were already under the spell of the feminist moment. Today you have these type of woman like Vivica Fox, Patricia Coulers, Symone Sanders, #BLM, Metoo, even the media, telling black woman that they are the backbone and the don't need ANY support from black men cause, "Black men need to be seen and not heard". Meanwhile the very same moment is working against them and been working against them for the longest...but the cool aid has already been drunk and the indoctrination has seeped into the miasma of our society because of feminism.

    2) Democrats and even Republicans - This is a given, and Sapphire said it best. Both Parties have done nothing for the black communities not since the early 60s or 70s and even that is a stretch. Regardless of who you side with, the point is clear they have a distinct misandry against black men simply for the fact that we represent masculinity and both parties don't like that. Almost to the point if anything they would rather give a Black male LGBT+ more relevance than a strong heterosexual black male; Hell, they would give a black woman who is in a interracial relationship more relevance than a black man who is married to a black woman and they do this intently and in spite. And Biden now is not helping the situation, But we aren't surprised by this.

    3) Government (General) - While I'm not a fan of Patrick Moynahan, but, "The Moynahan Report" is very telling of the state of the black community and its usually the goto when it comes to breaking down the efforts that was being made to bring back the black nuclear family unit. In the report it was discussed that they tried some efforts to bring the black male as the head of household even to the point of providing a bit more jobs that are catered to help black men to be the providers for the family. The issue comes in when (going back to feminism) when the 2nd or 3rd wave feminism came rolling around the black woman were on board with it and was trying to divert the jobs away from the black men to benefit the feminist cycle and not realizing they were going to white men and for white woman (and to some degree black woman themselves) and everything got shifted to the cause. Even now, you see certain things that use to be for the lower to middle income family unit (ex. Section 8, College, SNAP, certain housing benefits and/or loans, Child care/alimony) are now being woman focused and its ignoring the black males; Even when it comes to black men being abused by their significant other.....while there are rape, abuse, etc. centers specifically for woman; When theres one for black men (or men) in general when it comes to Abuse, rape, Domestic violence or even mental health...there's a underlying or overt hated against it and they get closed down because of it. Media shows men getting abused as a joke and no one cares until it happens to a woman. Even if you're a good father and the mother was the abuser to both man and child...the court systems will ignore that and allow everything to go to the woman EVEN THOUGH she was the abuser and she can lie and state its the man's fault!

    There are many others, But the point is even now in 2022 the misandry against black men is on full blast; we can't even propose something that benefits EVERYONE in the FBA community (ex. Ice Cube's plans for Black America) without someone mostly black woman telling us its no better. Its a sad but troublesome reality...but I think more and more people are seeing that Biden and the democrats aren't doing anything for black woman as well so now they are in a bind in how to think when it comes to black men. But it's mostly divesters who feel that black men shouldn't think...period.

    *my bad I tend to get passionate about these topics!


    Master Sixer
    Community Host
    *I think that's the fault of numerous groups that support or put the notions of anti-black misandry towards black men.

    1) The Feminist movement - It's pretty clear ever since the 50s all the way into the 80s and Present day, White Feminist gave black woman this belief or idea that...they will be the full backbone of this country and with the help of the white females they can work to put themselves ahead of the curve and push men out of the way for empowerment. The problem was that when it was all done and smoke cleared the white men got more jobs than black men, White woman had more of a voice than black woman and most black woman were already under the spell of the feminist moment. Today you have these type of woman like Vivica Fox, Patricia Coulers, Symone Sanders, #BLM, Metoo, even the media, telling black woman that they are the backbone and the don't need ANY support from black men cause, "Black men need to be seen and not heard". Meanwhile the very same moment is working against them and been working against them for the longest...but the cool aid has already been drunk and the indoctrination has seeped into the miasma of our society because of feminism.

    2) Democrats and even Republicans - This is a given, and Sapphire said it best. Both Parties have done nothing for the black communities not since the early 60s or 70s and even that is a stretch. Regardless of who you side with, the point is clear they have a distinct misandry against black men simply for the fact that we represent masculinity and both parties don't like that. Almost to the point if anything they would rather give a Black male LGBT+ more relevance than a strong heterosexual black male; Hell, they would give a black woman who is in a interracial relationship more relevance than a black man who is married to a black woman and they do this intently and in spite. And Biden now is not helping the situation, But we aren't surprised by this.

    3) Government (General) - While I'm not a fan of Patrick Moynahan, but, "The Moynahan Report" is very telling of the state of the black community and its usually the goto when it comes to breaking down the efforts that was being made to bring back the black nuclear family unit. In the report it was discussed that they tried some efforts to bring the black male as the head of household even to the point of providing a bit more jobs that are catered to help black men to be the providers for the family. The issue comes in when (going back to feminism) when the 2nd or 3rd wave feminism came rolling around the black woman were on board with it and was trying to divert the jobs away from the black men to benefit the feminist cycle and not realizing they were going to white men and for white woman (and to some degree black woman themselves) and everything got shifted to the cause. Even now, you see certain things that use to be for the lower to middle income family unit (ex. Section 8, College, SNAP, certain housing benefits and/or loans, Child care/alimony) are now being woman focused and its ignoring the black males; Even when it comes to black men being abused by their significant other.....while there are rape, abuse, etc. centers specifically for woman; When theres one for black men (or men) in general when it comes to Abuse, rape, Domestic violence or even mental health...there's a underlying or overt hated against it and they get closed down because of it. Media shows men getting abused as a joke and no one cares until it happens to a woman. Even if you're a good father and the mother was the abuser to both man and child...the court systems will ignore that and allow everything to go to the woman EVEN THOUGH she was the abuser and she can lie and state its the man's fault!

    There are many others, But the point is even now in 2022 the misandry against black men is on full blast; we can't even propose something that benefits EVERYONE in the FBA community (ex. Ice Cube's plans for Black America) without someone mostly black woman telling us its no better. Its a sad but troublesome reality...but I think more and more people are seeing that Biden and the democrats aren't doing anything for black woman as well so now they are in a bind in how to think when it comes to black men. But it's mostly divesters who feel that black men shouldn't think...period.

    *my bad I tend to get passionate about these topics!
    We appreciate your passion. You are 100% correct. 3rd wave feminism is most efficient version of divide and conquer the white supremacists have ever established!!!

    The Honorable

    Royal Sixer
  • Messages
    *I think that's the fault of numerous groups that support or put the notions of anti-black misandry towards black men.

    1) The Feminist movement - It's pretty clear ever since the 50s all the way into the 80s and Present day, White Feminist gave black woman this belief or idea that...they will be the full backbone of this country and with the help of the white females they can work to put themselves ahead of the curve and push men out of the way for empowerment. The problem was that when it was all done and smoke cleared the white men got more jobs than black men, White woman had more of a voice than black woman and most black woman were already under the spell of the feminist moment. Today you have these type of woman like Vivica Fox, Patricia Coulers, Symone Sanders, #BLM, Metoo, even the media, telling black woman that they are the backbone and the don't need ANY support from black men cause, "Black men need to be seen and not heard". Meanwhile the very same moment is working against them and been working against them for the longest...but the cool aid has already been drunk and the indoctrination has seeped into the miasma of our society because of feminism.

    2) Democrats and even Republicans - This is a given, and Sapphire said it best. Both Parties have done nothing for the black communities not since the early 60s or 70s and even that is a stretch. Regardless of who you side with, the point is clear they have a distinct misandry against black men simply for the fact that we represent masculinity and both parties don't like that. Almost to the point if anything they would rather give a Black male LGBT+ more relevance than a strong heterosexual black male; Hell, they would give a black woman who is in a interracial relationship more relevance than a black man who is married to a black woman and they do this intently and in spite. And Biden now is not helping the situation, But we aren't surprised by this.

    3) Government (General) - While I'm not a fan of Patrick Moynahan, but, "The Moynahan Report" is very telling of the state of the black community and its usually the goto when it comes to breaking down the efforts that was being made to bring back the black nuclear family unit. In the report it was discussed that they tried some efforts to bring the black male as the head of household even to the point of providing a bit more jobs that are catered to help black men to be the providers for the family. The issue comes in when (going back to feminism) when the 2nd or 3rd wave feminism came rolling around the black woman were on board with it and was trying to divert the jobs away from the black men to benefit the feminist cycle and not realizing they were going to white men and for white woman (and to some degree black woman themselves) and everything got shifted to the cause. Even now, you see certain things that use to be for the lower to middle income family unit (ex. Section 8, College, SNAP, certain housing benefits and/or loans, Child care/alimony) are now being woman focused and its ignoring the black males; Even when it comes to black men being abused by their significant other.....while there are rape, abuse, etc. centers specifically for woman; When theres one for black men (or men) in general when it comes to Abuse, rape, Domestic violence or even mental health...there's a underlying or overt hated against it and they get closed down because of it. Media shows men getting abused as a joke and no one cares until it happens to a woman. Even if you're a good father and the mother was the abuser to both man and child...the court systems will ignore that and allow everything to go to the woman EVEN THOUGH she was the abuser and she can lie and state its the man's fault!

    There are many others, But the point is even now in 2022 the misandry against black men is on full blast; we can't even propose something that benefits EVERYONE in the FBA community (ex. Ice Cube's plans for Black America) without someone mostly black woman telling us its no better. Its a sad but troublesome reality...but I think more and more people are seeing that Biden and the democrats aren't doing anything for black woman as well so now they are in a bind in how to think when it comes to black men. But it's mostly divesters who feel that black men shouldn't think...period.

    *my bad I tend to get passionate about these topics!
    Excellent post and I believe one tremendous strike against the feminist movement was the internet. The ability for us to exchange information outside of official mechanism has been helpful in us being able to dispel these myths of Black patriarchy. I believe the feminism is multi-faceted, there’s the victims who had men taken our of their homes and the women who bought into wholesale and perpetuate it.

    I believe a lot of our women gravitated towards white daddy and his giveaways and goodies is because we men were taken off the street. We also had Man in the House laws that threatened Women’s benefits if they took the man back. Some of the women fell into this modern/independent mind state out of necessity. While others bought into the feminist mindset out of a desire to have promixity to White women (cooning) and then injecting that poison to our women in distress.

    It’s a sad state of affairs.
    New York City
    Excellent post and I believe one tremendous strike against the feminist movement was the internet. The ability for us to exchange information outside of official mechanism has been helpful in us being able to dispel these myths of Black patriarchy. I believe the feminism is multi-faceted, there’s the victims who had men taken our of their homes and the women who bought into wholesale and perpetuate it.

    I believe a lot of our women gravitated towards white daddy and his giveaways and goodies is because we men were taken off the street. We also had Man in the House laws that threatened Women’s benefits if they took the man back. Some of the women fell into this modern/independent mind state out of necessity. While others bought into the feminist mindset out of a desire to have promixity to White women (cooning) and then injecting that poison to our women in distress.

    It’s a sad state of affairs.
    I agree. Technology now can broadcast a whole new generation of young girls how to treat black boys and Black men. One thing I forgot to mention is the discussion of mental health for black boys/men in our community; where suicide rates are high because we don't have places or people to reach out to to talk about our problems. It's harder because we are told not to cry, show emotion, or show any feeling that's considered weakness. And for some black woman they see it as a in point Vivica! when she talked about the passing of Kevin Samuels and how she "Felt" it was Karma...what's sad is that its usually the woman in our community that really does think this way when black men's insane.

    And when the very technology only shows, "Black girl Magic", "Black Girls Rock" "Who runs the world.." when they show Back men getting smacked up by the very woman we should protect just for shits and giggles, when the same technology tells the black woman, "The black families shouldn't happen but you can date this white guy" and sprout all these damn shows where a black woman is dating a white guy but the black male is the "Wing man" or "comic relief" or "The 3rd Wheel" even to the the degree of emasculation and we have become desensitized to it all and that's dangerous. Most of these females that are acting up now in our community, the same females you see on tv mammying it up just to be close to white zaddies or try to get a show or something all of this is being done thru the power of generational feminism as well as what is being spewed on tv, internet, social media, etc.


    The First Sixer
  • Messages
    One thing I forgot to mention is the discussion of mental health for black boys/men in our community; where suicide rates are high because we don't have places or people to reach out to to talk about our problems. It's harder because we are told not to cry, show emotion, or show any feeling that's considered weakness.
    The reason we are like this is because you can’t cry in the middle of a battle. What good is crying when the thing making you cry is still attacking? I’m not saying it’s right but the mentality is there for a reason.

    A lot of people raise Black kids and then don’t mentally prepare them for the world they are walking into. A world that is founded on hatred of their very existence and they get into and are unable to cope. So some take opt-out of the system.

    I’m not trying to zero on this part but to say we don’t focus on our issues is kinda like victim blaming to me. We have to deal with the brunt of this entire government and if we don’t handle it properly it’s still our fault?

    Therapy is expensive. There’s the cost component to therapy and also the war component to it. You can’t sit and reflect on your emotions when the bullets are still flying.
    New York City
    The reason we are like this is because you can’t cry in the middle of a battle. What good is crying when the thing making you cry is still attacking? I’m not saying it’s right but the mentality is there for a reason.

    A lot of people raise Black kids and then don’t mentally prepare them for the world they are walking into. A world that is founded on hatred of their very existence and they get into and are unable to cope. So some take opt-out of the system.

    I’m not trying to zero on this part but to say we don’t focus on our issues is kinda like victim blaming to me. We have to deal with the brunt of this entire government and if we don’t handle it properly it’s still our fault?

    Therapy is expensive. There’s the cost component to therapy and also the war component to it. You can’t sit and reflect on your emotions when the bullets are still flying.
    But where in my statement have i've mentioned when it comes to surviving you need to show emotion? there's a time and place for things like that especially when your life is on the line. I was speaking from a generalized sense not the specific; Granted in most black families most teach their children the harshness of the world and how to prepare for it which is all the more reason why you get these types of Gen Z youths (and some adults) who are WAY too much into their feelings but that's besides the point.
    And again, I wasn't blaming a certain group of people (nor in anywhere in my statement have i've blamed anyone) because i'm talking in a general aspect theres a distinction without a difference nor i haven't say that i'm "Victim blaming" a group of people or family cause it can be like that in ANY family regardless but we in the black community are often the more focused and its not one persons fault over the other its just the nature of the situation at large.

    and therapy is expensive (for some), but the point i'm making is that we don't have fellowship with others to talk about what's troubling us. You talk about war...Even in battle or war there's always a bond of brothers to look out for you when you have moments of doubt or where you believe you are giving up; example, I use to be in the military (Navy), and during my basic training, during my first 3 weeks I was having a moment of doubt; I felt like I couldn't even make it to the end and even when I was on my first tour I didn't know how i could handle the overwhelming change...but there was always someone who had my back and at least gave me the words to push me further. We all have that person even in the thick of battle who can give you the best advice when you yourself is questioning yourself and to prepare for the battle ahead.
    It's not even about the battle or when, "The bullets are flying" that's one part of it but its about keeping one's sanity when the odds are against you something not many people in our community rarely gets.

    But just to say we just have to suck it up and not find some sort of way to reach out to someone cause, "Therapy is expensive" is being disingenuous. Even as black men, not only we DO have to think for ourselves but we also have to have a brotherhood and some way to reach out to someone when they are being effected when those bullets fly or even when the odds seem slim when everything from feminism, to media, to racism is attacking us on all sides and telling us we can't think for ourselves or just to tell black men to shut up and die like bullet bags!!
    black men DO need to support other black men when the chips are down...and personally theres nothing wrong with that!!


    The First Sixer
  • Messages
    But where in my statement have i've mentioned when it comes to surviving you need to show emotion? there's a time and place for things like that especially when your life is on the line. I was speaking from a generalized sense not the specific; Granted in most black families most teach their children the harshness of the world and how to prepare for it which is all the more reason why you get these types of Gen Z youths (and some adults) who are WAY too much into their feelings but that's besides the point.
    And again, I wasn't blaming a certain group of people (nor in anywhere in my statement have i've blamed anyone) because i'm talking in a general aspect theres a distinction without a difference nor i haven't say that i'm "Victim blaming" a group of people or family cause it can be like that in ANY family regardless but we in the black community are often the more focused and its not one persons fault over the other its just the nature of the situation at large.

    and therapy is expensive (for some), but the point i'm making is that we don't have fellowship with others to talk about what's troubling us. You talk about war...Even in battle or war there's always a bond of brothers to look out for you when you have moments of doubt or where you believe you are giving up; example, I use to be in the military (Navy), and during my basic training, during my first 3 weeks I was having a moment of doubt; I felt like I couldn't even make it to the end and even when I was on my first tour I didn't know how i could handle the overwhelming change...but there was always someone who had my back and at least gave me the words to push me further. We all have that person even in the thick of battle who can give you the best advice when you yourself is questioning yourself and to prepare for the battle ahead.
    It's not even about the battle or when, "The bullets are flying" that's one part of it but its about keeping one's sanity when the odds are against you something not many people in our community rarely gets.

    But just to say we just have to suck it up and not find some sort of way to reach out to someone cause, "Therapy is expensive" is being disingenuous. Even as black men, not only we DO have to think for ourselves but we also have to have a brotherhood and some way to reach out to someone when they are being effected when those bullets fly or even when the odds seem slim when everything from feminism, to media, to racism is attacking us on all sides and telling us we can't think for ourselves or just to tell black men to shut up and die like bullet bags!!
    black men DO need to support other black men when the chips are down...and personally theres nothing wrong with that!!
    The whole crux of your argument is that there is some inherent flaw in Black society to the point that we don’t get help and I don’t believe that to be true. I initially assumed you were referencing therapy but you’re basically saying Black men don’t even support other Black men and a claim that general needs a source.

    I don’t think the issue is that Black people especially Black men not having anyone to confide in. I think it’s Black men having no one to confide in who can change their circumstance that’s the issue. There is no shot caller who can put you up on game because the government systematically destroyed them all.

    I think the narrative that we don’t take help seriously or even seek it in the first place is liberal hog wash. It’s basically in a lot of ways saying “you don’t deal with white supremacy hood enough”.

    Lastly, if you’re breaking down and unable to continue on you’re compromising everyone security. People die when others hesitate or aren’t ready to do the job they’re trained to do.

    You seek help once you get to safety not when you’re taking fire. Your squad may tolerate it one or two times but if they have to keep checking up on your ass you will mess up morale.

    The team is only as strong as the nigga the keeps crying in battle.
    New York City
    The whole crux of your argument is that there is some inherent flaw in Black society to the point that we don’t get help and I don’t believe that to be true. I initially assumed you were referencing therapy but you’re basically saying Black men don’t even support other Black men and a claim that general needs a source.

    I don’t think the issue is that Black people especially Black men not having anyone to confide in. I think it’s Black men having no one to confide in who can change their circumstance that’s the issue. There is no shot caller who can put you up on game because the government systematically destroyed them all.

    I think the narrative that we don’t take help seriously or even seek it in the first place is liberal hog wash. It’s basically in a lot of ways saying “you don’t deal with white supremacy hood enough”.

    Lastly, if you’re breaking down and unable to continue on you’re compromising everyone security. People die when others hesitate or aren’t ready to do the job they’re trained to do.

    You seek help once you get to safety not when you’re taking fire. Your squad may tolerate it one or two times but if they have to keep checking up on your ass you will mess up morale.

    The team is only as strong as the nigga the keeps crying in battle.
    I think we are swaying away from the main topic. When you have feminism telling black men that we can't think for ourselves. My original point i was making is that with media and feminism among other things are completely showing anti-black misandry against us as a whole. When the government itself is showing favoritism to just the black woman and not the black family unit and when it gets into their head you have situations like the video that was originally posted up in this topic. When the same government, political parties, and even media, are incentivizing putting black feminist to go against their own man that in of itself is a problem for the community at large...ergo the Moynahan report!

    Granted, there is a flaw within our Community to some degree and we can't deny that. The main purpose is that most of these black feminist believe that they have more inherent value than ours and our feelings or ideas don't matter....I think that's what I was trying to get but it went way off the grid.
    Now if you want to talk about, the black man and the mental and emotional aspect in the black community as a general that's a totally different topic. I think at this point we swayed away from the main topic. So i'm going to stop here.


    The First Sixer
  • Messages
    I think we are swaying away from the main topic. When you have feminism telling black men that we can't think for ourselves. My original point i was making is that with media and feminism among other things are completely showing anti-black misandry against us as a whole. When the government itself is showing favoritism to just the black woman and not the black family unit and when it gets into their head you have situations like the video that was originally posted up in this topic. When the same government, political parties, and even media, are incentivizing putting black feminist to go against their own man that in of itself is a problem for the community at large...ergo the Moynahan report!

    Granted, there is a flaw within our Community to some degree and we can't deny that. The main purpose is that most of these black feminist believe that they have more inherent value than ours and our feelings or ideas don't matter....I think that's what I was trying to get but it went way off the grid.
    Now if you want to talk about, the black man and the mental and emotional aspect in the black community as a general that's a totally different topic. I think at this point we swayed away from the main topic. So i'm going to stop here.
    Yeah the overall sentiment I agree with, we are being muted. The Black women that are barking at us like in the OP are basically White Supremacy in Black face. They are there to give legitimacy and credibility to ideals created and held by White Supremacists at some think tank or in academia. They're basically doing the same thing Larry Elder, Roland Martin, and etc do just with a slight ideological twist. White Daddy's puppet strings are connected to their ovaries rather than to their head and arms.

    The Haze Of Our Lives

    Royal Sixer
    Community Host
  • Messages
    Democrats have done nothing for us since JFK and we still vote for them. I ask why? I really thought Obama was going to be the one to turn things around. We may as well have had Biden from 2008 to 2016. That is what it feels like looking back. He didn't do anything for us and had 8 damn years. Every damn time they focus on foreign issues and start wars and I see more and more of our people pushed into poverty and end up being stuck there.

    Republicans can't be trusted either. So we are stuck between a rock and a hard place.
    Democrat's & Republiklan's are 2 different wings attached to the same #AntiBlackRacistBird of WS.


    St. Louis
    *I think that's the fault of numerous groups that support or put the notions of anti-black misandry towards black men.

    1) The Feminist movement - It's pretty clear ever since the 50s all the way into the 80s and Present day, White Feminist gave black woman this belief or idea that...they will be the full backbone of this country and with the help of the white females they can work to put themselves ahead of the curve and push men out of the way for empowerment. The problem was that when it was all done and smoke cleared the white men got more jobs than black men, White woman had more of a voice than black woman and most black woman were already under the spell of the feminist moment. Today you have these type of woman like Vivica Fox, Patricia Coulers, Symone Sanders, #BLM, Metoo, even the media, telling black woman that they are the backbone and the don't need ANY support from black men cause, "Black men need to be seen and not heard". Meanwhile the very same moment is working against them and been working against them for the longest...but the cool aid has already been drunk and the indoctrination has seeped into the miasma of our society because of feminism.

    2) Democrats and even Republicans - This is a given, and Sapphire said it best. Both Parties have done nothing for the black communities not since the early 60s or 70s and even that is a stretch. Regardless of who you side with, the point is clear they have a distinct misandry against black men simply for the fact that we represent masculinity and both parties don't like that. Almost to the point if anything they would rather give a Black male LGBT+ more relevance than a strong heterosexual black male; Hell, they would give a black woman who is in a interracial relationship more relevance than a black man who is married to a black woman and they do this intently and in spite. And Biden now is not helping the situation, But we aren't surprised by this.

    3) Government (General) - While I'm not a fan of Patrick Moynahan, but, "The Moynahan Report" is very telling of the state of the black community and its usually the goto when it comes to breaking down the efforts that was being made to bring back the black nuclear family unit. In the report it was discussed that they tried some efforts to bring the black male as the head of household even to the point of providing a bit more jobs that are catered to help black men to be the providers for the family. The issue comes in when (going back to feminism) when the 2nd or 3rd wave feminism came rolling around the black woman were on board with it and was trying to divert the jobs away from the black men to benefit the feminist cycle and not realizing they were going to white men and for white woman (and to some degree black woman themselves) and everything got shifted to the cause. Even now, you see certain things that use to be for the lower to middle income family unit (ex. Section 8, College, SNAP, certain housing benefits and/or loans, Child care/alimony) are now being woman focused and its ignoring the black males; Even when it comes to black men being abused by their significant other.....while there are rape, abuse, etc. centers specifically for woman; When theres one for black men (or men) in general when it comes to Abuse, rape, Domestic violence or even mental health...there's a underlying or overt hated against it and they get closed down because of it. Media shows men getting abused as a joke and no one cares until it happens to a woman. Even if you're a good father and the mother was the abuser to both man and child...the court systems will ignore that and allow everything to go to the woman EVEN THOUGH she was the abuser and she can lie and state its the man's fault!

    There are many others, But the point is even now in 2022 the misandry against black men is on full blast; we can't even propose something that benefits EVERYONE in the FBA community (ex. Ice Cube's plans for Black America) without someone mostly black woman telling us its no better. Its a sad but troublesome reality...but I think more and more people are seeing that Biden and the democrats aren't doing anything for black woman as well so now they are in a bind in how to think when it comes to black men. But it's mostly divesters who feel that black men shouldn't think...period.

    *my bad I tend to get passionate about these topics!
    Outstanding post sir.

    B1 rebel 365

    Master Sixer
    Refuse to Disclose
    Outstanding post sir.
    Unable to see the video but I do hate our black women practising misandry against our men. It's mental retardation to do so!! We really are all kinds of STUPID in a lot of the self destructive things we adopt and run with in our (willful?) ignorance. Black men have a lot to contend with in this harsh unjust hueless run environment but their survival capabilities are second to none compared to ALL these other groups -and that's ADMIRABLE! 👍🏿👊🏿


    Half Black
    Democrats have done nothing for us since JFK and we still vote for them. I ask why? I really thought Obama was going to be the one to turn things around. We may as well have had Biden from 2008 to 2016. That is what it feels like looking back. He didn't do anything for us and had 8 damn years. Every damn time they focus on foreign issues and start wars and I see more and more of our people pushed into poverty and end up being stuck there.

    Republicans can't be trusted either. So we are stuck between a rock and a hard place.
    Seriously, Obama was a very big disaster and disappointment to me as far as I'm concerned as a Black. I expected more from him but he didn't do jack for us. He went ahead with a lot of policies that's not favoring us. Just look at the killing of Gaddafi. How did that help us as Blacks?


    Royal Sixer
  • Messages
    Half Black
    Seriously, Obama was a very big disaster and disappointment to me as far as I'm concerned as a Black. I expected more from him but he didn't do jack for us. He went ahead with a lot of policies that's not favoring us. Just look at the killing of Gaddafi. How did that help us as Blacks?
    Pff that man did more for illegal immigrants coming through Mexico than his own people. He doesn't give a rat's ass about us. We should have known considering he came from Chicago. I swear that city hates black people.

    B1 rebel 365

    Master Sixer
    Refuse to Disclose
    Seriously, Obama was a very big disaster and disappointment to me as far as I'm concerned as a Black. I expected more from him but he didn't do jack for us. He went ahead with a lot of policies that's not favoring us. Just look at the killing of Gaddafi. How did that help us as Blacks?
    Well he certainly was white subpremacy's trojan horse alright -coloured on the outside but white on the inside! He had the majority of us fooled to vote him in a second time.

    B1 rebel 365

    Master Sixer
    Refuse to Disclose
    I think we are swaying away from the main topic. When you have feminism telling black men that we can't think for ourselves. My original point i was making is that with media and feminism among other things are completely showing anti-black misandry against us as a whole. When the government itself is showing favoritism to just the black woman and not the black family unit and when it gets into their head you have situations like the video that was originally posted up in this topic. When the same government, political parties, and even media, are incentivizing putting black feminist to go against their own man that in of itself is a problem for the community at large...ergo the Moynahan report!

    Granted, there is a flaw within our Community to some degree and we can't deny that. The main purpose is that most of these black feminist believe that they have more inherent value than ours and our feelings or ideas don't matter....I think that's what I was trying to get but it went way off the grid.
    Now if you want to talk about, the black man and the mental and emotional aspect in the black community as a general that's a totally different topic. I think at this point we swayed away from the main topic. So i'm going to stop here.
    Yes, the black community is currently suffering from a psychotic malaise -undeniably evidenced by THE most asinine choices and directions we choose to pursue. However, irrespective of our ludicrously deranged mental state right now, all these other groups are waaaay more phucked in that they still feel compelled, despite their ill gotten white privilege, to go to indefatigable lengths to keep us marginalised and economically deprived even to their own detriment.


    Master Sixer
  • Messages
    Between Galaxies
    Yes, the black community is currently suffering from a psychotic malaise -undeniably evidenced by THE most asinine choices and directions we choose to pursue. However, irrespective of our ludicrously deranged mental state right now, all these other groups are waaaay more phucked in that they still feel compelled, despite their ill gotten white privilege, to go to indefatigable lengths to keep us marginalised and economically deprived even to their own detriment.
    Walking Away Nod GIF by GritTV


    Yes, the black community is currently suffering from a psychotic malaise -undeniably evidenced by THE most asinine choices and directions we choose to pursue. However, irrespective of our ludicrously deranged mental state right now, all these other groups are waaaay more phucked in that they still feel compelled, despite their ill gotten white privilege, to go to indefatigable lengths to keep us marginalised and economically deprived even to their own detriment.
    Yep. Straight black boys are looked at as weak if they cry. If they lash out with anger, they are demonized. It is like they have no good choice.

    B1 rebel 365

    Master Sixer
    Refuse to Disclose
    Yep. Straight black boys are looked at as weak if they cry. If they lash out with anger, they are demonized. It is like they have no good choice.
    and the best way to react is to not give a shit and be on code: Black First all day every day! 👍🏿👊🏿

    Red Velvet

    Master Sixer
  • Messages
    New York
    The world fears an intelligent black man who is focused on creating resources for his people.
    Think about if the Black men in Africa took a leadership role and fought to own and control their own resources. It’ll topple white supremacy globally.

    B1 rebel 365

    Master Sixer
    Refuse to Disclose
    The world fears an intelligent black man who is focused on creating resources for his people.
    Yes, and they either end up dead -lynched by suicide with hands tied behind their back in remote location 😂; incarcerated or by media character assassination 🤔

    The Honorable

    Royal Sixer
  • Messages
    Yes, and they either end up dead -lynched by suicide with hands tied behind their back in remote location 😂; incarcerated or by media character assassination 🤔
    Those who do not support their advocates end up without any.

    B1 rebel 365

    Master Sixer
    Refuse to Disclose
    Think about if the Black men in Africa took a leadership role and fought to own and control their own resources. It’ll topple white supremacy globally.
    and that's why they are either enticed by western corruption to not act in Africa's best interest and mislead/mistreat fellow Africans or are assassinated by a non westerner.


    Master Sixer
    Community Host
    The world fears an intelligent black man who is focused on creating resources for his people.
    Facts. Which I why the usual victim of a lynching was a business owner. They know the power of us taking care of our own. In the original birth of a nation an independent black town was seen as the preeminent threat to white supremacy. As a uppity negro myself Im making it my lifes misison to create their greatest fear. May take me some time but it will be worth it.

    B1 rebel 365

    Master Sixer
    Refuse to Disclose
    Facts. Which I why the usual victim of a lynching was a business owner. They know the power of us taking care of our own. In the original birth of a nation an independent black town was seen as the preeminent threat to white supremacy. As a uppity negro myself Im making it my lifes misison to create their greatest fear. May take me some time but it will be worth it.
    Great but be sure to have trusted security around the clock👍🏿


    Master Sixer
    Community Host
    Great but be sure to have trusted security around the clock👍🏿
    In addition to a wall of trees outlining the property we will also have security drones. We also have cameras. Luckily the area we are in is not heavily populated so we can see and hear anyone approaching before they even get on our street. Not to mention our first guard dog.

    B1 rebel 365

    Master Sixer
    Refuse to Disclose
    In addition to a wall of trees outlining the property we will also have security drones. We also have cameras. Luckily the area we are in is not heavily populated so we can see and hear anyone approaching before they even get on our street. Not to mention our first guard dog.
    WOW! great initiatives and I'm sure y'all don't stick to rigid routines and source your own food. Don't have to remind you that these evil bastards are practised at slick malevolent shit.

    B1 rebel 365

    Master Sixer
    Refuse to Disclose
    WOW! great initiatives and I'm sure y'all don't stick to rigid routines and source your own food. Don't have to remind you that these evil bastards are practised at slick malevolent shit.
    I got an insightful plethora of information from our scholarly Dr Randy Short on some of their absolutely EVIL chicanery and sociopathic mindset to harm and kill innocent black people in apartheid south Africa -all financed by the racist Botha government such was their intense hatred of black people. That's when America, Britain, Australia, Canada, France and a few other western countries really cut their teeth in the art of espionage and inhumane skull duggary -all of them inspired by ONE rogue, intensely EVIL RACIST white man who dedicated his whole life on concocting THE most EVIL heinous ways of killing and murdering black south Africans -especially those intent on black empowerment and even white sympathisers -such was his hatred and resentment of black people for possessing and inhabiting their God given birthright -THE most beautiful, exotic, plentiful, mineral rich continent on planet earth! Can't recall his name but he set a new precedent that these other countries readily copied and progressed. Can't recall the name of the book either that Dr Short read from but was written by a contemporary of the period who'd investigated and documented the exploits of the rogue agent. He set up his exclusive evil lab with evil scientists -all government funded! They got off on concocting deadly/deadlier toxins and finding ingenious ways for their victims to ingest them. Eg, in toothpaste, food, clothing - especially underwear. Carcinogenic toxins capable of creating wounds that wouldn't heal in reproductive organ -did that to a white woman sympathiser/girlfriend of black activist! Poisoning community wells and rivers, cattle, etc.
    If you have the slightest suspicion -investigate!

    Red Velvet

    Master Sixer
  • Messages
    New York
    and that's why they are either enticed by western corruption to not act in Africa's best interest and mislead/mistreat fellow Africans or are assassinated by a non westerner.
    Amen. That’s why we need to stop having leaders and we all have to push hard. They have to understand that they are coming against all of us.