My dad was a great teacher. When he started taking things apart, he didn't punish him for it, he encouraged it. A lot of parents will get mad when they see their kids trying to figure out how things work cause in their minds they are being destructive. I will admit I was pretty mad when he broke my new phone but my dad did get me a new one. It was the first phone I had, barely had it 2 months and he cracked it open lol
Non-White biological parents should always be teaching their offspring ONLY constructive things and should ALWAYS tell the truth about the world they live in to their offspring, especially including teaching them what White Supremacy is and how it works, (that means no santa, no toothfairy, no Easter bunny etc.) because children understand what environment they're in from a really young age, that's why babies cry when they know something is wrong until they get fed lies by their parents which the parents get fed themselves from White Culture at a really young age too and it becomes a cycle. #VGQ