The whole thing scares me. I put on a strong face, but when I see family hurting, it really hurts me too. I've witnessed my share of death, and it never gets easier. Loss is something I don't think we ever get over. We eventually get used to that death down the road, but you don't forget and you still hurt from it. I don't know how many times I think back to when they were alive. The things they enjoyed. Oh, that new movie that came out, I wonder what my uncle would have thought about that. Stuff like that. You still grieve, but it gets easier.
I’d be frontin if I said it was easy but I always remind myself that ish here aint permanent. I aint always gon be here none of us are and so dont take anything for granted cuz aint ish permanent. Step 2 for me is realizing that they are in a better place and that their trials and tribulations are no longer a burden on them. So it’s low key kinda selfish for me to sit and wish they were still here when they living the life now unencumbered from the dumb ish we subject ourselves to in this life.
Step 3 I focus on the time I got to spend with them. We can sit and think about all the ish we COULDA SHOULD FINSTA do/did but that ish is gone and so you need to focus on the time you did have. Be thankful for the years that you got to spend with them the times you laughed, cried, hugged alll that ish be grateful that you got them for that bit of time
Step 4 maximize everything today. If you letting meaningless ish like a promotion at work stop you from having real human experiences then you need to shift your priorities. Focus on the things that matter so you dont live with regrets when its either you or a loved one thats exiting.
Yeah, understanding that life is short is a big thing. We need to realize that any minute we could die, from a heart attack, a stroke, in a car accident, anything really. Hell, I could die typing this message up for all we know. That's the beauty in life, realizing we have this one life to live, and we gotta make due with what we got.