A Death-Dealing Style in American Politics
The Right’s response to the pandemic, Black Lives Matter, and refusal to accept the election results says something…
extranewsfeed.comCentrism relies on comparing the Right to international terrorism
Ignoring these critiques of the modern Right, as misguided as they are, tends to bolster a centrist ideology of American exceptionalism, an idea that this country is already great — the best in the world, really — and, at worst, just needs a little work around the edges. Fundamentally, things are going alright.At the same time, this name-calling normalizes American empire. They’re going outside our national borders — to the edges of American imperial control — to make a comparison to other groups fighting the United States.
Part of the reason for looking outward is an unwillingness to look at the failures inside this country. It’s easier to gloss over things and compare right-wing American terror to people ‘out there’ that are the bad ones causing all the problems.

The Jan. 6 Capitol Riot, Photo by Blink O’fanaye
It’s ultimately advantageous to classify right-wingers as not American, somehow other. Recognizing them as American would mean acknowledging that there’s something fundamentally contradictory in our society, that there are unresolved — possibly unresolvable — tensions within America itself.
We don’t need to protect and maintain this luster of fantasy about America — to paper over all the internal contradictions — to critique this modern right-wing terror movement. We don’t need to label it a cancer or act like it came from the outside somehow when right-wing terror has a long and storied history to draw upon in the U.S.
Creating an outsider — an other — as an imminent threat is a very potent way to galvanize an internal cohesion — to create an ‘us versus them’ dichotomy.
Once you have that division — the ‘us versus them’ binary — it’s easier to draw support for your ideological base. Even though this is taking place at the level of online name-calling or a cheap critique, because of its ability to go viral — trend on Twitter and move easily between platforms and offline — it has real potency. It acts as a type of psychopolitical reinforcement, strengthening an ideology of American exceptionalism and imperial justification.
And that’s what the center-left is trying so hard to do. They’re desperate to reclaim that position of empire that they felt so proud of during the Obama-Clinton era. That’s what they want back so bad.
We can’t make America great without honest critique
The point of bringing comparisons home is not just because we have a homegrown version of racist terror right here. It’s not like you need to have this pessimistic outlook on America and a fundamentally cynical outlook on American politics — that it can never be any better — in fact, quite the opposite.The idea here is to unearth this psychopolitical mechanism that undergirds the logic of this critique or name-calling, or whatever it is, and bring it to light. Once we define it, we can replace it with something better. That’s the first stage of progress.
Sounds like some crap that some editor from so-called "liberal" VICELAND (founded by creator of the Proud Boys) would write...