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Example of Staying On Code!!

Hell Johnson

Senior Sixer
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    New York / New Jersey
    In my hometown of Jersey City, New Jersey Jared Kushner(Jewish) son-in-law of former President Donald Trump & republican is building 3 skyscrapers in the Journal Square district. These high rise buildings are suppose to be capped at 39 stories but if you donate to the local art group you can remove the cap.
    The mayor ( Steve Fulop,another Jew) had signed off on this with no hesitation. The point is it doesn't matter what political team you play on. What matters is that you stay on code.


    The First Sixer
  • Messages
    In my hometown of Jersey City, New Jersey Jared Kushner(Jewish) son-in-law of former President Donald Trump & republican is building 3 skyscrapers in the Journal Square district. These high rise buildings are suppose to be capped at 39 stories but if you donate to the local art group you can remove the cap.
    The mayor ( Steve Fulop,another Jew) had signed off on this with no hesitation. The point is it doesn't matter what political team you play on. What matters is that you stay on code.
    That is on code and corrupt all at the same time.

    Hell Johnson

    Senior Sixer
  • Messages
    New York / New Jersey
    That is on code and corrupt all at the same time.
    We don't get chances to do these things.
    animation film GIF by POKÉMON Detective Pikachu


    Royal Sixer
    Community Host
    Content Contributor
    It's the privilege they have in society. When Black Americans do anything against the rules the system comes down on us.
    Because they don't ever want it to become habit-forming for us like it is for them. Why do you think they love to police what uniforms and clothes our Black children wear in predominantly Black schools? Why do you think they monitor us non-stop even when we're sleeping? Why do you think we continue to hear narratives such as "two wrongs don't make a right" and "ask God to answer your prayer(s)?" They start programming us extremely young to be docile and to never go against this corrupt and systematically racist system via reasonable action.

    They sell us and our Black kids:
    • hope,
    • the "always do the right thing" narrative,
    • the "we're all one and we're all in this together" narrative,
    • the "Black people can't ruffle any feathers" narrative,
    • the post-racial scam,
    • change to believe in (and not fight for),
    • the "all you have to do is work hard(er) and keep your head down" narrative,
    • dreams that stay as dreams and nothing more,
    • the "money ain't everything" narrative,
    • YOLO,
    • that "obey authority no matter what" narrative,
    • that "two wrongs don't make a right" narrative,
    • prayer and God is always the answer,
    • that family can be toxic,
    • mixed messages,
    • broken promises,
    • that the LGBT, Democratic candidates, and everyone else are more important than Black people and our interests,
    • the LGBTQIA+ agenda,
    • and feel good, pie in the sky kind of fluff.

    Meanwhile, more than enough whites (including the white Jewish) and non-Blacks are being taught:
    • work smarter, not harder
    • follow the money
    • that white / Jewish / non-Black is superior
    • that whites always come first
    • that your family, people and community always come first
    • to keep all the money, power, and resources within your community
    • that there are no permanent enemies, and no permanent friends, only permanent interests
    • that Black people are a threat
    • that Black people are inferior, simple animals and deserve nothing
    • that Black people are and were designed to serve and work for whites and non-Blacks and their interests
    • to never give Black people your money, only jobs and opportunities that make you money (or make you look good)
    • that Black lives are expendable and can be taken at any time
    • that you deserve more than the Blacks have no matter what
    • take the money and run
    • that it isn't a crime unless you get caught
    • that it's never a lie if you believe it
    • that it's not and never your fault
    • that stealing and exploiting people "is just business"
    • to never hate the player, hate the game
    • that you are a blessing and gift to the world no matter what
    • that anything you do is for the greater good and anything deemed "bad" can always be forgiven by a higher power / universe
    • that power is taken, never given
    • to use people to their advantage
    • to use their skills, weaknesses, and strengths as an advantage
    • respect is a must
    • protection is a must
    • faith without works is dead
    • money is everything
    • status is important
    • the importance of codification
    • that there is zero tolerance for the off code, traitors and sellouts
    • that men are the leaders
    • that women are companions of the men
    • that tough decisions sometimes have to be made
    • that failures, unfortunate events, inequity, inequality, unfairness, and people being used as collateral damage is a part of life
    • that their will always be winners and losers
    • your culture, heritage, language, people and identity are precious and sacred (no matter how messed up it is)
    • that guns, police, militias, white supremacist hate group gangs, and military are protection for the interest of whites and non-Blacks (especially ones that are wealthy)
    • that nice guys finish last


    Master Sixer
  • Messages
    San Antonio, TX
    Because they don't ever want it to become habit-forming for us like it is for them. Why do you think they love to police what uniforms and clothes our Black children wear in predominantly Black schools? Why do you think they monitor us non-stop even when we're sleeping? Why do you think we continue to hear narratives such as "two wrongs don't make a right" and "ask God to answer your prayer(s)?" They start programming us extremely young to be docile and to never go against this corrupt and systematically racist system via reasonable action.

    They sell us and our Black kids:
    • hope,
    • the "always do the right thing" narrative,
    • the "we're all one and we're all in this together" narrative,
    • the "Black people can't ruffle any feathers" narrative,
    • the post-racial scam,
    • change to believe in (and not fight for),
    • the "all you have to do is work hard(er) and keep your head down" narrative,
    • dreams that stay as dreams and nothing more,
    • the "money ain't everything" narrative,
    • YOLO,
    • that "obey authority no matter what" narrative,
    • that "two wrongs don't make a right" narrative,
    • prayer and God is always the answer,
    • that family can be toxic,
    • mixed messages,
    • broken promises,
    • that the LGBT, Democratic candidates, and everyone else are more important than Black people and our interests,
    • the LGBTQIA+ agenda,
    • and feel good, pie in the sky kind of fluff.

    Meanwhile, more than enough whites (including the white Jewish) and non-Blacks are being taught:
    • work smarter, not harder
    • follow the money
    • that white / Jewish / non-Black is superior
    • that whites always come first
    • that your family, people and community always come first
    • to keep all the money, power, and resources within your community
    • that there are no permanent enemies, and no permanent friends, only permanent interests
    • that Black people are a threat
    • that Black people are inferior, simple animals and deserve nothing
    • that Black people are and were designed to serve and work for whites and non-Blacks and their interests
    • to never give Black people your money, only jobs and opportunities that make you money (or make you look good)
    • that Black lives are expendable and can be taken at any time
    • that you deserve more than the Blacks have no matter what
    • take the money and run
    • that it isn't a crime unless you get caught
    • that it's never a lie if you believe it
    • that it's not and never your fault
    • that stealing and exploiting people "is just business"
    • to never hate the player, hate the game
    • that you are a blessing and gift to the world no matter what
    • that anything you do is for the greater good and anything deemed "bad" can always be forgiven by a higher power / universe
    • that power is taken, never given
    • to use people to their advantage
    • to use their skills, weaknesses, and strengths as an advantage
    • respect is a must
    • protection is a must
    • faith without works is dead
    • money is everything
    • status is important
    • the importance of codification
    • that there is zero tolerance for the off code, traitors and sellouts
    • that men are the leaders
    • that women are companions of the men
    • that tough decisions sometimes have to be made
    • that failures, unfortunate events, inequity, inequality, unfairness, and people being used as collateral damage is a part of life
    • that their will always be winners and losers
    • your culture, heritage, language, people and identity are precious and sacred (no matter how messed up it is)
    • that guns, police, militias, white supremacist hate group gangs, and military are protection for the interest of whites and non-Blacks (especially ones that are wealthy)
    • that nice guys finish last
    Unfortunately the majority of the black community are politically stupid. They are voting for and will continue to vote for those who push the first set of things at their own demise!