Boy you know how hard that is! Have you ever been in an abusive relationship?Leave.
I feel you. Didn't say it was easy. It's just the hard truth. They do it once, they'll keep doing it. May be days or years. It will happen. Just begin removing yourself slowly. Keep a stash of money and a place to escape out of state or country.Boy you know how hard that is! Have you ever been in an abusive relationship?
I lived this and eventhough it’s the easiest advice to give it’s the only real answer. Once hitting goes down you cant close the door to it. It’s always there, it always happened, and it‘ll happen again.I feel you. Didn't say it was easy. It's just the hard truth. They do it once, they'll keep doing it. May be days or years. It will happen. Just begin removing yourself slowly. Keep a stash of money and a place to escape out of state or country.
Excellent point that a lot of people don’t understand. The thought of that person killing you really goes through your mind. Especially as a woman, I would be terrified if a man was beating on me. Also there is emotional abuse and most abusers like to remove you from everyone you know. You end up feeling isolated so you advice of keeping in contact with family and friends that care about you is important.It can be hard to just up and leave an abusive relationship. If your partner already abuses you, chances are if you try to leave they may try to hurt you worse in the process. My advice to anyone in an abusive relationship, try to keep in contact with other people whether it be your friends, or family. If you can try to come up with a plan and be sure to notify whoever you keep in contact with, so they can get you out of that situation.