I don't know one interracial couple including a cousin or two married to a white person who does all this tik tok interracial showcasing. They (the people in those videos) do it as an agenda. Simple as that. I don't feed into it, I stay the eff out. The people I know dating or married to non Blacks just keep it moving. Its who they happen to have fallen for and if I'm personal friends with them they are pro Black. I don't f*ck with anyone dating or married to white folks if they are on some anti Black tip.
58% of interracial marriages end in divorce. Its similar numbers to the public at large. So, they can't say those marriages last longer. It may be their preference but they are lying if they say its better 'over there'. It isn't. The numbers don't support it. In fact, its harder. I'm talking in terms of marriage.
Any guy will smash you if you have a fetish, or whatever for his race or ethnicity. I got friends in the Marines who had gone through Okinawa island, part of Japan. Guys who never ever dated or thought of dating Asian women. The local girls LOVE brothers. They damn near hand you a local girl off the plane. So, what do the brothers do? They do what any young man that age does. Take full advantage of their fetish and smash them like their wife saw a spider on the ground. 90 percent of these brothers ain't tryna wifey them, marry them or take them back to America.
Same with white boys. There is a white boy I met overseas. He did Peace Corps out in the sticks in Kenya several years ago. Dude is from some all white town in an damn near all white midwest state, can't recall, maybe Iowa or some sh*t. At the bar, he was telling other white boys how easy it was to f*ck the local girls. Openly. All they cared about was that he was white. Dude had no intention of marrying any of them, being serious, whatever. I knew him in Asia where he was doing the same to the local Asian girls.
Not many men are turning down coochie thrown at them. Indian women in America don't date brothers. Its rare AF. In India? They will spread for American brothers (not African). They see the US passport, not the color. I am least attracted to Indian women than any other woman physically. I can't do it. But a few brothers can. I've seen a black Brit dude run through them, because he's British. Not because he's black, if anything his color is a negative but India looks up to the UK (being a former colony) and the poor local girls working in the hotel or whatever would holla. Dude wasn't even into Indian women back in London.
Well, its the same with hard core swirlers. Once a white boy knows a black woman only prefers to date white men, hates black men, he knows he can smash to his hearts content. Why not? And the stats show that its rare that any of these white boys will marry the black woman. 50 million white men get married and only 168,000 will marry a black woman. They marry Asian and Latina women over 4 times more.
The swirlers are lying. The ones who get married, are in one of two categories of men. The planets align and they find that one white man will pass over the same quality White, Asian and Latina woman for her (Supreme Court justice Brown's husband is an example, Prince Harry, George Lucas' wife is the other). Those are the rare ones. And usually the black woman gotta be fine as well. The rest marry beta white boys that white women don't want (Sage Steele, Halle Berry who all earn far more than their white husbands who didn't even work).
So, for me, give it time. The swirlers in their 20s now making tik tok videos will get ran through, get to their 30s, press Brad for a ring. He will make excuses or bounce. And she will get desperate because 35 year old Brad wants a 20 something sista if he's going to date a black woman. Ask Chrystalen Karazin's EX HUSBAND.
Don't trip. I don't.