The Age of A.I. is an 8-part documentary series hosted by Robert Downey Jr. (AKA, WhitePookie) covering the ways Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning and Neural Networks will change the world.
The Age of A.I. is an 8-part documentary series hosted by Robert Downey Jr. (AKA, WhitePookie) covering the ways Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning and Neural Networks will change the world.
This is so much closer than we think.Or bring about the age of skynet!! Just saying!!
Your car will have to determine to save you or a tranny and it’ll run you off the road.
Oh yes, very close
I sincerely do feel technology is advancing at a really rapid rate which makes it even more scary to sit and imagine a robot invasion as seen in some of those sci-fi movies we watch. Lol. Let's just look forward and hope it's all for the better of human kind.In all honesty, it's extremely scary to think about Artificial Intelligence. I don't believe this is something that will take over the world in terms of violence and domination. However, I do feel as if artificial intelligence can learn a little too much about us and begin to take over jobs and other labor needs causing a lot of humans to become jobless. On the other hand, in my mind, if artificial intelligence can take over human jobs and complete all the things needed, no one would need to work, and eventually, everything would be free right lol?