Think about it,
Prior to 2001, who would use the term Ether to describe something as "offensive, disrespectful, hurtful, piercing, etc"? I personally do not remember a time where that word was ever used until Nas dropped Ether on Jay-Z (Pun fully intended).
That's why I conclude that Ether is such a much more impactful track as its title is now apart of our lexicon. Children born in 2001 use the term in their normal language not understanding that its usage is directly tied to the destruction of Jay-Z's ego.
While this is an old horse, it's still an important horse.
Prior to 2001, who would use the term Ether to describe something as "offensive, disrespectful, hurtful, piercing, etc"? I personally do not remember a time where that word was ever used until Nas dropped Ether on Jay-Z (Pun fully intended).
That's why I conclude that Ether is such a much more impactful track as its title is now apart of our lexicon. Children born in 2001 use the term in their normal language not understanding that its usage is directly tied to the destruction of Jay-Z's ego.
While this is an old horse, it's still an important horse.