No you can't, most people will not even entertain the idea of discussing flat earth.In this conversation you can actually have a discourse and compare and contrast viewpoints.
No you can't, most people will not even entertain the idea of discussing flat earth.In this conversation you can actually have a discourse and compare and contrast viewpoints.
Without proof, meaning you actually have visited this yourself, why do you have so much trust in your government to tell you the truth?I believe that not only has our government gone into space I believe they are already setting up colonies on Mars. The bible speaks of the Edomites setting their nest amongst the stars and from there they will be brought low. The book of Obadiah. And I reiterate what I said on another post. We started astronomy. I know our enemies stole this information from us thus they are currently in the stars. There is myriad of resources up there once harnessed. The enemy is planning some Elysium shit. With that being said I believe all prior science and also the bible that states the Most High created spheres. Also when you look at planets in a good telescope on a clear country night you can see that other planets are in fact spheres.
You walk on flat surfaces all the time, why would it be against physics to believe what physics teaches. I have no proof that the earth is a globe like some huge basketball. I trust my senses. Just saying. I don't feel myself moving at all when I'm seated. Everything seems perfectly still to me.I think the concept of flat earth is awesome but I don’t think it properly explains the phenomena we experience as well as the globe theory does. Most people I see pushing flat earth have a pretty shitty grasp of physics.
“If the earth rotates how come the earth doesn’t spin under a helicopter“
When I hear that type of shit I disengage.
Entertain and banning are different. You do not get kicked off twitter for discussing flat earth. You get kicked off twitter for discussing the merits of the vaccine however. They are not even close to being the same.No you can't, most people will not even entertain the idea of discussing flat earth.
I don't trust our government I trust the original astronomers who this government stole their information from. I believe in the word of God that stated the most high created spheres.Without proof, meaning you actually have visited this yourself, why do you have so much trust in your government to tell you the truth?
I approve of this message. I also believe there is a reason they are suddenly starting to have hearings about aliens and UFOs. They have been preparing people for decades and they really haven't been paying attention and aligning those events with biblical prophecy. Science keeps proving the bible true and it's not being discussed at all. I keep thinking about that movie Don't Look Up. It was satire, but it was for real. Scientists and former military are talking about this openly, but America has dumbed the masses down so that we can't focus, we've been programmed to not believe spiritual things or evil, and programmed to not question or tolerate anything bad. If it's not good or makes them feel bad, they move away from it.I believe that not only has our government gone into space I believe they are already setting up colonies on Mars. The bible speaks of the Edomites setting their nest amongst the stars and from there they will be brought low. The book of Obadiah. And I reiterate what I said on another post. We started astronomy. I know our enemies stole this information from us thus they are currently in the stars. There is myriad of resources up there once harnessed. The enemy is planning some Elysium shit. With that being said I believe all prior science and also the bible that states the Most High created spheres. Also when you look at planets in a good telescope on a clear country night you can see that other planets are in fact spheres.
How is that so? I still see people discussing vaccines on different websites and they were not banned.Entertain and banning are different. You do not get kicked off twitter for discussing flat earth. You get kicked off twitter for discussing the merits of the vaccine however. They are not even close to being the same.
According to the scriptures the only spheres He created were the sun and the moon, not earth or stars or planets. Also according to the book of Enoch both spheres are waaay smaller than Nasa and other space agencies claim.I believe in the word of God that stated the most high created spheres
You have to read ALL the chapter. The book of Obadiah is not talking about literal stars just using it as figurative meaning.The book of Obadiah also stated this government would set its nest in the stars.
You’re trying to change the conversation. You said talking about Flat Earth is just like talking about the Vaccine and that’s simply not true. Flat Earth proponents do not get blocked, banned, silenced, shadow banned on social media and castigated in society. At worst flat earth proponents get called dumb not kicked off the internet, blocked from going anywhere but the grocery store or gas station, and fired from their jobs.How is that so? I still see people discussing vaccines on different websites and they were not banned.
Do you question vaccines and their safety? Why would the government and health specialists lie to us about it?
We can look in the sky and see the sun and moon and they are both spheres, why would the earth be different?
People need to see how illogical it is to ridicule those who question the official globe narrative while being the type of person who didn't take the jab because "i don't trust the government/big pharma".You’re trying to change the conversation. You said talking about Flat Earth is just like talking about the Vaccine and that’s simply not true. Flat Earth proponents do not get blocked, banned, silenced, shadow banned on social media and castigated in society. At worst flat earth proponents get called dumb not kicked off the internet, blocked from going anywhere but the grocery store or gas station, and fired from their jobs.
Why is this important? Because you’re pretending as if there is a conspiracy against flat earthers and I disagree. You can see 3 planets right in the sky with your own eyes and they are both spheres so it makes sense to believe we are on a sphere as well. Believing in a spherical earth is a lot more simple than you all make it appear to be, it’s actually rational.
Flat Earth proponents do not get blocked, banned, silenced, shadow banned on social media and castigated in society.
People need to see how illogical it is to ridicule those who question the official globe narrative while being the type of person who didn't take the jab because "i don't trust the government/big pharma".
Not everything is about money, people who control money don't live the same rat race as us chasing it.What would anyone have to gain by tricking us into thinking that the Earth is a sphere if it wasn't?
If there were some kind of financial benefit then I get it, but why trick us just for the sake of doing so?
Example when people try to build cars that run off alternate sources like solar, water, etc they usually end up mysteriously being killed in a freak accident. That's because the oil industry isn't going to lose their profits. If you do anything to touch those billions you are likely going to come up missing.
What is gained from tricking us about if the earth is round? Who gets money or lose money based on this?
Those who have the most to lose are the you tube conspiracy theorists. If they admit that the Earth is round then they no longer have content. Lots of these people are famous amongst that community of people who believe that. If they admit the truth that the Earth is round they lose that notoriety.
So that's why no matter what science you tell them they will just refuse to accept it. They won't listen to any logic. It's no longer about the truth for them. It is about keeping the conspiracy going for their own profit and small amount of fame!
Girl for real. Flat or round it doesn’t change these bills or my dusty boss.Whether the Earth is flat, a globe, or hollow. It doesn't change how I go about by daily business. So I don't put too much energy into it.
I have never heard a flat earther come up with a real reason for the lie. It’s always a biblical answer that gets into a lot of bogus shit. There’s no benefit to lying about if the earth is flat or not. They always say it’s about control but they control us via cell phones and social media they don’t need to tell us the earth is a sphere to control us. The whole shit makes no sense.What would anyone have to gain by tricking us into thinking that the Earth is a sphere if it wasn't?
If there were some kind of financial benefit then I get it, but why trick us just for the sake of doing so?
What you see, is the shape of the firmament or dome my dear.Everyone could have had it wrong. That’s a possibility. We literally see spheres in the sky girl.
The earth is flat. I haven't believed that theory that the earth is spherical, but had to act like I oppose when we were in school. No proof shows the earth not being flat, but let's believe everything they say. I would say not straight flat, but not spherical as they said.
The moon and sun are spheres though so why wouldn’t Earth be one? There are no flat planets that we can see with the naked eye.Lol whatever we are on the Flat earth folks have some legit questions that haven’t been answered. For me in 2022 NASA has the tech to send probes etc that take full frame images of Jupiter, mars, Saturn but to this day we have never seen live footage of the whole earth in full frame rotating on its axis. It’s always CGI. Heck every photo of earth is a photo composit. And no the live nasa feed doesn’t count it only shows a small part of the earth at a time we need to see the whole ball unedited and that world end the debate.
The point is we don’t have any real images of the planet we live on. Even Al Gore questioned it back in the day calling NASA out asking where are the photos? It could be a security issue. High Rez images of the whole earth would be free spy images for every other country.The moon and sun are spheres though so why wouldn’t Earth be one? There are no flat planets that we can see with the naked eye.
Funny is with the Nikon cameras zoom the ship sailing away u can still see it. After you watch it disappear you zoom in and the ship is back in frame, watch it disappear from the zoom and zoom in again it’s there which shows the math for the curve is wrong or the earth is bigger than they tell us. I don’t think it’s flat just we ain’t getting all the real info. Similar to all the artifacts of earths true history will never be shared.The simplest proof is to go to an ocean or beach.
Watch a boat sail away. As it disappears it will disappear from bottom to top.
That happens on a sphere.
If it were flat to the entire boat would remain visible and get smaller and smaller until you could no longer see it. You would see the entire boat the whole time though.
The second scenario happens no where on Earth because it's not flat!
The simplest proof is to go to an ocean or beach.
Watch a boat sail away. As it disappears it will disappear from bottom to top.
That happens on a sphere.
If it were flat to the entire boat would remain visible and get smaller and smaller until you could no longer see it. You would see the entire boat the whole time though.
The second scenario happens no where on Earth because it's not flat!
If you use binoculars, the boat comes back into view. As the boat goes further out, a telescope brings it into view yet again. There is only a certain distance a person can see without the aid of technology.The simplest proof is to go to an ocean or beach.
Watch a boat sail away. As it disappears it will disappear from bottom to top.
That happens on a sphere.
If it were flat to the entire boat would remain visible and get smaller and smaller until you could no longer see it. You would see the entire boat the whole time though.
The second scenario happens no where on Earth because it's not flat!
No matter what you use binoculars, telescope etc. the same principle will apply. The boat will disappear from bottom to top.If you use binoculars, the boat comes back into view. As the boat goes further out, a telescope brings it into view yet again. There is only a certain distance a person can see without the aid of technology.
Here's what's wrong with that video. The boat is not sailing away. It is sailing horizontally. For what I'm saying to apply the boat must be sailing directly away from you! It can't be sailing from left to right. It must be moving away from you!
But the ship is going to slide out of view as it goes over the curve. You will hit yo telescope and see only part of the top.If you use binoculars, the boat comes back into view. As the boat goes further out, a telescope brings it into view yet again. There is only a certain distance a person can see without the aid of technology.
False. That's like saying every employee in NASA knew about the details of the moon landing in 69, from the janitor to the top manager. The truth is only a few key characters are needed to keep a certain narrative going.Every field of science would have to be in on the ruse. Geology, Physics, Astronomy, etc... Several other fields like pilots, ship captains would all have to be in on it. Not just military ships either but every Carnival cruise captain. Every person that gets a pilots license.
Wow, you're really smart!!!Here's what's wrong with that video. The boat is not sailing away. It is sailing horizontally. For what I'm saying to apply the boat must be sailing directly away from you! It can't be sailing from left to right. It must be moving away from you!
In this case it would require a very large number of individuals to keep it a secret.False. That's like saying every employee in NASA knew about the details of the moon landing in 69, from the janitor to the top manager. The truth is only a few key characters are needed to keep a certain narrative going.
The only thing I see them doing is trying to change the truth into their twisted version.In this case it would require a very large number of individuals to keep it a secret.
But ultimately the end question is why?
Why lie about something like this? What is gained from it?
The only thing I can see as a gain are the conspiracy theorist themselves who make money from their YouTube channels. They get to feel important. Most of the guys honestly look like losers (just my opinion). So now they get to feel like a big shot! So for them they gain notoriety and money.
But what does the individual, government agency, or other entity that is keeping this secret gain from it financially or otherwise?
I can't think of anything to be gained.