I'm trying to get to the application part however the question of race and the effects it may have on black progress is at play currently. I'm trying to work through that with brother Sovereign, again my purpose is to provide insight into the real estate game if you're considering it as a business. Future lessons will discuss obstacles including race and my suggestions to overcome them.How can I make this practical. I like what you’re saying but how do I apply it?
I hear you and I was not saying that White Supremacy has closed all the doors. My ears simply perk up when I read things such as:After giving considerable thought to what Sovereign said; Yes we have been the recipients of racism at every turn. Yet many have achieved great wealth in spite of it why can't we do the same. Sovereign indicated black people must be exceptional just to get good. There is great disparity in the number of black people who achieve success compared to the # that don't. There are many reasons for this one being systemic racism. I could feel the pain in Sovereign words of how racism seems to be hiding in every corner waiting to kill everything we build. One thing I know white people are afraid of us why else would they go to such trouble to undermine our success? Yes, I'm sure some of us will deal with the worst of white supremacy as we attempt to dream big. Yet, I've always been inspired to believe other black people have achieved great wealth why can't I? My mother became a doctor in her 60s she faced racism in a subtle way but she didn't let those MF win. She looked at the chessboard made her move the rest is history. My wife came here in the trunk of a car, couldn't speak English. Yet passed the real estate exam in 2 tries, today she's broker makes more paper than I do. White folks come to her all the time for training. She tells them sorry I don't train white folks go find yourself a white coach. Then you have young cats like Chris Smalls fired from Amazon their lawyers tried to discredit him, but he understood the game he was playing(THAT US KEY). Amazon ignited passion and drive in him read his story He was fired by Amazon 2 years ago. Now he's the force behind the company's 1st union. He wasn't concerned with race or lawyers he was focused on the goal. I can give you 1000 stories like this. You get the point. Sovereign you are right but this is war in war we are fighting so your kids and mine can have a future through hard work and dedication and not be stifled by racism along the way. We have more resources today than our ancestors had to defeat these MF. I don't know about you but I'm trying to make as much $$ as possible to help as many black Americans level the playing field. Hell, I may even run for office I'm not concerned with WS they need to be concerned with me. Moving on to the next lesson!
Because if White people weren't raiding out towns, passing laws that blocked us from getting loans, using eminent domain, and other tactics we would have a vibrant community of real estate owners, brokers, etc. The deficiency you see is due to the artificial environment created by White Supremacy. Within the constant hurdles we would be doing everything in your first and second paragraphs just like everyone else does. Because while I can do it as an individual and you can as an individual when you, I, Jay, Rollie, and etc get together and do it it becomes a threat and gains the eye of the authorities. I'm not saying it can't be done, that was never my point, just that we playing a different game and our biggest enemy is not ambition, it's White supremacy.I will say don't believe because you are black you can't have success in Real Estate or any other money game. Our people must realize never before in US history has there been more ways to gain wealth.
Thank you.Regarding your appraisal video it'
I'm trying to get to the application part however the question of race and the effects it may have on black progress is at play currently. I'm trying to work through that with brother Sovereign, again my purpose is to provide insight into the real estate game if you're considering it as a business. Future lessons will discuss obstacles including race and my suggestions to overcome them.
True, I've already made a gold mine now I'm just helping others where I can after all the only reason God blesses us with money is so we can help others rise.Everyone can make money and it's all about having a good structure that's set up for you to take advantage of the opportunity that presents itself in the society.
Ps. You don't have to do what everyone else do, seek out a problem in the society that needs solving and you have yourself a gold mine to wealth.
Yeah, that's very correct. One good thing about helping others get their financial freedom is that most of the time they will ever be loyal and grateful to you for the assistance you have given them.True, I've already made a gold mine now I'm just helping others where I can after all the only reason God blesses us with money is so we can help others rise.
You make a good point however, I don't believe WS is our greatest enemy. Its division among our race white people have positioned themselves in law enforcement, state & federal gov'ts & news outlets etc to carry out their WS acts. We must do the same or similar to the mormom's they are a self-contained engine whatever they need is created from within. keep us divided you see it in the news, gov't, other races supporting the gov't narrative and those pretending to be black Americans. I keep going back to the enormous amount of energy all these.I hear you and I was not saying that White Supremacy has closed all the doors. My ears simply perk up when I read things such as:
Because if White people weren't raiding out towns, passing laws that blocked us from getting loans, using eminent domain, and other tactics we would have a vibrant community of real estate owners, brokers, etc. The deficiency you see is due to the artificial environment created by White Supremacy. Within the constant hurdles we would be doing everything in your first and second paragraphs just like everyone else does. Because while I can do it as an individual and you can as an individual when you, I, Jay, Rollie, and etc get together and do it it becomes a threat and gains the eye of the authorities. I'm not saying it can't be done, that was never my point, just that we playing a different game and our biggest enemy is not ambition, it's White supremacy.
I didn't have money either when I started and most people who start a business don't have $$ either. I can better answer you if I know how you earn a living now, do you have kids and/or a wife?What's your advice from someone outside the US, brother? I can't invest is real state because i'm broke right now.
Very true, Gratitude is the shortest-lived of all emotions people soon forget the things you've done for them.Yeah, that's very correct. One good thing about helping others get their financial freedom is that most of the time they will ever be loyal and grateful to you for the assistance you have given them.
I feel as if you’re mischaracterizing my argument a bit. Telling Black people they can succeed is great but Black people’s biggest issue is not lack of ambition, it’s White supremacy. Even when we are motivated, ambitiois, entrepreneurial the system attempts to disenfranchise us. Let me show an example:
View: https://www.npr.org/2021/12/12/1063483640/a-lawsuit-in-california-says-homes-of-black-families-are-being-under-valued
When stuff like this happens people like you tell us to turn a blind eye and keep striving. I’m saying keep your eye on it, expect it, call it out, seek punishment, and keep striving. I feel like it’s setting our people to fail to tell them to be ambitious but not be aware that the municipal, state, and feds will come after them. That when Juan makes a taco stand and has 4 food code violations he gets a warning but if you get 1 you’re a threat to public safety and must close.
We don’t live in some binary reality where it’s point out White supremacy and fail or ignore it and succeed. I’m going to point it out AND succeed.
This is actually why I don't ever expect to get anything in return for whatever help I render to other people. It's something that I know can make you feel totally disappointed if you expect and they fail.Very true, Gratitude is the shortest-lived of all emotions people soon forget the things you've done for them.
All we can do is share what we know, what the person does with it is of no concern to us.This is actually why I don't ever expect to get anything in return for whatever help I render to other people. It's something that I know can make you feel totally disappointed if you expect and they fail.
You make a good point however, I don't believe WS is our greatest enemy. Its division among our race white people have positioned themselves in law enforcement, state & federal gov'ts & news outlets etc to carry out their WS acts. We must do the same or similar to the mormom's they are a self-contained engine whatever they need is created from within. keep us divided you see it in the news, gov't, other races supporting the gov't narrative and those pretending to be black Americans. I keep going back to the enormous amount of energy all these.
I didn't have money either when I started and most people who start a business don't have $$ either. I can better answer you if I know how you earn a living now, do you have kids and/or a wife?
Very true, Gratitude is the shortest-lived of all emotions people soon forget the things you've done for them.
Start here; The one thing I suggest to anyone wishing to start any kind of business is to read Rich Dad Poor Dad this book will help you change the way you view making money and it's an easy read! (thats important) and The only investment guide you'll ever need by Andrew Tobias.What's your advice from someone outside the US, brother? I can't invest is real state because i'm broke right now.
Exactly! There are still good one's out there that would always come back to appreciate all you have done for them. So, it's why we keep doing good.All we can do is share what we know, what the person does with it is of no concern to us.
Thanks man, i'll read both books.Start here; The one thing I suggest to anyone wishing to start any kind of business is to read Rich Dad Poor Dad this book will help you change the way you view making money and it's an easy read! (thats important) and The only investment guide you'll ever need by Andrew Tobias.
My husband's teaching me, every evening since I arrived here in GA. Tax Liens, Air BnBs, Commercial, Foreclosures, Residential real estate & flipping houses.lesson #1: I will say don't believe because you are black you can't have success in Real Estate or any other money game. Our people must realize never before in US history has there been more ways to gain wealth. I'm not talking about making 100 or 300k/yr I'm talking about millions. All you need is a computer, an idea, a little passion, educate yourself and understand there is no success without struggle. When you begin making paper, eliminate ALL debt before you spend on anything else. Why? because every business at some point will deal with the unexpected and it will affect the $$ you have been making. My wife and I left day jobs 23 years ago and haven't looked back. When the gov't created the market collapse no one was making $$ including us. We had cash and no debt, so we said people are losing their homes let's help them. In that process, and one bad experience we acquired 18 free and clear properties for an avg of 40k each over a period of 7 years. We were just trying to generate income through loan mods and short sales so we could continue to afford the office rent. Had no idea it would lead to this...
Also Think and Grow Rick is another good book to read that's going to help to beef up your mentality towards money making.Start here; The one thing I suggest to anyone wishing to start any kind of business is to read Rich Dad Poor Dad this book will help you change the way you view making money and it's an easy read! (thats important) and The only investment guide you'll ever need by Andrew Tobias.
I'm considering jumping into investing in shares as well but for not truly understanding it very well, I have been drawing back on it.Mindset of the day; Treat everything as an investment and do not risk your hard-earned $$ on things you don't understand. A side note if any of you are traders Amazon will do a 20-1 spilt on May 25th. Today it trades at $3128/sh after the split around you get in in around $140/share buy as many shares as you can and hold. Example10 shares at $139=1390 investment if we assume it will reach $3000 again you make 34k, the 12 moving avg $3433.03
Look to you tube to learn the different trading platforms TD Ameri trade has to many moving parts Fidelity is easier to learnI'm considering jumping into investing in shares as well but for not truly understanding it very well, I have been drawing back on it.
I'm going to look for more info on it before getting in on it.
Do you have any specific YouTube channel that you can actually recommend for me to go straight to instead running around the platform?Look to you tube to learn the different trading platforms TD Ameri trade has to many moving parts Fidelity is easier to learn
I wanted to share what I know about the appraisal process. If I was that couple here's my approach. When remodeling decide what upgrades give you the greatest value and make sure you upgrade to the level of the sub-division. NOTE: Bathrooms, Kitchens, more Sq.ft.. add the greatest value. a new AC, windows, doors etc do not. Then find a competent agent have them run a CMA (Comparative Market Analysis) based on the upgrades you are considering. The CMA will tell what other homes are selling for based on similar upgrades, features & sq.ft. Now you know what upgrades will command the price point you are looking for. You can also dispute an appraisal with this data. In the words of Marcus Garvey "Never forget intelligence rules the world and ignorance carries the burden"! Therefore remove yourself as far from ignorance as possible and seek as far as possible to be intelligent.
Not sure what you mean please elaborateNo, Part of becoming a trader means learning you must perform your own (DD) due diligence and be comfortable doing it. This is the beginning of that process, research for many traders is their greatest weakness but one you must embrace to have success as a trader. After you decide on a trading platform, you must perform more research to decide what type of trader you wish to be ie. day, momentum, or position trader etc Then adhere to basic trading rules; Manage risk, trade w/ the trend, stick to the pattern, trading w/ emotion only causes losses, wait for pullback don't chance price action. I've just given you another way to generate revenue, now you must figure out how to activate it. The rest is up to you....
Not sure if this is for me but this:Not sure what you mean please elaborate
You should have dropped the knowledge and not muddle it with a “you lazy stupid negros” talking point.I will say don't believe because you are black you can't have success in Real Estate or any other money game. Our people must realize never before in US history has there been more ways to gain wealth.
What part of the information provided thus far indicates to you that I'm saying or implying black people are stupid and lazy?Not sure if this is for me but this:
You should have dropped the knowledge and not muddle it with a “you lazy stupid negros” talking point.
Not sure if this is for me but this:
You should have dropped the knowledge and not muddle it with a “you lazy stupid negros” talking point.
None of the info provided about Real Estate said or implied race at all, it was another individual who added race to my lesson. I simply responded to his comment also, that said, I'll assume neither of you can read minds. Yet, you both have decided any black man who tries to build a business will automatically encounter white supremacy. I say that is "stinkin thinkin" and anyone who believe's it has fallen out of a stupid tree and hit every branch on the way to the ground. Here's what I know for sure.. people of all colors are making millions doing shit you would not think could make $$. When I say there are more ways to make $$ than every before. (((I MEANS IT'S EASIER NOW GO GET YOURS))) If you don't do it now you never will!!! White supremacy will be the least of your concerns, in the first 5-10 plus years should you have the courage to try building a business. Your only focus as black man should be building to win, keeping your family united while you do it, while keeping your kids close and when you do make big $$ your risk is now greater than ever before. Why? family is usually the first to suffer in business. You will lose friends, family members and others you thought you could trust to help you. That's just the beginning. NOTE: I'm done discussing race in business it won't help you make one $1. I'm here to share what I know it only takes 1 seed to change a person's life. Don't speculate what you think I mean just ask me. I recently provided a money-making idea you can do in your drawes. The question is will you put the time into learning how to setup a stock account, learn how to use it's and make a few paper trades so your ready when the stock split occurs? or will let race or other bullshit stop you from making $$Not sure if this is for me but this:
You should have dropped the knowledge and not muddle it with a “you lazy stupid negros” talking point.
I already have an individual brokerage and Roth IRA with E*trade…you proved once again what I’m talking about. I make good money but in your brain that’s impossible because I’m Black and all about Black empowerment.The question is will you put the time into learning how to setup a stock account, learn how to use it's and make a few paper trades so your ready when the stock split occurs? or will let race or other bullshit stop you from making $$
That’s a lie:None of the info provided about Real Estate said or implied race at all,
lesson #1: I will say don't believe because you are black you can't have success in Real Estate or any other money game. Our people must realize
Alright then, I'm going to take my time and research on everything that I can lay my hands on and see all the information I would likely pick up that's going to be very beneficial to me.No, Part of becoming a trader means learning you must perform your own (DD) due diligence and be comfortable doing it. This is the beginning of that process, research for many traders is their greatest weakness but one you must embrace to have success as a trader. After you decide on a trading platform, you must perform more research to decide what type of trader you wish to be ie. day, momentum, or position trader etc Then adhere to basic trading rules; Manage risk, trade w/ the trend, stick to the pattern, trading w/ emotion only causes losses, wait for pullback don't chance price action. I've just given you another way to generate revenue, now you must figure out how to activate it. The rest is up to you....
Obviously, the information provided is not for you, I'm sure everyone here does not have an IRA or brokerage account or even know where to start in Real Estate. Before they can get started. You are already telling them don't bother white supremacy will just blow up your dream. Unless you can predict the future you have no idea what they may encounter. Let them get started and learn and if WS becomes a challenge we can help them deal with it at that point.I already have an individual brokerage and Roth IRA with E*trade…you proved once again what I’m talking about. I make good money but in your brain that’s impossible because I’m Black and all about Black empowerment.
If you have business advice to kick, do so but stop the down talking. We can equally be successful and have our eyes on white supremacy at the same time.
The number of enterprising towns we had that were burned to the ground is proof that making businesses is not our worst problem. Don’t let your anecdotes make you blind to the system at play.
You sound like a Larry Elder and it’s not a good look.
I didn't disclose my age either, until I determine you have a need to know I'm not obligated to provide any personal intel. I didn't assume anything, you all decided for me. Again, WS doesn't matter or where you will get the money to build your business if you intend to succeed you must solve both of those problems right? It should not be part of your business plan. Where in the hell did you learn to read minds?That’s a lie:
This was your first sentence:
You started off talking race and about what Black people need to be doing. I doubt you’re even Black and if you are it’s embarrassing that you don’t even like it enough to claim it on an Internet forum catering to Black empowerment. You started off all wrong:
How the hell did you find this forum?
- You didn’t disclose your race
- You came on here assuming how we think
- You told us white supremacy doesn’t matter/exist
Don't waste time on videos you feel are hard to understand. Some of the folks just aren't good teachers. Try different lessons until what you like. You need to learn how to interpret level 2 alsoAlright then, I'm going to take my time and research on everything that I can lay my hands on and see all the information I would likely pick up that's going to be very beneficial to me.
I’m not going to keep going back and forth because if you’re truly well intentioned I don’t want to turn your thread left. However, White Supremacy DOES matter. White Supremacy is a constant factor in every aspect of our lives. We need to understand it so that when we build we don’t fall victim just like all the other Black people who done exactly what you’re advocating.I didn't disclose my age either, until I determine you have a need to know I'm not obligated to provide any personal intel. I didn't assume anything, you all decided for me. Again, WS doesn't matter or where you will get the money to build your business if you intend to succeed you must solve both of those problems right? It should not be part of your business plan. Where in the hell did you learn to read minds?
Yeah, that's very well what I have been doing for 2 days now. Once I watch at least 10 minutes and still can't understand what's been explained, I will move on to another video.Don't waste time on videos you feel are hard to understand. Some of the folks just aren't good teachers. Try different lessons until what you like. You need to learn how to interpret level 2 also
I understand the point of your comments but we're not talking about the same thing.I’m not going to keep going back and forth because if you’re truly well intentioned I don’t want to turn your thread left. However, White Supremacy DOES matter. White Supremacy is a constant factor in every aspect of our lives. We need to understand it so that when we build we don’t fall victim just like all the other Black people who done exactly what you’re advocating.
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You’ve had all these Black Americans building towns, infrastructure, and wealth and White people destroyed it. When they couldn’t destroy it by law they just razed it. I’m simply saying be cognizant of it and don’t be naive and believe that your chief issue is motivation. No, your chief issue is a system that wants you at the bottom at all costs and YOU MUST CHALLENGE THAT SYSTEM IN ORDER TO SUCCEED. You are saying “you must ignore the system” but that’s a losing battle because the system you’re telling Black people to ignore has its crosshairs on Black people at all times.
Your way of thinking will lead right back to the graphic I posted.
Teri Ijeoma is her nameI think this lady does a good job of splanning her lessonsView: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IwjfV2EN8ws&list=PLahvUKfU_z3ppJ0Vo2_Fa7AyQJQ8lNhG9&index=6
Correct, the first lesson of financial literacy should be, do not create debt, then save...My father taught me from a young age to view money as time. This helped me to budget and spend it wisely and kept me from senseless debts. I think you are right that you need to have a different view of money or it will enslave you.