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Cynthia G, Tommy Sotomayor, Christelyn Karazin & others


Senior Sixer
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    Half Black
    ...what are your opinions of them? And do they fit into this new FBA, reparations, uber-pro black empowerment movement that is currently happening? Are they on code or off code?
    IDFW any of them at all especially sotomayors coon self.


    On Y0 Six
    Community Host
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    ...what are your opinions of them? And do they fit into this new FBA, reparations, uber-pro black empowerment movement that is currently happening? Are they on code or off codThat's a big F' No on cynthetic g and tommy moistor dont know tha 3rd you mentioned.
    nothing, they are irrelevant when it comes to anything Black. If they disappeared today it would have no impact on anything or anyone. They seek attention, I'd guess because they had a childhood that sucked. two of the three you mentioned in my opinion,
    don't work on a full tank if you get my drift.


    Sixer First Class+
    Around 2015 I think I donated $50 to Cynthia G. She was going harder on white folks and white supremacy than even Tariq and TBA. She was even saying they were genetically this and that. It started going left when she invited the girl Tariq fired on air and advised this chick on her platform for all of us to see and hear, how to file a lawsuit against him.

    I was shocked. Tariq, understandably, went after her. She straight out lied. She did one of those 'don't believe your lying eyes' thingies. Then as some would expect, the men who followed Tariq went after her. She effed with TBA as well so it was coming from some of his followers as well. This made her turn 180 degrees to talk about so called 'Black Male Pathology' to the point she invited a white boy on her program to tell her that white men don't see Black men as a threat and that Black women are the ones who impresses on the job.

    I didn't see it at the time but she's an opportunist sociopath. I am not being hyperbolic.

    Tommy Sotomayor was cordial and friendly with Tariq. Then out of left field he took shots. He thought Tariq was talking about him in coded speech. The G thing would have been to pick up a phone and talk about it. As for him, he has a pathology against all black women. Not some, all. It's fair to say some black women this, some black men that. But he and Cyn G talk about black men and women as a collective in absolute terms. Tommy though dates non black women and talks about black women. When asked about being pro Black he doesn't say he is, he says he is pro logic. Is there a difference? Isnt' being pro Black as a Black person logical? No one has followed up witih that question. He's also done the traitourous thing by going on white platforms to dog his own.

    However, I have noticed something. TBA, Tariq's subs have gone up consistently. TBA the most I think. He's catching up to Tariq when he was way behind before. Cyn G's numbers have stagnated. Sotomayor's have gone down.

    One of the good byproducts of all this reparations talk, FBA, black empowerment, etc, movement is it isolates people within who are obviously off code. At some point, just for the sake of making a living off youtube and such, both of them will have to make hard choices. Their followers will have their subs on their paperwork and such. It's going to be hard to say you are pro black and a follower of Cyn G or Tommy. Impossible actually.

    As for as Karazin, I'd love to interview her and ask her a few things. She's also a 2 faced person. She will say certain things when on a platform with black men and women that is more mainstream "I'm all for making the right choices for you and expanding Black women's choices given the lack of numbers of eligble black men". Sounds fair. It's tough to argue to some extent (I can However, her guests and her platform advocates ONLY dating white men. Here's the lie she doesn't say with regards to numbers. There are more men than women period. Always has been historically, globally. Why? Men have had to toil the fields, live the harder life and so die earlier. Throw in wars, and such and its even moreso. Ask her when was there EVER enough Black men for Black women in America? The answer is never. There never was. The variable is just how less. There are more white women than white men at marriage age. She doesn't say that. White men generally are decreasing due to demographic shifts. They are far more likely to be incels, etc. that we hear about all the time so that reduces the number even more. Black men don't have that incel (involuntary cellibacy) issue. Furthermore, the Opiod crisis is the biggest drug problem in American history. It dwarfs the crack epidemic. The governmetn and white folks don't say that. We are only 13 percent of the population. Crack hit us hard but it wasn't all of us, the vast, vast majority of us weren't on crack. The opiod eipideimc hit the 190 million white folks (as opposed to 45 million of us) very, very hard. Much harder. It was far more pervasive. Ohio's leading cause of death for white men 18-36 was opiod overdose at one time. May still be. She doesn't talk about how that devastated marriage age white men. I have white female buddies and from various parts of America who have met over the years and they said the dating scene for them was the worst than they have ever seen.

    So, there is also the social issue. Black women are still not socially acceptable in white society. I think Black women are the most beautiful women on earth hands down, 85 percent of Black men or so (too low for my liking) still prefer to marry Black women but white folks in America obviously, historically have not wanted us in their world. Now, given that fact. Let's say you are a pretty, educated, nice black woman. A catch for anyone. Deemed attractive to anyone even non Blacks who are not necessarily into Black women. Naomi Campbell is pretty to anyone on earth. Beauty has no race or religion, it just is. That said, everyone wants a producer. So, a white man making 100k. Lives in a white world. Why would he pass over the white version of that black woman (pretty, educated, nice), and Asian women are far more accepted now, so he has access to the same Asian female version and even Latina version. Asian and Latina women are far more socially acceptable in the white world than Black women. Visa versa as well. Karazin doesn't say that. Also, the divorce rate of white male/black female marriages is 58%. It is tough enough being in your 30s, divorced woman for anyone but imagine you are a black woman divorced from Brad? How many men are trying to wifey you again after divorcing Brad? Especially if you have black kids?

    Lastly, white men will date sisters, even treat them well. They have always loved sisters secretly or no so secretly since slavery times BUT they aren't marrying them like that. We hear of the exceptions all day and night in tik tok videos and TV is pushing the white man/black woman relationship hard but the truth is the sisters that are hard core swirlers, even the pretty ones are most likely spend their 20s getting ran through getting to 28, 29, 30, 31, trying to lock down a white producer and he's not going to. Beta white males are what is often left. Halle Berry married one and ended up paying 16k a month in almimony at one time. Sports pundit Sage Steele married a white personal trainer, rumor is she is divorced after 20 some odd years. He was a stay at home dad. She was making as much as 400k a year. Soooooo...those black women married the white version of black men they could have easily gotten. How is that a come up?

    I don't trip on those hard core swirlers for a couple reasons. First, time will show they effed up. The wall is undefeated. They will all eventually hit 'the wall' and either become hard and bitter from wasting their best years chasing Brad or have purged their social media of swirling, moved to a different city and try to get back into black society. I've seen it firsthand a few times.


    Sixer First Class+
    Caribbean more thing about Cyn G's current theme "black male pathology", basically us Black men are f*cked up. She's gone ham. Having Brad on the show and even suggesting that perhaps Black women should abort black male babies. That one is so far out of pocket, I personally wouldn't f*ck with ANY black woman who followed her. I am not talking dating. Socially, whatever. You may as well be a white republican at that point.

    Anyway, here is something, for the sake argument, I'd like to ask Cyn G. "So, you realized in your 30s all of a sudden black men have a toxic pathology. You spend your whole life with Black men in your family, friends, dating us, etc, and no issues whatsoever. Your whole life experience at that point, pointed to white supremacy as the biggest issue in your life but all of a sudden in your 30s, you 'discover' its black male pathology? It's more important than white supremacy?"

    See how stupid it seems?


    Around 2015 I think I donated $50 to Cynthia G. She was going harder on white folks and white supremacy than even Tariq and TBA. She was even saying they were genetically this and that. It started going left when she invited the girl Tariq fired on air and advised this chick on her platform for all of us to see and hear, how to file a lawsuit against him.

    I was shocked. Tariq, understandably, went after her. She straight out lied. She did one of those 'don't believe your lying eyes' thingies. Then as some would expect, the men who followed Tariq went after her. She effed with TBA as well so it was coming from some of his followers as well. This made her turn 180 degrees to talk about so called 'Black Male Pathology' to the point she invited a white boy on her program to tell her that white men don't see Black men as a threat and that Black women are the ones who impresses on the job.

    I didn't see it at the time but she's an opportunist sociopath. I am not being hyperbolic.

    Tommy Sotomayor was cordial and friendly with Tariq. Then out of left field he took shots. He thought Tariq was talking about him in coded speech. The G thing would have been to pick up a phone and talk about it. As for him, he has a pathology against all black women. Not some, all. It's fair to say some black women this, some black men that. But he and Cyn G talk about black men and women as a collective in absolute terms. Tommy though dates non black women and talks about black women. When asked about being pro Black he doesn't say he is, he says he is pro logic. Is there a difference? Isnt' being pro Black as a Black person logical? No one has followed up witih that question. He's also done the traitourous thing by going on white platforms to dog his own.

    However, I have noticed something. TBA, Tariq's subs have gone up consistently. TBA the most I think. He's catching up to Tariq when he was way behind before. Cyn G's numbers have stagnated. Sotomayor's have gone down.

    One of the good byproducts of all this reparations talk, FBA, black empowerment, etc, movement is it isolates people within who are obviously off code. At some point, just for the sake of making a living off youtube and such, both of them will have to make hard choices. Their followers will have their subs on their paperwork and such. It's going to be hard to say you are pro black and a follower of Cyn G or Tommy. Impossible actually.

    As for as Karazin, I'd love to interview her and ask her a few things. She's also a 2 faced person. She will say certain things when on a platform with black men and women that is more mainstream "I'm all for making the right choices for you and expanding Black women's choices given the lack of numbers of eligble black men". Sounds fair. It's tough to argue to some extent (I can However, her guests and her platform advocates ONLY dating white men. Here's the lie she doesn't say with regards to numbers. There are more men than women period. Always has been historically, globally. Why? Men have had to toil the fields, live the harder life and so die earlier. Throw in wars, and such and its even moreso. Ask her when was there EVER enough Black men for Black women in America? The answer is never. There never was. The variable is just how less. There are more white women than white men at marriage age. She doesn't say that. White men generally are decreasing due to demographic shifts. They are far more likely to be incels, etc. that we hear about all the time so that reduces the number even more. Black men don't have that incel (involuntary cellibacy) issue. Furthermore, the Opiod crisis is the biggest drug problem in American history. It dwarfs the crack epidemic. The governmetn and white folks don't say that. We are only 13 percent of the population. Crack hit us hard but it wasn't all of us, the vast, vast majority of us weren't on crack. The opiod eipideimc hit the 190 million white folks (as opposed to 45 million of us) very, very hard. Much harder. It was far more pervasive. Ohio's leading cause of death for white men 18-36 was opiod overdose at one time. May still be. She doesn't talk about how that devastated marriage age white men. I have white female buddies and from various parts of America who have met over the years and they said the dating scene for them was the worst than they have ever seen.

    So, there is also the social issue. Black women are still not socially acceptable in white society. I think Black women are the most beautiful women on earth hands down, 85 percent of Black men or so (too low for my liking) still prefer to marry Black women but white folks in America obviously, historically have not wanted us in their world. Now, given that fact. Let's say you are a pretty, educated, nice black woman. A catch for anyone. Deemed attractive to anyone even non Blacks who are not necessarily into Black women. Naomi Campbell is pretty to anyone on earth. Beauty has no race or religion, it just is. That said, everyone wants a producer. So, a white man making 100k. Lives in a white world. Why would he pass over the white version of that black woman (pretty, educated, nice), and Asian women are far more accepted now, so he has access to the same Asian female version and even Latina version. Asian and Latina women are far more socially acceptable in the white world than Black women. Visa versa as well. Karazin doesn't say that. Also, the divorce rate of white male/black female marriages is 58%. It is tough enough being in your 30s, divorced woman for anyone but imagine you are a black woman divorced from Brad? How many men are trying to wifey you again after divorcing Brad? Especially if you have black kids?

    Lastly, white men will date sisters, even treat them well. They have always loved sisters secretly or no so secretly since slavery times BUT they aren't marrying them like that. We hear of the exceptions all day and night in tik tok videos and TV is pushing the white man/black woman relationship hard but the truth is the sisters that are hard core swirlers, even the pretty ones are most likely spend their 20s getting ran through getting to 28, 29, 30, 31, trying to lock down a white producer and he's not going to. Beta white males are what is often left. Halle Berry married one and ended up paying 16k a month in almimony at one time. Sports pundit Sage Steele married a white personal trainer, rumor is she is divorced after 20 some odd years. He was a stay at home dad. She was making as much as 400k a year. Soooooo...those black women married the white version of black men they could have easily gotten. How is that a come up?

    I don't trip on those hard core swirlers for a couple reasons. First, time will show they effed up. The wall is undefeated. They will all eventually hit 'the wall' and either become hard and bitter from wasting their best years chasing Brad or have purged their social media of swirling, moved to a different city and try to get back into black society. I've seen it firsthand a few times.
    I always wondered why people keep saying bw are ugly they aren't most people look average amd wonder why will they get the self esteem from okcupid stats most mainstream datimg apps are mostly white with a very white culture we are far removed from there culture


    Master Sixer
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    London, UK
    All 3 are dangerously off code. Tommy S and Cyn G are especially egregious as they did start of speaking on a black empowerment vibe before switching. Maybe they were white ass kissers all along. Its unbelievable the amount of heat they have for black people. Even when Karazin was dissed by a white boy on one of her shows, she was was still aim shots at black men.

    B1 rebel 365

    Master Sixer
    Refuse to Disclose
    All 3 are dangerously off code. Tommy S and Cyn G are especially egregious as they did start of speaking on a black empowerment vibe before switching. Maybe they were white ass kissers all along. Its unbelievable the amount of heat they have for black people. Even when Karazin was dissed by a white boy on one of her shows, she was was still aim shots at black men.
    They become vicious in retaliation when black society condemns or rejects them because being outside the group means they will become vulnerable so they think their best tactic is to side with their enemies rather than make amends with black society -candice Owens springs to mind as well