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Disney’s Agenda is Real


Master Sixer
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    Between Galaxies


    What do you think about this take from the 6ZEROS twitter? Do you think they are making a concerted effort to show us as meek and non-commanding. I do find it odd how both are astronauts but the Black one is scared while the White one looks composed and focused. Why would you use that image? Why not have a strong Black person next to Buzz? Why can’t they both be focused and determined?


    Royal Sixer
    Community Host
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    What do you think about this take from the 6ZEROS twitter? Do you think they are making a concerted effort to show us as meek and non-commanding. I do find it odd how both are astronauts but the Black one is scared while the White one looks composed and focused. Why would you use that image? Why not have a strong Black person next to Buzz? Why can’t they both be focused and determined?

    But but but...the brave white one is a white man and the meek Black one is a Black woman though!!! Men gotta be brave and take the lead and women gotta just sit back and be weak and confused even though "gender and gender roles are just social constructs." /s

    Nevermind that on the new Proud Family reboot, you now have an interracial gay male couple - a big, dominant, buff and strong white guy and a shorter, effeminate, more submissive Black male.

    They want all Black people, Black entertainers, and Black characters to be meek and non-commanding and to completely submit to the white people and the dominant society. That's why they'll hate on a Queen Beyonce, but big up a meek, non-hetero, alternative, and introverted Frank Ocean and a self-hating Queen Rihanna.

    They will hate on Koonye West and DaBaby over dumb reasons while bigging up Lil Nas X and Lizzo. They will hate an arrogant Cam Newton, but love a soft Terry Crews. They'll like Public Enemy, NWA, and Kendrick Lamar because ReBeLLiOn iS FuN, but hate a Louis Farrakhan while they pretend to like and appreciate MLK Jr. and even Malcolm X. All so that they can take and control all sides of the argument, not just both.

    They still hate Jay-Z even after all the white asskissing he does because of what he still represents: a former "Black drug dealer" who rose from streets, found and mastered certain skills, and became rich and successful. They still hate Kanye West even when he coons, not just because of his success, but because he also knows his worth and overvalues it, and demands people to put respect on his name and craft like non-Black people do all the time.

    To the dominant society, none of this is "meek and non-commanding", they see all of this as a threat to a certain degree. The goal is to sell hope and bullshit, not sell actual results that healthily empower people. So the way that they neutralize their "threat", Jay-Z, is by getting him to be the spokesperson of Negroes everywhere and to help stall our progress as a people, I mean, sell us hope, for a seat at the table with a massa who still secretly despises him and his guts while pretending to be his friend. And they neutralize their "threat", Kanye West, by feeding him toxic white women, material items, fashion, racist fashion designer friends and users that "pretend" to want to help and like him, other distractions and delusions, and encouraging his self-destructive antics.

    Remember: They cannot have a critical mass of Black people who are focused and determined. We will be able to finally free ourselves and properly control this society overnight once this happens. The goal for the dominant society is to have a permanent system of powerless, poor, confused, and damaged Black people submit to and follow the orders of white and non-Black people. But their goal is now slowly beginning to be threatened.

    #NeverForget the US Government study they conducted on Black men in Africa. They stated that they fear Black men who are Tough, Heterosexual, Aggressive, Unemotional, and Achieving. And they don't want Black women to be partnered with such men for obvious reasons. This is why you see this lesbian Black astronaut chick sitting next to a tough, heterosexual, aggressive, unemotional, and achieving white male superior astronaut. She might be lesbian and not attracted to zaddy, but dammit she better still submit to him.

    What's really crazy to me is that most of the Black lesbians and bisexual women whom I have met and come across are not all that meek, fearful, and non-commanding. In fact, they are often quite the opposite. Sounds like the TPTB and the dominant is trying to change that too. They just want all Black people to sit down, shut up, and stop complaining and demanding power. That's the real goal. To eliminate and neutralize anyone who can and is willing to stand, fight, and die for Black empowerment.


    Master Sixer
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    Between Galaxies
    But but but...the brave white one is a white man and the meek Black one is a Black woman though!!! Men gotta be brave and take the lead and women gotta just sit back and be weak and confused even though "gender and gender roles are just social constructs." /s

    Nevermind that on the new Proud Family reboot, you now have an interracial gay male couple - a big, dominant, buff and strong white guy and a shorter, effeminate, more submissive Black male.

    They want all Black people, Black entertainers, and Black characters to be meek and non-commanding and to completely submit to the white people and the dominant society. That's why they'll hate on a Queen Beyonce, but big up a meek, non-hetero, alternative, and introverted Frank Ocean and a self-hating Queen Rihanna.

    They will hate on Koonye West and DaBaby over dumb reasons while bigging up Lil Nas X and Lizzo. They will hate an arrogant Cam Newton, but love a soft Terry Crews. They'll like Public Enemy, NWA, and Kendrick Lamar because ReBeLLiOn iS FuN, but hate a Louis Farrakhan while they pretend to like and appreciate MLK Jr. and even Malcolm X. All so that they can take and control all sides of the argument, not just both.

    They still hate Jay-Z even after all the white asskissing he does because of what he still represents: a former "Black drug dealer" who rose from streets, found and mastered certain skills, and became rich and successful. They still hate Kanye West even when he coons, not just because of his success, but because he also knows his worth and overvalues it, and demands people to put respect on his name and craft like non-Black people do all the time.

    To the dominant society, none of this is "meek and non-commanding", they see all of this as a threat to a certain degree. The goal is to sell hope and bullshit, not sell actual results that healthily empower people. So the way that they neutralize their "threat", Jay-Z, is by getting him to be the spokesperson of Negroes everywhere and to help stall our progress as a people, I mean, sell us hope, for a seat at the table with a massa who still secretly despises him and his guts while pretending to be his friend. And they neutralize their "threat", Kanye West, by feeding him toxic white women, material items, fashion, racist fashion designer friends and users that "pretend" to want to help and like him, other distractions and delusions, and encouraging his self-destructive antics.

    Remember: They cannot have a critical mass of Black people who are focused and determined. We will be able to finally free ourselves and properly control this society overnight once this happens. The goal for the dominant society is to have a permanent system of powerless, poor, confused, and damaged Black people submit to and follow the orders of white and non-Black people. But their goal is now slowly beginning to be threatened.

    #NeverForget the US Government study they conducted on Black men in Africa. They stated that they fear Black men who are Tough, Heterosexual, Aggressive, Unemotional, and Achieving. And they don't want Black women to be partnered with such men for obvious reasons. This is why you see this lesbian Black astronaut chick sitting next to a tough, heterosexual, aggressive, unemotional, and achieving white male superior astronaut. She might be lesbian and not attracted to zaddy, but dammit she better still submit to him.

    What's really crazy to me is that most of the Black lesbians and bisexual women whom I have met and come across are not all that meek, fearful, and non-commanding. In fact, they are often quite the opposite. Sounds like the TPTB and the dominant is trying to change that too. They just want all Black people to sit down, shut up, and stop complaining and demanding power. That's the real goal. To eliminate and neutralize anyone who can and is willing to stand, fight, and die for Black empowerment.
    standing ovation oscars GIF by The Academy Awards

    Red Velvet

    Master Sixer
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    New York
    What's really crazy to me is that most of the Black lesbians and bisexual women whom I have met and come across are not all that meek, fearful, and non-commanding. In fact, they are often quite the opposite.
    But to be fair you are not a white man so you don’t know how they act around white men. They may drop all the bravado and fall in line. That’s not to excuse Lightyear however.


    Royal Sixer
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    But to be fair you are not a white man so you don’t know how they act around white men. They may drop all the bravado and fall in line. That’s not to excuse Lightyear however.
    I wonder if that was the case with the now former mayor of NYC, DeBlasio's wife...