Enough of this shit already.
This messaging has been all over TikTok and Twitter for way too long, but this latest stream of bullshit pictured above really did it for me.
I am so sick of these damn leftists, white liberals, anarchists, undercover racists, transpeople / LGBTQIAFBICNN+ and their allies online who are mixing truth with blatant lies and complete and utter bullshit.
THIS is faux woke propaganda, not Black people fighting for our long overdue cash reparations.
Do you know how blasphemous and downright offensive it is for these people to fight for Black people's reparations and admit that systematic racism is real while also caping for the LGBTQTIPYMCAYOLO1236 Mafia and saying shit like "teaching kids LGBT+ topics isn't grooming" and "transwomen are women?"
These leftists and brainwashed kids are being used as weapons to destroy and water down our reparations fight by adding extra shit, perversion and LGBT bullshit into our fight.
This is why Black people need to separate ourselves from EVERYONE, WE HAVE NO ALLIES. These self-interested people above are just as dangerous as the whites and others that were vandalizing and destroying shit during the 2020 protests and Black people ended up getting blamed for riling everyone up and causing the destruction. Same here.
Black people finally rise up to get our cash reparations and then non-Black racial and ethnic groups, religious groups, LGBTQ, sick evil MAP pedophiles, zoophiles, the kink community, lopsided hookers and underpaid escorts, the working class, fucking furries, incels, whites, the underclass, the elite and wealthy, Satanists, flaming lipsticked midgets on hot wheels, and any and everybody (no matter how good or evil) wants to ultimately infiltrate and derail our movement for themselves and their own causes and benefit no matter how decent or fucked up they are.
Do you know how much harm it does to Black people's reparations movement when you interlink our fight with your Tumblr fantasy, white liberal, social justice warrior bullshit talking points?
As Black people, we do not support such perversion and fuckery like the grooming of children in schools.
These are the facts: