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Jamaican Woman Bans Black Americans From Her Short-Term Rental


Master Sixer
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    TETHER - A word solely attached to those that look like us from abroad but don't identify or respect our Foundational Black American culture. They look like us but disrespect our culture, intelligence, work habits and overall being in this land. They don't recognize the sacrifices we and our ancestors made for all to enjoy and the freedoms and set asides everyone takes advantage of today. They latch on to things we create and then say that they created those very things we created ie CULTURE VULTURES! A TETHER will say we are lazy, loud, violent and don't contribute to society but will be shocked when we say we have over 50,000 patents stolen from us. They will not acknowledge our accomplishments in opening the doors for them to come to this nation and enjoy the fruits of our labor. They will also side with other cultures if it means gaining more access to freedoms that we fought for, but many times don't benefit from.

    This is my definition of a TETHER. At this point, there's no coalitions it's just FBA vs. Everybody!!!!


  • Messages
    Dallas, TX
    Bruh you are a good poster but this makes no sense.

    This woman is in Jamaica running a business so how does the “we did so much for them” argument even apply? We have done jack shit for Jamaicans.

    Second y’all say tether is a term for Black immigrants who come here and undermine us but SHE IS NOT A BLACK IMMIGRANT, she is in Jamaica.

    Third, FBA people always tell Black immigrants to go back to their homeland and fix it, she in her homeland doing that very same thing but she still a tether? She talked in a Jamaican accent and wasn’t trying to be Black American at all.

    Stuff like this is why FBA is looked at as a joke because it’s anti-intellectual as hell.


    The First Sixer
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    TETHER - A word solely attached to those that look like us from abroad but don't identify or respect our Foundational Black American culture. They look like us but disrespect our culture, intelligence, work habits and overall being in this land. They don't recognize the sacrifices we and our ancestors made for all to enjoy and the freedoms and set asides everyone takes advantage of today. They latch on to things we create and then say that they created those very things we created ie CULTURE VULTURES! A TETHER will say we are lazy, loud, violent and don't contribute to society but will be shocked when we say we have over 50,000 patents stolen from us. They will not acknowledge our accomplishments in opening the doors for them to come to this nation and enjoy the fruits of our labor. They will also side with other cultures if it means gaining more access to freedoms that we fought for, but many times don't benefit from.

    This is my definition of a TETHER. At this point, there's no coalitions it's just FBA vs. Everybody!!!!
    I’ve been interviewing a lot of Black American business owners and you know quite a few have the EXACT SAME complaints? Look at the brotha in the picture below…he sets up and sells flowers.


    I stopped, bought my Mother’s Day flowers from him and interviewed him and he said Black people rarely stop and patronize…most drive by and give him evil stares and when they do stop they are rude and disrespectful. It hurt my heart to hear that brotha say that when all he is out here trying to make a buck.

    I interviewed a Black Beauty Supply owner in Long Beach, CA and she said the Black community doesn’t support her and she said when we do come in we always ask for free stuff and complain about prices.

    I go to a Black owned nail salon and the owner had to make a broadcast letting everyone know that when you come in you have to pay full price because we always come in looking for the hookup.

    I don’t know what the Jamaican lady’s experience is or was but too many Black American entrepreneurs have said the same exact thing. The question is how are we going to raise our children so that they value what we build? Because right now a lot of Black people only value something if it’s owned by outsiders.

    The Honorable

    Royal Sixer
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    It’s unfortunate to see the White Supremacists using her statements to justify their racist behaviors toward us. I would mention that this is the reason we need to keep these conversations internally but this is a Jamaican woman in Jamaica therefore is not apart of Black American society.


    Bruh you are a good poster but this makes no sense.

    This woman is in Jamaica running a business so how does the “we did so much for them” argument even apply? We have done jack shit for Jamaicans.

    Second y’all say tether is a term for Black immigrants who come here and undermine us but SHE IS NOT A BLACK IMMIGRANT, she is in Jamaica.

    Third, FBA people always tell Black immigrants to go back to their homeland and fix it, she in her homeland doing that very same thing but she still a tether? She talked in a Jamaican accent and wasn’t trying to be Black American at all.

    Stuff like this is why FBA is looked at as a joke because it’s anti-intellectual as hell.
    Good post. Revolution_2 did you fully view the tweet? The lady is not in the USA and she said “not all of you are like BUT the ones that stayed in my property were”. People have these same complaints about Americans in general White or Black because we often go to other countries and want things our way. Do you think we are immune from that because we are Blaxk?

    Red Velvet

    Master Sixer
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    New York
    FBA opinion:

    Do yall agree with her?
    She had a logical take on the ordeal. It saddens me that Black men like my father who were strong, masculine, loving, and leaders seem to few and far between.

    Being woman led for the past couple decades have turned us into an emotionally led group of people and you can see it in how we respond to the world. We need strong Black men to turn this around and whip the community into shape.


    Sixer First Class+
    The lady in Jamaica is a bedwench by her own admission and a white ass kisser. It doesn't mean however there isn't some truth in what she said about black Americans.

    I try to be a good ambassador for us. One of the things a lot of black Americans and I use that term for black people with an American passport who are culturally black American regardless of lineage because I know some of y'all jump on any little

    Most of us know that we are either the first or very few face to face opportunities to represent 'us'. I've seen the whole gamut. I've seen where people love our spirit and vibe and our openness and inclusion. I've also been embarrassed on behalf of us because one of us are tripping and its in places where we are the only black Americans they have met and left with a bad name.

    Some of us don't travel well. Some of us don't care how we look. Now, there is a difference between being friendly and good ambassador for black people and cooning. I've seen that as well.

    I've been to the Caribbean resorts and seen some of us talk down to fellow blacks from the islands. And hate to say it but its almost always sisters. Brothers roll with things usually. A few trip. A few still think they are in the hood and have to mean mug and act tough 1000s miles away from Compton, Bronzeville or Bed Stuy. Usually though if we are tripping on staff and the people its often sisters who have a diva complex. With the brothers its on some thirsty ish and holla at local girls in a manner where its inappropriate and will take friendliness for an invitation. This happens with the military brothers a lot, too many times.

    Read the room. Remember that brotha who had to bounce out of Brazil? Him. I've also seen local women, be they Asian or whatever, who idolize black culture and get their first chance to meet a sista and sistas are on this 'Why you under me?' attitude.

    We can be very cliquish and only f*ck with each other in some countries. Again, there is a whole range. I don't get it right all the time, but I try. Some of us don't manage that.

    With regards to black businesses, we have always known we have a bad habit of not supporting each other at times. When we do its love. I've been to a few businesses because they are black in whatever city I'm in and have told them so and that I'm happy to see one of us with that business. I try very hard to be both patient if they are lacking and to be fair and not expect more from them than I would a non Black business.

    A lot of us have to do better but this is already known within the community.

    Deleted member 191

    I’ve been interviewing a lot of Black American business owners and you know quite a few have the EXACT SAME complaints? Look at the brotha in the picture below…he sets up and sells flowers.

    View attachment 7713

    I stopped, bought my Mother’s Day flowers from him and interviewed him and he said Black people rarely stop and patronize…most drive by and give him evil stares and when they do stop they are rude and disrespectful. It hurt my heart to hear that brotha say that when all he is out here trying to make a buck.

    I interviewed a Black Beauty Supply owner in Long Beach, CA and she said the Black community doesn’t support her and she said when we do come in we always ask for free stuff and complain about prices.

    I go to a Black owned nail salon and the owner had to make a broadcast letting everyone know that when you come in you have to pay full price because we always come in looking for the hookup.

    I don’t know what the Jamaican lady’s experience is or was but too many Black American entrepreneurs have said the same exact thing. The question is how are we going to raise our children so that they value what we build? Because right now a lot of Black people only value something if it’s owned by outsiders.
    Crazy how the universe has been working lately, I JUST had this conversation with my nephew today. We met for breakfast. He has an interest in Real Estate Investing so I shared with him the things I have learned and the things I've encountered in my journey thus far. He also has a real passion for cooking; which I told him to go with his passion first, since real estate will always be there. Deeper into our discussion, I suggested to him that he needs to mold his business idea in a way that targets VERY SPECIFIC calibers of customers. For example: if you want something simple and quick like a fast food joint, then you can market to the average blue collar worker. If you want something where you want a higher quality customer who's going to come in and spend $75+ on a dinner for two, then you'll want to target the pink and white collar workers. I warned him, however, that the average black person wants the buy one free, get one free discount and they WILL try to take advantage of a black business owner/upstart because they subconsciously view anything from black people as less than and not worth their spending aka The Sub-Conscious coon effect that you wrote about. EVEN THOUGH, these are the same niggas lining up at Target, Wally World(Wal-Mart to you slow on the uptake), and the Apple Store to buy the newest fk'n iPhone for $10,000 that they don't even have or Footlocker, DSW, Famous Footwear, Finish Line, or where the hell you buy shoes in your local markets to spend $1000 on Jordans and LeBrons when your light and gas is behind. (I'm being sarcastic with the prices).


    The First Sixer
  • Messages
    Crazy how the universe has been working lately, I JUST had this conversation with my nephew today. We met for breakfast. He has an interest in Real Estate Investing so I shared with him the things I have learned and the things I've encountered in my journey thus far. He also has a real passion for cooking; which I told him to go with his passion first, since real estate will always be there. Deeper into our discussion, I suggested to him that he needs to mold his business idea in a way that targets VERY SPECIFIC calibers of customers. For example: if you want something simple and quick like a fast food joint, then you can market to the average blue collar worker. If you want something where you want a higher quality customer who's going to come in and spend $75+ on a dinner for two, then you'll want to target the pink and white collar workers. I warned him, however, that the average black person wants the buy one free, get one free discount and they WILL try to take advantage of a black business owner/upstart because they subconsciously view anything from black people as less than and not worth their spending aka The Sub-Conscious coon effect that you wrote about. EVEN THOUGH, these are the same niggas lining up at Target, Wally World(Wal-Mart to you slow on the uptake), and the Apple Store to buy the newest fk'n iPhone for $10,000 that they don't even have or Footlocker, DSW, Famous Footwear, Finish Line, or where the hell you buy shoes in your local markets to spend $1000 on Jordans and LeBrons when your light and gas is behind. (I'm being sarcastic with the prices).
    We have to have constructive conversations about the devaluation of Black endeavors in our community if we are going to get up out of this situation.

    A good example is social media. We see so many Black people complaining about being banned and suspended and talk about how we need our own but everytime a Black person makes one those same people make up every excuse as to why they don’t support it.

    - social has the same issue
    - blkem has the same issue
    - melaninpeople has the same issue
    - b-heard has the same issue
    - Fanbase is not even trying to market to Black people

    It’s sick and we gotta stop pretending as if this isn’t a real condition in our community. There is a strong majority of people who DO NOT value Black people or our establishments.

    A few hundred supposed Black Americans were mad at me for having rules on here so they left and went back to Twitter whose rules are even more strict.


    Senior Sixer
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    It’s disheartening seeing our people practice international B1 economics with ungrateful tethers. No matter their bad experiences or justifications it’s peculiar that their class is always quick to lump us in a group with the bad. It’s like they’re looking for a reason to espouse their anti-FBA hatred. Meanwhile these descendants of pathetic shithole countries still worship their former king.



    I would accept
    It’s disheartening seeing our people practice international B1 economics with ungrateful tethers. No matter their bad experiences or justifications it’s peculiar that their class is always quick to lump us in a group with the bad. It’s like they’re looking for a reason to espouse their anti-FBA hatred. Meanwhile these descendants of pathetic shithole countries still worship their former king.

    You don’t even know if the people that stayed there are B1. They just went to Jamaica and got an AirBnB. You watch Jason Black and he constantly talks about Pookie and Ray Ray and they are the majority. To pretend as if we are these perfect people and everyone else is a coon is a flawed mentality. You are making an “us vs them” scenario with a theoretical “us”.


    Senior Sixer
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    Pookie and Ray Ray and they are the majority.

    This is a repugnant white supremacist talking point. I’m not sure how you could possibly define “Pookie and Ray Ray” but no matter how you define that term to say they are the majority is false. Whether it’s criminal statistics or decorum, most FBA are solid hard workers and even those who’ve been put into the corrupt prison system may be reformed and moving with a purpose.

    To pretend as if we are these perfect people and everyone else is a coon is a flawed mentality. You are making an “us vs them” scenario with a theoretical “us”.

    Please show me the global movement of resistance against white supremacy from these black nations. One quarter of Africa is still on the Franc, Germany owns South Africa’s national bank, and half the Caribbean was just saying over the symbolic crown of white supremacy. Yes you’re right, we are not perfect but we are the only ones historically and currently willing to fight against white supremacy, these other groups not all are coons however I’m not seeing much otherwise.


    This is a repugnant white supremacist talking point. I’m not sure how you could possibly define “Pookie and Ray Ray” but no matter how you define that term to say they are the majority is false. Whether it’s criminal statistics or decorum, most FBA are solid hard workers and even those who’ve been put into the corrupt prison system may be reformed and moving with a purpose.

    To pretend as if we are these perfect people and everyone else is a coon is a flawed mentality. You are making an “us vs them” scenario with a theoretical “us”.

    Please show me the global movement of resistance against white supremacy from these black nations. One quarter of Africa is still on the Franc, Germany owns South Africa’s national bank, and half the Caribbean was just saying over the symbolic crown of white supremacy. Yes you’re right, we are not perfect but we are the only ones historically and currently willing to fight against white supremacy, these other groups not all are coons however I’m not seeing much otherwise.

    Black people are actually having shooting was with White Supremacy and have expelled them out the country. Mali drove out France recently.

    Here’s a excerpt:

    “French forces have been active since 2013 in Mali, where they intervened to drive Islamic extremists from power. But the insurgents regrouped in the desert and began attacking the Malian army and its allies.”


    Here is a brotha in South Africa saying that it will come to bloodshed if the Dutch don’t give up the land.

    “Julius Malema warned: "The land will be taken by any means necessary.

    "We are not calling for the slaughtering of white people. At least for now. What we are calling for is the peaceful occupation of land and we don't owe anyone an apology for that."

    I can give a ton of examples of Black people fighting back, it isn’t just us. What you’re saying is a false narrative pushed to make us feel as if we are all alone when we aren’t.


    Sixer First Class+
    Way back in the day, only brothers with decent income could go to Brazil and the DR. Then the drug money dope boys who could get a passport started to come a bit more and the price of plane tickets dropped over time. I first heard about the DR and Brazil from a coworker. I was fairly young in the working game, he was in sales making 80k. The tickets were a stack at least or more but you could catch deals. Now you can go round trip from NYC to DR for under 500 bux easy. Anyone can afford that and so can the Pookie and Ray Rays just like they effed up Freaknik.

    It was the degreed office girls with good jobs going on girls trips to Jamaica back in the day now Shaniqua can afford it and Pooke, Ray Ray and Shaniqua don't travel well.

    On balance, I've been in some effed airbnbs run by black folks. I paid for a spot in my first trip to Ghana, owned by a black Brit who was absentee owner and the place was f*cked up, no hot water or internet. I gave him a cordial review but the white folks after me I rea later went in hard. I am not hard to please.

    My guess is this Jamaican lady didn't spend to upgrade her place well enough. It was off the beaten path and she was tryna squeeze out all the money she can. Tariq spoke about it on his program and a white lady who was into black men went in on her and her airbnb. So it could be a combination of both and the Jamaican lady being a bedwench hated on black people more.

    We once ran black businesses very, very well. I have spoken to Blacks who came from areas with black Wall Streets and I've been told it was a matter of pride for Blacks to run their businesses better than their white counterparts in the other part of the town. The black run bus system for our area of Durham back in the day was so good it became the biggest black owned transportation system in the world...yes, the world, at one time.

    We know quality. A black owned car maker made the most well made car at one time when automobile was in its infancy. The Real McCoy comes from a Black person's product being the best.

    We lost that somehow. I read somewhere that Jews support their own but if the business is lacking they give constructive advice.


    The First Sixer
  • Messages
    It’s disheartening seeing our people practice international B1 economics with ungrateful tethers. No matter their bad experiences or justifications it’s peculiar that their class is always quick to lump us in a group with the bad. It’s like they’re looking for a reason to espouse their anti-FBA hatred. Meanwhile these descendants of pathetic shithole countries still worship their former king.
    This brotha is Black American and said the same thing. I’m not posting this to defend the Jamaican lady I could care less. My point is that our own business people here have similar complaints.

    So we need to understand that there are certain people in our own ranks that do not value Black business hence why the will shop at a Korean hair care place to save a dollar over a Black alternative but a Korean would die before they buy from us.

    Remember all the Black ladies twerking in that Black man’s restaurant or the Black woman that walked in Turkey Leg Hit naked to protest the dress code?

    I had Black people mad at me saying that the code of conduct here is similar to communist China all because we need order here.

    Do you think it’s totally impossible for her experience to be accurate? Does it have to be 100% out of hatred for Black Americans?

    View attachment IMG_4740.MOV


    Senior Sixer
  • Messages
    Black people are actually having shooting was with White Supremacy and have expelled them out the country. Mali drove out France recently.

    Here’s a excerpt:

    “French forces have been active since 2013 in Mali, where they intervened to drive Islamic extremists from power. But the insurgents regrouped in the desert and began attacking the Malian army and its allies.”


    Here is a brotha in South Africa saying that it will come to bloodshed if the Dutch don’t give up the land.

    “Julius Malema warned: "The land will be taken by any means necessary.

    "We are not calling for the slaughtering of white people. At least for now. What we are calling for is the peaceful occupation of land and we don't owe anyone an apology for that."

    I can give a ton of examples of Black people fighting back, it isn’t just us. What you’re saying is a false narrative pushed to make us feel as if we are all alone when we aren’t.
    Ive been following Malema and the EFF for years, I have a high amount of respect for their movement. They’re the only group even close to remotely resembling our movements of the 60s and 70s. No dispute there.

    Concerning Mali, their leader was trained by the US, which exact training was questioned recently in a congressional hearing. He could very well be an agent of those who trained him. Also Frances relationship with the US is becoming strained as it tries to distance itself from the US and get closer with Russia (those protest weren’t a coincidence). I wouldn’t claim this as positive he’s fighting white supremacy on behalf of white supremacy.

    But nitpicking aside, I get what you’re trying to say and outside of small fringe examples you’re not going to find the resistance enmasse like in FBA history/present-day.


    Senior Sixer
  • Messages
    So we need to understand that there are certain people in our own ranks that do not value Black business hence why the will shop at a Korean hair care place to save a dollar over a Black alternative but a Korean would die before they buy from us.
    I’ve always felt sistas should organize to eliminate this problem. It’s one I can see being fixed overnight. The burden falls on the boule sorority sistas, they could easily organize the funneling of their dollars and black woman as a whole in every major city & predominantly black cities/towns to FBA owned nail & hair salons. In every major city with a sizeable FBA population there is atleast 1 FBA owned hair & nail salon. I’ve had this talk with an influential woman from that class and she never followed up on it. Unfortunately, like most in the boule class they are easily distracted by the nothing-burger symbolic inclusion imagery, so Koonmala Harris seems to be enough.
    Remember all the Black ladies twerking in that Black man’s restaurant or the Black woman that walked in Turkey Leg Hit naked to protest the dress code?
    Yes and that couple was doing a great thing by keeping order in their establishment just as you’re doing. They spoke on how folks with decorum, some with children were appalled by that imagery. I have no problem with this I see this as black business owners who care for their people to uphold a certain standard. Totally different from a tether who takes shots at FBA.
    Do you think it’s totally impossible for her experience to be accurate? Does it have to be 100% out of hatred for Black Americans?
    Maybe her experience is accurate, maybe not, but after rewatching the clip she certainly has a hatred for FBA. Notice how she emphasizes “BLAYAWK AMERICANS“. She list off all the different groups but only mentions us with that disdain. Then she goes into an ignorant diatribe about general American entitlement but pins it on us. You could easily say that about white people which is why we created the term “Karen” which is the embodiment of privileged white American entitlement. On top of that, her video has been spread as propaganda when in reality she’s renting out a weak ass shack.

    Deleted member 1946


    TETHER - A word solely attached to those that look like us from abroad but don't identify or respect our Foundational Black American culture. They look like us but disrespect our culture, intelligence, work habits and overall being in this land. They don't recognize the sacrifices we and our ancestors made for all to enjoy and the freedoms and set asides everyone takes advantage of today. They latch on to things we create and then say that they created those very things we created ie CULTURE VULTURES! A TETHER will say we are lazy, loud, violent and don't contribute to society but will be shocked when we say we have over 50,000 patents stolen from us. They will not acknowledge our accomplishments in opening the doors for them to come to this nation and enjoy the fruits of our labor. They will also side with other cultures if it means gaining more access to freedoms that we fought for, but many times don't benefit from.

    This is my definition of a TETHER. At this point, there's no coalitions it's just FBA vs. Everybody!!!!
    It is definitely us versus the world.


    The First Sixer
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    I’ve always felt sistas should organize to eliminate this problem. It’s one I can see being fixed overnight. The burden falls on the boule sorority sistas, they could easily organize the funneling of their dollars and black woman as a whole in every major city & predominantly black cities/towns to FBA owned nail & hair salons. In every major city with a sizeable FBA population there is atleast 1 FBA owned hair & nail salon. I’ve had this talk with an influential woman from that class and she never followed up on it. Unfortunately, like most in the boule class they are easily distracted by the nothing-burger symbolic inclusion imagery, so Koonmala Harris seems to be enough.

    Yes and that couple was doing a great thing by keeping order in their establishment just as you’re doing. They spoke on how folks with decorum, some with children were appalled by that imagery. I have no problem with this I see this as black business owners who care for their people to uphold a certain standard. Totally different from a tether who takes shots at FBA.

    Maybe her experience is accurate, maybe not, but after rewatching the clip she certainly has a hatred for FBA. Notice how she emphasizes “BLAYAWK AMERICANS“. She list off all the different groups but only mentions us with that disdain. Then she goes into an ignorant diatribe about general American entitlement but pins it on us. You could easily say that about white people which is why we created the term “Karen” which is the embodiment of privileged white American entitlement. On top of that, her video has been spread as propaganda when in reality she’s renting out a weak ass shack.
    My overall point was that there are Black Americans entrepreneurs who have the same issues and so to use the situation to push the narrative IMO is not right. Ontop of that what is the meaning of tether if it applies to her? She does not live in the USA, doesn’t talk like us, she is in her country trying to make a living for herself. Isn’t that what the FBA doctrine asks of Black immigrants?

    BTW I’m not defending her once again I could care less about her AirBnB. But based on personal experience and experience of other Black American business owners what she is saying isn’t far fetched.

    Buiuuuuut you made a great point…

    If she gives whites a pass for the same behavior than she is a coon straight up and down. The fact that she put that out makes me think she probably is…but we as Black males in our community need to start getting the community in order so that places like her Turkey Leg Hut, Kitchen and kick tails or whatever it is called and other establishments don’t have these issues.


    Sixer First Class+
    My guess and its only a guess, that Jamaican lady gets complaints from white people (Tariq showed that) as much if not more and she does the Yes ma'am thing with them but with sistas she will get the same complaint and trip.

    Shaniqua from the projects don't usually make it to Jamaica at a place off the beaten path outside of the inclusive resorts in the major tourist areas (Ocho Rios, Montego Bay, Negril). These sisters in these type of spots tend to have money.

    She is a self described bedwench and kisses white ass from what Tariq read about her exchange with a white woman. Who goes public on black Americans specifically like that when you got a business that caters to the public? She's trying to get nothing but white folks and showing out.

    Lets keep it a buck, we get more upset with each other in the course of business than with white folks. I take it far more personal when a sista or brotha seems to trip on me for no reason if they are a clerk or whatever. We cuss each other out far more than the same act from white folks. Often no matter how respectful you are in your tone or words. "Hey fam, yadda, yadda...." and you get attitude back. Those are facts.

    That said, Jay is right about how we are as a culture too often in supporting our own. We often ask for a hook up when its a black business and pay higher without question to white people or non black folks.

    And we don't tip as much as others. We gotta stop that in black restaurants. I tip generously in black spots or to a black server. I tip anyway but I hook us up the most. Black serving staff are almost always shocked at the tip and/or the size.

    We really do gotta love each other more.



    TETHER - A word solely attached to those that look like us from abroad but don't identify or respect our Foundational Black American culture. They look like us but disrespect our culture, intelligence, work habits and overall being in this land. They don't recognize the sacrifices we and our ancestors made for all to enjoy and the freedoms and set asides everyone takes advantage of today. They latch on to things we create and then say that they created those very things we created ie CULTURE VULTURES! A TETHER will say we are lazy, loud, violent and don't contribute to society but will be shocked when we say we have over 50,000 patents stolen from us. They will not acknowledge our accomplishments in opening the doors for them to come to this nation and enjoy the fruits of our labor. They will also side with other cultures if it means gaining more access to freedoms that we fought for, but many times don't benefit from.

    This is my definition of a TETHER. At this point, there's no coalitions it's just FBA vs. Everybody!!!!
    Remember not to group everyone into that very accurate description.

    Boss Hog

    Master Sixer
    Remember not to group everyone into that very accurate description.
    jay z handshake GIF


    Down From Day 1
  • Messages

    I don’t appreciate slimy putting our business out on front street but the same people I see upset in twittersville are the same people that have endless critiques for all other Blacks around the globe.

    You can’t call Africans coons all day, Caribbeans bed wenches all night and then cry when you get a critique back. A lot of emotional stunted growth going on in these streets.

    Rollie Forbes

    Royal Sixer
    Super Moderator
    Down From Day 1
    The lady in Jamaica is a bedwench by her own admission and a white ass kisser. It doesn't mean however there isn't some truth in what she said about black Americans.

    I try to be a good ambassador for us. One of the things a lot of black Americans and I use that term for black people with an American passport who are culturally black American regardless of lineage because I know some of y'all jump on any little

    Most of us know that we are either the first or very few face to face opportunities to represent 'us'. I've seen the whole gamut. I've seen where people love our spirit and vibe and our openness and inclusion. I've also been embarrassed on behalf of us because one of us are tripping and its in places where we are the only black Americans they have met and left with a bad name.

    Some of us don't travel well. Some of us don't care how we look. Now, there is a difference between being friendly and good ambassador for black people and cooning. I've seen that as well.

    I've been to the Caribbean resorts and seen some of us talk down to fellow blacks from the islands. And hate to say it but its almost always sisters. Brothers roll with things usually. A few trip. A few still think they are in the hood and have to mean mug and act tough 1000s miles away from Compton, Bronzeville or Bed Stuy. Usually though if we are tripping on staff and the people its often sisters who have a diva complex. With the brothers its on some thirsty ish and holla at local girls in a manner where its inappropriate and will take friendliness for an invitation. This happens with the military brothers a lot, too many times.

    Read the room. Remember that brotha who had to bounce out of Brazil? Him. I've also seen local women, be they Asian or whatever, who idolize black culture and get their first chance to meet a sista and sistas are on this 'Why you under me?' attitude.

    We can be very cliquish and only f*ck with each other in some countries. Again, there is a whole range. I don't get it right all the time, but I try. Some of us don't manage that.

    With regards to black businesses, we have always known we have a bad habit of not supporting each other at times. When we do its love. I've been to a few businesses because they are black in whatever city I'm in and have told them so and that I'm happy to see one of us with that business. I try very hard to be both patient if they are lacking and to be fair and not expect more from them than I would a non Black business.

    A lot of us have to do better but this is already known within the community.
    This is a wild post.
    You're a Jamaican, but used trans-cultural "I identify as" language to paint yourself as a Black American in your second paragraph.
    You then spent the remainder of your post detailing how poorly Black Americans act when we travel and how little we support Black businesses.

    You see US the same way that the Jamaican business owner does; but because you stan Tariq Nasheed, you feel like you have carte blanche to speak ill of actual Black Americans. You don't.

    If you respond to this, please reply to me directly; and most importantly, KEEP IT BRIEF. I don't feel like reading another of your rambling wall of texts on this beautiful Saturday morning.

    Deleted member 1946

    I’ve been interviewing a lot of Black American business owners and you know quite a few have the EXACT SAME complaints? Look at the brotha in the picture below…he sets up and sells flowers.

    View attachment 7713

    I stopped, bought my Mother’s Day flowers from him and interviewed him and he said Black people rarely stop and patronize…most drive by and give him evil stares and when they do stop they are rude and disrespectful. It hurt my heart to hear that brotha say that when all he is out here trying to make a buck.

    I interviewed a Black Beauty Supply owner in Long Beach, CA and she said the Black community doesn’t support her and she said when we do come in we always ask for free stuff and complain about prices.

    I go to a Black owned nail salon and the owner had to make a broadcast letting everyone know that when you come in you have to pay full price because we always come in looking for the hookup.

    I don’t know what the Jamaican lady’s experience is or was but too many Black American entrepreneurs have said the same exact thing. The question is how are we going to raise our children so that they value what we build? Because right now a lot of Black people only value something if it’s owned by outsiders.
    Wanting something free or at a discount

    Deleted member 1946

    It’s unfortunate to see the White Supremacists using her statements to justify their racist behaviors toward us. I would mention that this is the reason we need to keep these conversations internally but this is a Jamaican woman in Jamaica therefore is not apart of Black American society.
    We definitely need to keep a lot of stuff in house, but we expose our dirty laundry to the world.

    Deleted member 1946

    Good post. Revolution_2 did you fully view the tweet? The lady is not in the USA and she said “not all of you are like BUT the ones that stayed in my property were”. People have these same complaints about Americans in general White or Black because we often go to other countries and want things our way. Do you think we are immune from that because we are Blaxk?
    You make a good point. I find it so interesting how when folks start their own business, they usually will charge high prices but don't want to pay those same high prices elsewhere.


    I know one thing... I do get tired of our folks wanting something free or at a discount. I get tired of our folks saying that "I will just go get it from the store." I have a legitimate business selling the same stuff, and the majority of the time it is cheaper than theirs.
    What do you sell and is it physical retail?


    Sixer First Class+
    I know one thing... I do get tired of our folks wanting something free or at a discount. I get tired of our folks saying that "I will just go get it from the store." I have a legitimate business selling the same stuff, and the majority of the time it is cheaper than theirs.
    It's all over. Africans want the hook up if they are from the same tribe and so do Caribbean blacks. Its a cultural thing all over. On the flip side, a lot of brothers and sisters in the Caribbean and Africa over charge anyone black with an American passport. I've experienced that all too often.

    Anyway, specific to black businesses in America because its what we all on here know and live with, yeah, the price is the price. Don't complain because if that black owner was white or asian we'd all pay it without a peep.


    Master Sixer
  • Messages
    Please believe, I'm still reading all of your comments. I definitely appreciate the feedback. If you get through this post, watch the entire video at the end. It may change some minds!
    Did I hear "Well what about Chicago?" a few times on this thread or was I trippin'?

    I can't speak for her experiences with Black Americans, but the one thing I know is that her speech is off code and Anti Black American as hell. I don't defend rude customers because to me that's off code also. We should all be treated with respect and even more when we look like one another. My problem is the free stuff statement. I've been to a few countries, and no one wants more free stuff than black/brown/white/yellow/red abroad.

    I treated my brothers and sisters in the continent of Africa with the most respect. I never looked down on anything they did and received much love from my people in the continent. But check this out, the ones who begged for money always begged from my wife and I. They would not dare ask a white person for money. I take money specifically to tip, but I was giving much of my money to people begging or trying to sell me something I really didn't need.

    My point is that our travel dollars keep many of these businesses afloat nationwide and abroad but in turn, we get the least respect. We are many times charged more because we are black, and we are looked at as if we are rich because we are in a foreign land.

    I will not back down on this TETHER, even though she is not in America. I'm sure if she was here, she'd latch on to our culture and pull the same shit she's puling in Jamaica. She is not here in America, but she practices the same Anti FBA sentiments as any white or brown or yellow person does. I don't do that to my people.

    In addition, the same people that complain about rude black customers, I can complain about their rude black employees. The only difference is, I don't complain and shun all black businesses. I just attempt to find a better black business to spend my money with.

    I will not give this lady a pass for the disrespect of specifically Black Americans. It's not just us who can be rude but since we live rent free, we always become the target. I've met too many good people in the Caribbean to not condemn her behavior and label it as racist. I'm standing on my square, and I won't waiver on what I said, and I guarantee my dollars won't be spent with her on my next trip to Jamaica! That is all!!

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    Sixer First Class+
    I don't think anyone on this thread would use her property. I wouldn't. She may have genuinely had issues with some blacks who tripped out. However she handled it wrong and of code AF. She is a bedwench and a white ass kissers.

    I read some of the comments in the same article on Yahoo and white racists were having a field day about "black culture".

    You can have an issue with a few bad apples without giving ammo to white folks.


    Master Sixer
  • Messages
    I don't think anyone on this thread would use her property. I wouldn't. She may have genuinely had issues with some blacks who tripped out. However she handled it wrong and of code AF. She is a bedwench and a white ass kissers.

    I read some of the comments in the same article on Yahoo and white racists were having a field day about "black culture".

    You can have an issue with a few bad apples without giving ammo to white folks.
    The white woman went at her deceptive practices but yet again, she goes for the low hanging fruit and attacks us. She wouldn't want to see my wife and her friends. They are the most respectful and beautiful people you want to meet but they don't play games about the disrespect.

    My wife and SEVEN of her Melanated friends just came back from Egypt for her birthday and were treated like Queens over there. They were revered for their beauty and how they dressed, their skin tone, how they carried themselves. Those ladies respected the culture and the Egyptian (African) culture respected the true mothers of this earth with reverence. They had to check a few people (mainly white) but after that, it was smooth sailing.

    These 8 black women paid over $34,000 in total to visit a foreign land. You damn right they wanted top notch service and I assure you, those sisters were not bashful when it was time to express their opinions. FBA is different and the respect we give is really based on how we are respected by others when we SPEND OUR MONEY with them.


    Sixer First Class+
    I'm curious what the white folks said or did? I will say this, for the most part as there are exceptions, middle class values, class, whatever you want to call it, are the same the world over.

    I've had the pleasure of seeing or meeting a variety of Blacks from the diaspora abroad. I've seen Canadian sisters, British sisters, American sisters, handle themselves with class.

    Glad to hear they had a nice time. I've met a few Egyptians and I've never had an issue on a one to one basis.


    Master Sixer
  • Messages
    I'm curious what the white folks said or did? I will say this, for the most part as there are exceptions, middle class values, class, whatever you want to call it, are the same the world over.

    I've had the pleasure of seeing or meeting a variety of Blacks from the diaspora abroad. I've seen Canadian sisters, British sisters, American sisters, handle themselves with class.

    Glad to hear they had a nice time. I've met a few Egyptians and I've never had an issue on a one to one basis.
    They did what white people do, try to go ahead in line or speak in a certain way. It may or may not be racist but it's entitlement at the least and we are sensitive to that mess. I almost put hands on a white dude in Belize for a slick comment. We know what the Intent is when they say or do certain things.

    As for my wife and friends,The Egyptian people thought they were stars and to see their melanin shine where there is also melanin, shows me that we are different. She couldn't even describe it in words on how the people treated them. We know this doesn't happen everywhere but my point is, when I ask for fresh towels and another sheet for the bed, it shouldn't be that hard to appease your customer.

    I think we've all made the mistake of blaming black people, especially when those black people are black Americans. Hell Umar Johnson talks down and blames us for stuff all the time (where's that school neeega?) I personally won't go against my people in a public forum for the world to see. That's what on code is for me!

    And yes they had an amazing time RCNAL. Next stop is Ghana just for us!
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    Sixer First Class+
    Overseas, you are your passport. What ever the prestige or lack of prestige of your passport country, gets applied to you fairly or unfairly.

    I've seen people go goo goo ga ga over a black with a British accent more than an American black person. I won't lie, a sista with a British accent gets a pass if her looks aren't as tight as I would normally date...haha

    But by and large, black American culture is the world's most dominant culture and being the most dominant, rightfully gets love or curiosity moreso in places we don't usually be in, especially.

    But real talk though, the Egyptians treat native Africans like shit at times. That's a fact. So do other folks.

    And if you spending that type of cheddar, motha effen right you better get treated accordingly.

    As for white folks overseas, I got stories. They will try shit they won't ever dream about trying in America because they channel their inner slave master, colonizing spirit. Other folks as well (Indians, Chinese).

    Some folks love to cut in line in front of you like you ain't shyt and just gonna bow down. Eff all that. That's not just an FBA thing, that's a black thing in general...I've seen it....haha.

    I love hearing our sistas being treated like the queens they are.


    Master Sixer
  • Messages
    Overseas, you are your passport. What ever the prestige or lack of prestige of your passport country, gets applied to you fairly or unfairly.

    I've seen people go goo goo ga ga over a black with a British accent more than an American black person. I won't lie, a sista with a British accent gets a pass if her looks aren't as tight as I would normally date...haha

    But by and large, black American culture is the world's most dominant culture and being the most dominant, rightfully gets love or curiosity moreso in places we don't usually be in, especially.

    But real talk though, the Egyptians treat native Africans like shit at times. That's a fact. So do other folks.

    And if you spending that type of cheddar, motha effen right you better get treated accordingly.

    As for white folks overseas, I got stories. They will try shit they won't ever dream about trying in America because they channel their inner slave master, colonizing spirit. Other folks as well (Indians, Chinese).

    Some folks love to cut in line in front of you like you ain't shyt and just gonna bow down. Eff all that. That's not just an FBA thing, that's a black thing in general...I've seen it....haha.

    I love hearing our sistas being treated like the queens they are.
    I agree about how blacks are treated everywhere, especially in America. The darker people are always on the edge of town and segregated. She told me about a town outside Luxor that was dirt poor while there people in Luxor was shining in all white and gold robes.

    Lol we will check folks but it's not enough when we talk down on us especially when you aren't us. They can't have it both ways!

    Thank you again! I was happy she was happy 😊

    The Honorable

    Royal Sixer
  • Messages
    Please believe, I'm still reading all of your comments. I definitely appreciate the feedback. If you get through this post, watch the entire video at the end. It may change some minds!
    Did I hear "Well what about Chicago?" a few times on this thread or was I trippin'?

    I can't speak for her experiences with Black Americans, but the one thing I know is that her speech is off code and Anti Black American as hell. I don't defend rude customers because to me that's off code also. We should all be treated with respect and even more when we look like one another. My problem is the free stuff statement. I've been to a few countries, and no one wants more free stuff than black/brown/white/yellow/red abroad.

    I treated my brothers and sisters in the continent of Africa with the most respect. I never looked down on anything they did and received much love from my people in the continent. But check this out, the ones who begged for money always begged from my wife and I. They would not dare ask a white person for money. I take money specifically to tip, but I was giving much of my money to people begging or trying to sell me something I really didn't need.

    My point is that our travel dollars keep many of these businesses afloat nationwide and abroad but in turn, we get the least respect. We are many times charged more because we are black, and we are looked at as if we are rich because we are in a foreign land.

    I will not back down on this TETHER, even though she is not in America. I'm sure if she was here, she'd latch on to our culture and pull the same shit she's puling in Jamaica. She is not here in America, but she practices the same Anti FBA sentiments as any white or brown or yellow person does. I don't do that to my people.

    In addition, the same people that complain about rude black customers, I can complain about their rude black employees. The only difference is, I don't complain and shun all black businesses. I just attempt to find a better black business to spend my money with.

    I will not give this lady a pass for the disrespect of specifically Black Americans. It's not just us who can be rude but since we live rent free, we always become the target. I've met too many good people in the Caribbean to not condemn her behavior and label it as racist. I'm standing on my square, and I won't waiver on what I said, and I guarantee my dollars won't be spent with her on my next trip to Jamaica! That is all!!

    In your initial post it came across as an indictment on all of our brothers and sisters across the Caribbean. The specificity provide in this particular post is rational to a degree and understandable.

    With that said I believe it’s important to understand how loyalty is earned and how it’s maintained. We must not look at the world from an elementary perspective and then become upset when our world view is unveiled at delusions of grandeur.

    What I mean is that humans are only loyal to what helps them survive. When you look at racial dynamics and white worship it reduces down to people believing that siding with Europeans will help them survive.

    So if we as Black Americans are not helping anyone survive then we cannot expect their loyalty. There will be no coalescing against White Supremacy without a viable mechanism to replace it.

    It is why we did not see countries rise up against the USA until China became an equal rival and created the BRICS alliance. In addition the only reason the countries are joining is due to the fact that there is an economic upside in cooperation.

    As of today there is no economic upside to allying with Black Americans. So until you, I, and we build that we will continue not having Allie’s and will eventually die off.


    Down From Day 1
  • Messages
    Look at these slores twerking at Elmina Castle in Ghana. Revolution_2 this is low-key why we have to be balanced in this shit because we as a group are not perfect. Not every thing everyone says against us some made up shit. Fuck that Jamaican hoe but we can't pretend like there ain't FBA showing they ass across the world and being nuisances



    Sixer First Class+
    Look at these slores twerking at Elmina Castle in Ghana. Revolution_2 this is low-key why we have to be balanced in this shit because we as a group are not perfect. Not every thing everyone says against us some made up shit. Fuck that Jamaican hoe but we can't pretend like there ain't FBA showing they ass across the world and being nuisances

    There is ratchet EVERYWHERE. Every black community has them, America, Caribbean, Africa. The percentages vary and may vary greatly, but ALL have it. I got love for Tariq, he'll attribute any thing often to 'I think they are non FBA', I get it. There needs to be a uniting of foundationals to fight for reparations, etc but truth is we all grew up with straight out ratchets. I've also seen it in every black community I've visited abroad. At the end of the day, its on code vs off code.


    Down From Day 1
  • Messages
    There is ratchet EVERYWHERE. Every black community has them, America, Caribbean, Africa. The percentages vary and may vary greatly, but ALL have it. I got love for Tariq, he'll attribute any thing often to 'I think they are non FBA', I get it. There needs to be a uniting of foundationals to fight for reparations, etc but truth is we all grew up with straight out ratchets. I've also seen it in every black community I've visited abroad. At the end of the day, its on code vs off code.
    Nothing I said has anything to do with Riq