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Carnival Barkers

josiah starr

Master Sixer
Community Host
New Orleans
I noticed that Twitter, or Shitter, beef made it way to the California Reparations Hearings. All while a Red Blooded White Supremacist spoke in an effort to galvanize his folks and gather intel on us.

It's time to ignore the Carnival Barkers and and refocus ourselves on the Battle awaiting us.
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The First Sixer
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    We have to be real...he is not doing anything different than the largest most influential members in the community do. Talk shit, deflect, name call, etc. The difference is, he is doing it during a historic event that could be life changing...but it's like teaching a baby to;'s all good until they do it at the wrong time.

    This all boils down to immaturity and lack of intelligence but THE COMMUNITY is responsible for this. These are not some lone wolves...these are niggas that are being radicalized by petty, immature, and disrespectful influencers within our community...THAT PEOPLE CONSTANTLY DEFEND. I've been to 4 of these meetings now and spoke at two and you know what the two loudest most wrong AF groups be? STT and FBA. Talking about we indigenous to the land and that Descendants of American Chattel Slavery is incorrect because we are not African and all type of other goofy shit. Talking shit about Kamilah Moore because she is not advocating for indigenous people that was here before the 5th migration. But...

    • What they can't do is tell us what we should write in the recommendation that can't be struck down in court.
    • What they can't do is tell us what our name was before reclassification.
    • What they can't do is show any proof on anything they say

    ...and what do they do when challenged? Talk shit and call people names.They are the loudest ones but have nothing to add and think everything is a freaking joke and a game.

    All the real riders that be up there making a difference NAASD, ETM, ARCC, CJEC, and etc DO NOT get caught up in any of the dumb ass FBA, STT, ADOS beef and they are actually getting things done. These shit talkers going up there is the result of cosigning, defending, and legitimizing childish ass behaviors in the community. For cosigning, defending, and legitimizing niggas that constantly disrespect, down talk, and do not show any accountability to the Black community whatsoever.

    These people follow influencers that DO NOT have accountability, that respond to any criticism with name calling and cartoons so why are we now surprised that their followers are now running around talking shit? These niggas are doing what they are being taught to do.
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    josiah starr

    Master Sixer
    Community Host
    New Orleans
    I agree. STT has been a plague and I've BEEN voicing that since day one. Tariq was trying to be good hearted by bigging them up, but he learned the hardway. That was an L for Tariq, but I don't agree with trying to totally pin this on "influencers" alone. This is just clout chasing Negro actively. We crave attention and the spotlight. We see a microphone and audience....and boom... off we go....without a single clue.

    People admire and wanna be like Tariq Nasheed, so they imitate him and fail to see the forest from the trees. I see the same dymanic among Jason Black followers and whomever else. Some of it can be healthy, but some of it isn't due to context. Tariq Nasheed and Jason Black are....Tariq Nasheed and Jason Black. They do what they do. Respect it or not, they have an audience. Don't like the way they do it, create your own path and compete against them on principle, not sucker shit.

    Same goes for the haters. They too crave the same attention. All of it is Carnival Barking WHICH IS WHY YOU MUST IGNORE IT..... In the end, it's meaningless and ONLY BECOMES AN UNHEALTHY OBSESSION to distracts us. All the while WS are circling in as we pocket watch and whine of the most meaningless points.



    The First Sixer
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    I agree. STT has been a plague and I've BEEN voicing that since day one. Tariq was trying to be good hearted by bigging them up, but he learned the hardway. That was an L for Tariq, but I don't agree with trying to totally pin this on "influencers" alone. This is just clout chasing Negro actively. We crave attention and the spotlight. We see a microphone and audience....and boom... off we go....without a single clue.

    People admire and wanna be like Tariq Nasheed, so they imitate him and fail to see the forest from the trees. I see the same dymanic among Jason Black followers and whomever else. Some of it can be healthy, but some of it isn't due to context. Tariq Nasheed and Jason Black are....Tariq Nasheed and Jason Black. They do what they do. Respect it or not, they have an audience. Don't like the way they do it, create your own path and compete against them on principle, not sucker shit.

    Same goes for the haters. They too crave the same attention. All of it is Carnival Barking WHICH IS WHY YOU MUST IGNORE IT..... In the end, it's meaningless and ONLY BECOMES AN UNHEALTHY OBSESSION to distracts us. All the while WS are circling in as we pocket watch and whine of the most meaningless points.

    View attachment 7011
    I pin it on the influencers that model this behavior. There‘s a reason why you don’t see people going to the CA Reparations Task Force representing NAASD, ARCC, CJEC and saying stupid jibberish. It’s because they have meetings, have education sessions, encourage critical thinking skills, and etc. They don’t call names and start beefs because they are focused on the mission. The FBA and STT people be in there talking shit and calling people names and when you look at their leaders? They too are talking shit and calling names.

    Troy asked a simple question, why there wasn’t a Black food vendor at the HHM launch and he was called a failure, a low life, and other things. Instead of being given a rational explanation he was berated and that’s because that’s how that entire movement addresses issues…talking shit. At the end of the day we can agree to would be dumb for us to have static over people who aren't thinking about us.

    My parting thought though is this anti-intellectualism is being applauded every single day so people can’t be mad now that it’s showing up in the real world.

    BTW Pan Africanism Strikes Back is a super coon.


    Down From Day 1
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    I agree. STT has been a plague and I've BEEN voicing that since day one. Tariq was trying to be good hearted by bigging them up, but he learned the hardway. That was an L for Tariq, but I don't agree with trying to totally pin this on "influencers" alone. This is just clout chasing Negro actively. We crave attention and the spotlight. We see a microphone and audience....and boom... off we go....without a single clue.

    People admire and wanna be like Tariq Nasheed, so they imitate him and fail to see the forest from the trees. I see the same dymanic among Jason Black followers and whomever else. Some of it can be healthy, but some of it isn't due to context. Tariq Nasheed and Jason Black are....Tariq Nasheed and Jason Black. They do what they do. Respect it or not, they have an audience. Don't like the way they do it, create your own path and compete against them on principle, not sucker shit.

    Same goes for the haters. They too crave the same attention. All of it is Carnival Barking WHICH IS WHY YOU MUST IGNORE IT..... In the end, it's meaningless and ONLY BECOMES AN UNHEALTHY OBSESSION to distracts us. All the while WS are circling in as we pocket watch and whine of the most meaningless points.

    View attachment 7011
    I don’t like that laundry bag full of clothes built negro but he made some good points about the museum. The e-mail showed that there was no intention to drop the museum until at least August of this year.

    josiah starr

    Master Sixer
    Community Host
    New Orleans
    My point is this, I initially posted nothing mentioning influencers by name or groups by name, and.....we are once again having ANOTHER discussion on the merits of Tariq Nasheed.....and his choice of menu at a muesum opening. It's time we let this particular habit go. It's predictable. Its wack, and a bit childish.

    That's odd to me. I agressively dislike STT, but I don't obsess over them like that, even when they were "on and popping". I had faith and believed time would prove to STT followers the prudence or inprudence of thier devotion to that group (Tariq got his watch call). I had faith in that, and time proved me correct.

    Tariq haters and detractors love to point out the slavish devotion of his followers. Yeah, his 300 love to idolize him, but what haters/detractors fail to realize is....that casual followers can't tell the difference between the manner, agency and mindset. Haters follow and quote the man more them then anyone.....That too seems like a cult of following, just a cult built around something else that's equally unhealthy.

    Here's the hard truth, the ultimate downfall Tariq Nasheed will happen not because of a hater, detractors or an adversary. It will occur when someone else comes into this space or audience with a different approach. Tariq will probably HAVE TO ally with that person, and the downfall won't be embarrassing, it will simply be quiet. He will fade away as the audience moves away from him. There won't be a "gotcha" moment. It will be a "I'm washed up...time to go" moment.

    That's why say, don't tell me about Tariq or gossip about any other man for that matter,.....SHOW me what you can do, if you believe YOU can do it better.

    josiah starr

    Master Sixer
    Community Host
    New Orleans
    I remember this particular Anti-Racist diagram circulating among our circles about 5 or 6 years ago. This White Supremacists has obviously done a deep dive while researching to present his position.

    They're researching and showing up at venues now. We can't be trapped in the BS anymore. Twitter is literally filled with ADOS, Freedman, FBA, Pan-Africanism and immigrant squabbling. All of it....over attention, credit and pretty twitter beefs. All these groups are throwing rocks while pretending to be outraged victims. We have to turn the Carnival Barking off. Clout chasing has to end, or put on pause.

    The bigger fish are swimming towards us.


    josiah starr

    Master Sixer
    Community Host
    New Orleans
    This White Supremacist Suspect appears to be affiliated with a non-profit called "Judicial Watch".

    In there own words, they describe themselves.

    "Judicial Watch, a conservative, non-partisan educational foundation, which promotes transparency, accountability and integrity in government, politics and the law. Through its educational endeavors, Judicial Watch advocates high standards of ethics and morality in our nation’s public life and seeks to ensure that political and judicial officials do not abuse the powers entrusted to them by the American people."

    As you can see, the trickbag verbiage is in full effect. Your conservative....but non-partisan.....yeah. OK.



    The First Sixer
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    My point is this, I initially posted nothing mentioning influencers by name or groups by name, and.....we are once again having ANOTHER discussion on the merits of Tariq Nasheed.....and his choice of menu at a muesum opening. It's time we let this particular habit go. It's predictable. Its wack, and a bit childish.
    No one is obsessing over anyone or anything IDGAF about any of these people. Please don’t be rude and insinuate that I or my argument is childish or obsessed, that’s disrespectful, I have never spoken to you like that.

    You were talking about the beef that spilled out into the real world and I wasn’t surprised because I seen it at every past meeting and seen how dangerous it was from the onset.

    The reason I said we need to be careful with words like tether for instance is because I saw it was radicalizing idiots. I saw it giving idiots someone to hate and at a certain point would end up spiraling out of control.

    We are seeing the bad talking points, inability to discuss issues amicably, inability to think critically…manifest itself in critical times in the community. The Twitter Space and beef culture is showing itself at the CA Reparations Task Force but my argument is childish? No, that behavior is childish and is trying to sabotage our mission.

    My point is that we can’t write this off as just a bunch of dumb people walking up there when they are repeating talking points and behaviors specifically from people in the online Black community.

    You can disagree but don’t call it childish or pretend as if I’m some obsessed person that isn’t smart enough to get it. Lastly….

    My post was not about the person you mentioned, it was about the people who co-sign and model all the silliness and games….I’m saying this is the result. A propagation of silliness and games. An inability to be serious and logical at very pivotal moments in history.

    I been there and seen it with my own eyes and you cannot discredit that. The biggest grassroots movers and shakers all talk about how nasty this has become but they won’t speak out because they don’t want to get people distracted.

    The hope is that we can get to the finish line DESPITE all the static. I know a lot more but will never say it because it’s not good and will only ruffle feathers.
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    The Honorable

    Royal Sixer
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    I remember this particular Anti-Racist diagram circulating among our circles about 5 or 6 years ago. This White Supremacists has obviously done a deep dive while researching to present his position.

    They're researching and showing up at venues now. We can't be trapped in the BS anymore. Twitter is literally filled with ADOS, Freedman, FBA, Pan-Africanism and immigrant squabbling. All of it....over attention, credit and pretty twitter beefs. All these groups are throwing rocks while pretending to be outraged victims. We have to turn the Carnival Barking off. Clout chasing has to end, or put on pause.

    The bigger fish are swimming towards us.

    View attachment 7012
    I agree but what I believe you’re overlooking is the cause and effect. Why is there so much beef? Why are there so many splinter groups,? Why is there so much hate and animosity? Why is there so much chaos and confusion amongst the masses?

    I believe it’s the effect of ignorance and self-hate that is then monetized, harnessed, and emboldened by multiple individuals. If we cannot have the “genesis” and/or root cause conversation then how can we approach a solution? How can we develop a cure if we are unable to lay out all the clinical facts to make a diagnosis?

    Failure to diagnose leads to failure to treat and in the end the malignancy remains. I’m not making any determinations but once again I’m stating that it is cause and effect.

    josiah starr

    Master Sixer
    Community Host
    New Orleans
    I apologize if you took my statement personally. That was not my intent and I meant no harm. I only wanted to demonstrate my perspective and the perspective of others who are made answer towards others speculation and claims that we are enabling preceived harmful activities (defending). It's becoming a disturbing trend, equally as disturbing as my comments may have been to you. So I apologize.

    We can disagree and that's OK. I do fully agree with you regarding the use of tether. The attacks on some of our on-code allies was unwarranted and I have stood in opposition to those attack since day one. Folks like Marcel and others are starting to find out why linking up with certain elements is counter-productive. We all need sea room to learn. Including me.

    That said, I'm not willing to lay this at the feet of "influencers", no matter who they be, no matter if I rock with them or not. That's not fair, and in the court of law, that wouldn't fly.

    My opinion is this. Placing this at the feet of popular influencers is an oversimplification of the issue. I also understand its a convenient little tool to attack people. Ive been around long enough to spot that scam from a mile away.

    Influencers can be replaced and we'd have similar problems tomorrow. Our problems are bigger than a few influencers. Our problem is we have no order amongst ourselves.There is no Pecking Order among us because WE refuse to follow it. Everyone wants to speak. No one wants to EARN the right to speak. Someone needs to find TBA's broadcast on the Pecking Order. He was spot on about Tariq and Dr. Bryce Watkins....and we can even see the fruits of that today.

    We have no Pecking Order and it obvious because of the confusion and chaos we see. B1.

    Red Velvet

    Master Sixer
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    New York

    The FBA and STT people be in there talking shit and calling people names and when you look at their leaders? They too are talking shit and calling names.


    It's time we let this particular habit go. It's predictable. Its wack, and a bit childish.

    Season 2 Lol GIF by Insecure on HBO


    The First Sixer
  • Messages
    I apologize if you took my statement personally. That was not my intent and I meant no harm. I only wanted to demonstrate my perspective and the perspective of others who are made answer towards others speculation and claims that we are enabling preceived harmful activities (defending). It's becoming a disturbing trend, equally as disturbing as my comments may have been to you. So I apologize.

    We can disagree and that's OK. I do fully agree with you regarding the use of tether. The attacks on some of our on-code allies was unwarranted and I have stood in opposition to those attack since day one. Folks like Marcel and others are starting to find out why linking up with certain elements is counter-productive. We all need sea room to learn. Including me.

    That said, I'm not willing to lay this at the feet of "influencers", no matter who they be, no matter if I rock with them or not. That's not fair, and in the court of law, that wouldn't fly.

    My opinion is this. Placing this at the feet of popular influencers is an oversimplification of the issue. I also understand its a convenient little tool to attack people. Ive been around long enough to spot that scam from a mile away.

    Influencers can be replaced and we'd have similar problems tomorrow. Our problems are bigger than a few influencers. Our problem is we have no order amongst ourselves.There is no Pecking Order among us because WE refuse to follow it. Everyone wants to speak. No one wants to EARN the right to speak. Someone needs to find TBA's broadcast on the Pecking Order. He was spot on about Tariq and Dr. Bryce Watkins....and we can even see the fruits of that today.

    We have no Pecking Order and it obvious because of the confusion and chaos we see. B1.
    Thank you for being respectful and if I was in error in taking it personal I apologize. Also if me stating the defenders of popular influences felt like a [incoming sea pun] shot across your bow then I apologize for that.

    You know why we don’t have a pecking order? Because there are no resources being distributed to the people. There’s only one place you can see people following a leader who ain’t giving them a damn thing and ain’t holding them hostage and that’s church.

    Everywhere else in society, there is a direct exchange between leader and followers whether it be clothing, shelter, food or pay for it to work. It’s how White society keeps its pecking order, if you get off code they hit your economics. To get you on code they bring you into the economics.

    We don’t have that and so we see the chaos because everyone is trying to fight for the economic crumbs that fall off the White man’s table. The leader that will galvanize us will understand this and either offer some tangibles or clearly outlay a solution and a plan to get them.

    josiah starr

    Master Sixer
    Community Host
    New Orleans
    The pecking order is about more then gaining something for one's self. It about maintaining and protecting the group as a whole. Yes, the big bird(s) must provide, but more importantly, it's his duty to protect.

    Without order, providing will be impossible. Yes, White folks argue and debate, but they understand when attacking the big bird is counter-productive to the GROUPS interests. They might hate the big bird, but they understand his importance. We have no such filter. We attack the big bird and/or encourage chaos amongst the small birds when it's unwarranted. We are undisplined as a group and the Big Birds are easily distracted with BS (unfocused).

    There is a reason Yvette Carnell is still roaming. I need to find this Pecking Order broadcast.


    Senior Sixer
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    We are seeing the bad talking points, inability to discuss issues amicably, inability to think critically…manifest itself in critical times in the community. The Twitter Space and beef culture is showing itself at the CA Reparations Task Force but my argument is childish? No, that behavior is childish and is trying to sabotage our mission.
    I agree and want to paint a full picture with all of this. Theres too much division within the reparations movement and too much arguing like you said. One of the biggest examples of this is Brother Nyheim known as Lord Abba, who should have an about section on here, but when I listen to him I appreciate how thoroughly he breaks down the legal aspects of Freedmen, reparations, laws, and history. He provides a picture of reparations beyond “fixing the black community”, which is how most non FBA see this issue. I watched a very frustrating Vaush interview where he kept framing reparations as a fix for black issues instead of a rightful claim supported by a myriad of legislative precedents. Lord Abba is one of the best leaders because he constantly harps on this. It doesn’t matter if there’s 5 people in his stream he’ll still thoroughly breakdown a Reconstruction Era Bill and it’s implications on the modern day.

    Unfortunately, despite all of the extra mile effort he gives to reparations he‘s always arguing and going back and forth with these nuts and trolls. That nut that Boss Hog posted sounded very serious, no matter how deranged. Lord Abba had another nut threaten his life a few weeks ago on Twitter. That shit ain’t a joke as you also stated, some of these people are being radicalize, which I personally think is deliberate, but I digress, Lord Abba brings that upon himself by entertaining and mentioning them. That has to stop and people need to focus.

    I use him as just an example but this is many in the movement.

    What is also like to speak on is I don’t agree with how some are painting Tariq and Jason Black. Jay you’ve put in work for reparations, many on here have put in work, most of us are familiar with the the different angles that various groups view reparations, BUT that’s not everybody. Most black folk have to get up, work, and go on about they lives, they don't have the time to understand the intricacies of a Reconstruction Era bill so someone like Tariq who’s entertaining is the perfect person for those who aren’t as well informed about reparations. He keeps you engaged by mixing in knowledge with jokes. What also can’t go under appreciated is the Reparations Rally in DC, just the imagery of that is powerful alone, but if I want to show someone who might be older and not as informed the video from the rally, they’ll know the movement is serious. It’s a great introductory tool to the reparations movement, and that’s what most people need. I know to many of us it might seem rudimentary but we all start somewhere, a mathematician doesn’t need a times table but he needed a times table to become a mathematician.
    I agree especially the last paragraph but if that entertainment is leading people to go to the CA Reparations Task Force and saying “this is all a farce, we are Native Americans and y’all need to work on getting us paid through the Indian treaties” is it as benign as you make it out to be? I would say no.


    The First Sixer
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    The pecking order is about more then gaining something for one's self. It about maintaining and protecting the group as a whole. Yes, the big bird(s) must provide, but more importantly, it's his duty to protect.

    Without order, providing will be impossible. Yes, White folks argue and debate, but they understand when attacking the big bird is counter-productive to the GROUPS interests. They might hate the big bird, but they understand his importance. We have no such filter. We attack the big bird and/or encourage chaos amongst the small birds when it's unwarranted. We are undisplined as a group and the Big Birds are easily distracted with BS (unfocused).

    There is a reason Yvette Carnell is still roaming. I need to find this Pecking Order broadcast.
    But White people knock off any big bird that doesn’t serve their interest. If a big bird is not accountable to white people and is not serving their interest they get them out the paint.

    Britain was founded because the little birds (Anglos, Saxons, and Jutes) felt like the big bird Rome was too weak so they ceased Brittania.

    The USA was founded because the little birds (the colonies) didn’t feel like the big bird (Britain) was doing right by them so they said screw Britain and took over.

    That’s the part that DOES NOT happen in our society. If the pastor is stealing the building fund they don’t take the pastor our back and deal with him. If the pastor is screwing the young boys they don’t take him out back and deal with him.

    They say “hey you can’t go around talking about the pastor like that he is a man of god after all and none of us are perfect”

    That’s what White people DO NOT do. They are extremely pragmatic and say the Goal is X, we need Y to do it, and Z. Q, and B are potential obstacles. When Z Q and B get in the way even if they are fellow White people they destroy them.

    It is why they are so successful because they always allow the cream to rise to the top. A superior opinion or tactic is what they rally behind not personalities.

    That’s why they will switch between liberal, conservative, dem or rep, or left or right or fascism or capitalism because they do not have a dogmatic attachment to these labels. They have a dogmatic attachment to winning and will not let anything get in the way of that.

    josiah starr

    Master Sixer
    Community Host
    New Orleans
    I agree. The big bird can be removed and should be if he or she is not performing in the interest of the group.

    Here's the other side to that. When you are the big bird, you will always have some that are quacking under their breath.

    The pastor will always have some in congregation that making accusations. That comes with the terrority. That's why big bird are given more sea room due to the difficulty that comes with that.

    Accusations and gossip are one thing. Evidence of misconduct is completely another. You come for the big bird, you come real. Otherwise little quacking birds are sewing discontent for purposes that aren't in line with the wishes and goals of the group.

    Little quacking bird is one of the main reason we are here today, with all this division. Tariq (Sarah) let them lay around and Boyce Watkins (Yvette) let them hang around. I can literally trace it all back there.

    You can change out the big bird all you want, but the little birds remain discontented and quacking about one thing or another.....same problem


    Senior Sixer
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    Half Black
    I do not think the division is necessarily a problem, what I think is the problem is the different divisions being able to have simple conversations with one another. Everything becomes ghetto and tacky which then turns into siloes.

    It feels like Sa Neter TV all over again. We had the Hebrews who hated the Kemetic who beefed with the Moors. Now we got the Freedmen, FBA, and ADOS all going back and forth. SMH.


    The First Sixer
  • Messages
    I agree. The big bird can be removed and should be if he or she is not performing in the interest of the group.

    Here's the other side to that. When you are the big bird, you will always have some that are quacking under their breath.

    The pastor will always have some in congregation that making accusations. That comes with the terrority. That's why big bird are given more sea room due to the difficulty that comes with that.

    Accusations and gossip are one thing. Evidence of misconduct is completely another. You come for the big bird, you come real. Otherwise little quacking birds are sewing discontent for purposes that aren't in line with the wishes and goals of the group.

    Little quacking bird is one of the main reason we are here today, with all this division. Tariq (Sarah) let them lay around and Boyce Watkins (Yvette) let them hang around. I can literally trace it all back there.

    You can change out the big bird all you want, but the little birds remain discontented and quacking about one thing or another.....same problem
    I don’t agree with big birds getting more sea room, they need less. People that want to speak in our interest should be held to greater standards than anyone else in the community.

    People will always talk but not all talk is trash talk. If someone says “hey I lost some data when the site crashed the other day” what is the better response?

    1. I’m sorry and I will do better to ensure that doesn’t happen again, here’s a month of First Class for free.
    2. Who cares, you’re not paying for this service so get lost. You’re just a jealous hater.
    3. Ignore.

    Every time one of those “little birds” brings up a concern in this community the answer is number 2.

    Number 1 silences 90% of the little birds because the issue they are bringing up is being addressed with respect and decency.

    Number 2 causes the little birdies to get louder and louder because their concerns are not being addressed.

    They give money, something happens, they ask a question and they get number 2. Of course they will get louder in their critiques and questioning.

    For instance, people like Pan Africanism Strikes Back and Taharka Bey wouldn’t have a leg to stand on if the answer was Number 1.

    At the end of the day, I believe we cannot afford to treat our community like one big church anymore. The pastor is not sacred, no one is. None of are sacred, none of us are beyond reproach and none of us should be given more sea room.

    We need a clear agenda and anyone that is not moving in that direction gotta go. All the little and big bird stuff will be organic. If we all moving in the right direction the big birds will naturally rise to the top and if they get there and start tripping they need to be defeathered and thrown in some flour.

    As 6ZEROS grows I don’t want more sea room, I want less. I want everyone here especially those who have donated and contributed to feel like that can ask what is going on around here. It’s all about transparency.

    But that’s because I feel like a servant to the Black community and not someone who feels like it is indebted to me for my presence. I own Black Women and Children their safety and right to grow and prosper they don’t owe me nothing.

    josiah starr

    Master Sixer
    Community Host
    New Orleans
    There is a big difference between giving someone sea room to complete a task and lowering of a standard.

    No one is advocating for or say we should lower our standards. What is being said is someone has committed to performing a difficult task, you should allow for some flexibility to meet the goal. Any reasonable fair-minded person would agree with that, I'd hope.

    It's great that you are being transparent with 6ZEROS. Mark this down as you read the future there will be someone or some group accusing you of grifting. Its going to happen. When you become the big bird, you will approach this from a much different perspective, because none of the is easy. Some one already made a little slick remark about you eating at a white steakhouse during one of your twitter spaces. Newsflash, there is nothing wrong with eating a steak at a white restauratnt. But that can be weaponized....

    All too often calls for transparency are convenient shields for ppl to hide behind while they throw rocks (especially white folks), whatever the reasoning. History is a good indicator of the future. If a person's history demonstrates that they have delivered on promises in past, it's a good bet they will do the same in the future. Track record matters.

    I have never asked anyone for dime and I won't. I hate it when we accuse each other of stealing money and wouldn't handle that well. Online ppl are extremely cavalier about do so, and it harmful. People get serious when money is involved and that can become toxic, as we see.


    The First Sixer
  • Messages
    There is a big difference between giving someone sea room to complete a task and lowering of a standard.

    No one is advocating for or say we should lower our standards. What is being said is someone has committed to performing a difficult task, you should allow for some flexibility to meet the goal. Any reasonable fair-minded person would agree with that, I'd hope.

    It's great that you are being transparent with 6ZEROS. Mark this down as you read the future there will be someone or some group accusing you of grifting. Its going to happen. When you become the big bird, you will approach this from a much different perspective, because none of the is easy. Some one already made a little slick remark about you eating at a white steakhouse during one of your twitter spaces. Newsflash, there is nothing wrong with eating a steak at a white restauratnt. But that can be weaponized....

    All too often calls for transparency are convenient shields for ppl to hide behind while they throw rocks (especially white folks), whatever the reasoning. History is a good indicator of the future. If a person's history demonstrates that they have delivered on promises in past, it's a good bet they will do the same in the future. Track record matters.

    I have never asked anyone for dime and I won't. I hate it when we accuse each other of stealing money and wouldn't handle that well. Online ppl are extremely cavalier about do so, and it harmful. People get serious when money is involved and that can become toxic, as we see.
    Hey Jo even though we going back and forth I want to let you know you my dog. I want to make sure that’s clear.

    josiah starr

    Master Sixer
    Community Host
    New Orleans
    I rock you brother and you soon find out how much. Talk is cheap.

    I share your vision for 6ZEROS. Twitter is bullshit. It's poison and I fucking hate it. We gotta set the example of how we work with each, interact, etc... and.....before know it all the people screaming tether and akata, freedman or ADOS, will see something much more constructive then the BS out their. All of us here have to lay the foundation for this to be the safe house.

    In the meantime, we can't fall into the non-sense. We have to police this aggressively because polluted minds have and come with sinster agendas. Brick by brick we build.


    The First Sixer
  • Messages
    No one is advocating for or say we should lower our standards. What is being said is someone has committed to performing a difficult task, you should allow for some flexibility to meet the goal. Any reasonable fair-minded person would agree with that, I'd hope.

    Ok I understand your point here and respect it but I disagree. We shouldn’t debate this as we just don’t see eye to eye on it.

    t's great that you are being transparent with 6ZEROS. Mark this down as you read the future there will be someone or some group accusing you of grifting. Its going to happen. When you become the big bird, you will approach this from a much different perspective, because none of the is easy. Some one already made a little slick remark about you eating at a white steakhouse during one of your twitter spaces. Newsflash, there is nothing wrong with eating a steak at a white restauratnt. But that can be weaponized....

    I don’t agree, I’m not a spring chicken and have ran multiple business and been in high profile positions and I always take time to address my critics. If you have an issue bring it to the table and I‘ll address it. What I won’t do is address the same thing over and over again but I’ll definitely address it. I think criticism is healthy and I invite. If someone calls me a grifter I’ll show why I’m not and keep it pushIng.

    All too often calls for transparency are convenient shields for ppl to hide behind while they throw rocks (especially white folks), whatever the reasoning. History is a good indicator of the future. If a person's history demonstrates that they have delivered on promises in past, it's a good bet they will do the same in the future. Track record matters.

    Bad intentioned people cannot be used as justification for not demanding good business practices. Someone with bad intentions can ask a good question and a legit question.

    I have never asked anyone for dime and I won't. I hate it when we accuse each other of stealing money and wouldn't handle that well. Online ppl are extremely cavalier about do so, and it harmful. People get serious when money is involved and that can become toxic, as we see.
    Yeah stealing money is a serious thing to accuse someone of just like being a sex offender. We should do our due diligence and research before making such claims. Like the idiots that Tariq steals money…it’s a lie. He has produced something for every single donation campaign, that’s a solid track record.

    josiah starr

    Master Sixer
    Community Host
    New Orleans
    "Bad intentioned people cannot be used as justification for not demanding good business practices. Someone with bad intentions can ask a good question and a legit question."

    This is probably the core root of our disagreement in this discussion Jay.

    We'll have to disagree on this one because intent means alot in a setting where we are dealing with social capital among a group that's attempting to work together. If we aren't going to use ill-intended ppl, I believe we shouldn't try to have it both ways by entertaining them or lending them legitimacy. (Pecking Order)

    Legit questions are one thing. Distaste for how someone manages their business is cool and healthy. Bad faith arguments and ill-intent are completely another. By necessity, folks with bad intentions are going to hid among those with legit and sincere issues. Especially in the settings we are operating in.

    The challenge we have is distinguishing between the two....which automatically begs me to unveal issues I probably shouldn't and won't do here. There is a reason I stay quiet and exam everyone. This Empowerment sphere is not touch football, it's high impact, full contact and some really play dirty and beyond the whistle. B1.


    The First Sixer
  • Messages
    We'll have to disagree on this one because intent means alot in a setting where we are dealing with social capital among a group that's attempting to work together. If we aren't going to use ill-intended ppl, I believe we shouldn't try to have it both ways by entertaining them or lending them legitimacy. (Pecking Order)

    Intent is important but it does not diminish the validity of a particular question. For instance:

    If a hater asks: “hey, where did the cash go?

    It may be asked in bad faith but if there hasn’t been an actual accounting of the cash then it is a valid question even if from a flawed individual. What you’re advocating is that we engage in logical fallacies (ad hominem) to invalidate the question BASED ON characteristics of the enquirer. With this type of logic, if someone doesn’t want to answer a question all they have to do is question the motive of the enquirer.

    randomdudeconfused”I want to ask Bernie Madoff how he’s getting such large returns?”

    SOEskeptical”I question your intentions in even asking that, he has done so much…he’s help the Rothsteins quadruple their business”

    This is the logic you’re advocating and it would have worked perfectly to protect someone like Bernie Madoff. Orange cap guy could be the biggest hating ass nigga in the world but for real…how the hell is Bernie getting those returns??? That’s a valid ass question.

    Legit questions are one thing. Distaste for how someone manages their business is cool and healthy. Bad faith arguments and ill-intent are completely another. By necessity, folks with bad intentions are going to hid among those with legit and sincere issues. Especially in the settings we are operating in

    Once again this is operating with logical fallacies being the default method of thinking and I don’t subscribe to that. There’s many people who hate me but I can separate their question from their intention. A hater can ask:

    Inquiry 1: ”Hey are you funded by Europeans?” <-Valid Inquiry from a hater

    Inquiry 2: ”Y’all funded by Europeans I can tell by how you run it”. <-Hater just hating

    It is easy to see the difference between the two via logic but I understand how the appear exactly the same via dogma. Because with dogma any inquiry is heretical therefore the nuance is irrelevant. You see, I see a difference between:

    ”Youtuber A is a grifter” and “Hey is Youtuber A spending the money according to the plan?’”

    First one is a hater comment, second is not.

    The challenge we have is distinguishing between the two....which automatically begs me to unveal issues I probably shouldn't and won't do here. There is a reason I stay quiet and exam everyone. This Empowerment sphere is not touch football, it's high impact, full contact and some really play dirty and beyond the whistle. B1.

    I have no issue distinguishing between the two at all which I have demonstrated. You may not agree with me but my ideology is unified and consistent across the board. There are no double standards I have to try to rationalize to remain consistent. I don’t say there are rules and then try to justify why some people have to follow them and others don’t.

    The issue here is not one of different morality or lack of understanding of the ecology. The issue IMO is that I don’t believe that there is anyone special. I loooooooooove Malcolm X but he was dead wrong for talking about the NOI on White TV in my eyes. My love for Malcolm X does not hinder my ability to hold him to the same standard I hold myself and others to.