B1 rebel 365
Master Sixer
There is something fundamentally malevolent about these hueless translucent people -always obsessed with committing mass genocides or intentionally harming people and equally disturbing is the fact that they find it exciting! The hallmarks of unabashed sociopaths. Unsurprisingly, the names of two familiar rescidavist career criminals (Gates and Fauci) surface in this latest revelation of yet more imminent plagues and death woes to beset us yet again. It transpires that the Covi19 experiment was not as impactful as anticipated by the EVIL cohorts behind it so, brazenly, they gave your tax money to different amoral mad scientists (Ukrainian) to don a lab coat and concoct a more lethal viral compound capable of bypassing our immune system to achieve their depopulation end goal.
Not making this up people -here's an excerpt from the article but it's in your best interest and loved ones to check out the full article in the link provided because there's already documented evidence of a bio avian flu infection just as they flippin predicted!
: "In one experiment, Kawaoka mixed bird flu virus with the Spanish flu virus, resulting in a highly lethal respiratory virus with human transmission capability. Kawaoka has also played around with mixtures of H5N1 and the 2009 H1N1 (swine flu) virus, creating an airborne hybrid capable of completely evading the human immune system, effectively rendering humans defenseless against it."
These evil demonic sick bastards are outta control and it is absolutely incredulous that there seems to be no one or institution capable of criminalising them! They egregiously boast openly about their evil plans and salivate about the potential death rate -and no authoritative statesman or body confronts them?!!
Not making this up people -here's an excerpt from the article but it's in your best interest and loved ones to check out the full article in the link provided because there's already documented evidence of a bio avian flu infection just as they flippin predicted!
: "In one experiment, Kawaoka mixed bird flu virus with the Spanish flu virus, resulting in a highly lethal respiratory virus with human transmission capability. Kawaoka has also played around with mixtures of H5N1 and the 2009 H1N1 (swine flu) virus, creating an airborne hybrid capable of completely evading the human immune system, effectively rendering humans defenseless against it."
These evil demonic sick bastards are outta control and it is absolutely incredulous that there seems to be no one or institution capable of criminalising them! They egregiously boast openly about their evil plans and salivate about the potential death rate -and no authoritative statesman or body confronts them?!!

Gates-funded research has created a bird flu virus capable of becoming the new COVID-19 - LifeSite
If we do end up with a lethal human bird flu, there’s every reason to suspect it was man-made. There’s also every reason to suspect a bird flu vaccine will be either ineffective, hazardous, or both.