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Meghan Markle


Sixer First Class+
The Root article on her.

Her quote of being 'biracial"
“I think for us, it’s very different because we’re light-skinned,” Markle said to Carey. “You’re not treated as a Black woman. You’re not treated as a white woman. You sort of fit in-between.” She then goes into further detail about how marrying into the royal family exposed her to a sort of racism she hadn’t experienced before."

This is complete utter bullshit. White supremacy played a great 3D chess move telling essentially black people who are mixed that they were not black and held out a carrot that you could be white...maybe but you are a buffer class, not black..but not quite white, like other buffer groups (Latinos, Arabs, etc).

Blacks who are half anything were always black when I was a kid. Yeah, you'd be asked what are you mixed with but you were black. Especially if you lived in a black area. I grew up with a few kids who were half white, a few half latino and 1 or 2 half Asian. They were black. Society treated them as such, we treated them as such.

I got into it once with someone who tried to play that I ain't black thing, I'm biracial. I asked them is Frederick Douglas black? --- Yes. Is Bob Marley black? --- Yes. Then you black because BOTH got white fathers.

Way back in the day, the DJ for 2 Live crew, Asian facial features, regarded as black. Hines Ward, black and korean. White supremacy started telling half black people they are a different category. When Meghan Markle says she's not black, she's not white. Its white people saying that. Black folks have never told half black people they aren't black. Ever. Halle Berry was never told she was not black. She was celebrated for her Oscar as a black woman. The women seem to have way more issues than the men. My guess is girls need to be accepted early on. Boys not as much.

The real issue for biracials? White people won't accept them as white. White people have accepted half latinos (Ted Cruz), half Asians as white (Keanu Reeves). Andrew Tate is part black. He lived in America as a white boy. He talks about his black father only after he's made his money. In England he would be like Meghan Markle, black. In America he passed. He only fairly recently brought up his black ancestry.


Master Sixer
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    The Root article on her.

    Her quote of being 'biracial"
    “I think for us, it’s very different because we’re light-skinned,” Markle said to Carey. “You’re not treated as a Black woman. You’re not treated as a white woman. You sort of fit in-between.” She then goes into further detail about how marrying into the royal family exposed her to a sort of racism she hadn’t experienced before."

    This is complete utter bullshit. White supremacy played a great 3D chess move telling essentially black people who are mixed that they were not black and held out a carrot that you could be white...maybe but you are a buffer class, not black..but not quite white, like other buffer groups (Latinos, Arabs, etc).

    Blacks who are half anything were always black when I was a kid. Yeah, you'd be asked what are you mixed with but you were black. Especially if you lived in a black area. I grew up with a few kids who were half white, a few half latino and 1 or 2 half Asian. They were black. Society treated them as such, we treated them as such.

    I got into it once with someone who tried to play that I ain't black thing, I'm biracial. I asked them is Frederick Douglas black? --- Yes. Is Bob Marley black? --- Yes. Then you black because BOTH got white fathers.

    Way back in the day, the DJ for 2 Live crew, Asian facial features, regarded as black. Hines Ward, black and korean. White supremacy started telling half black people they are a different category. When Meghan Markle says she's not black, she's not white. Its white people saying that. Black folks have never told half black people they aren't black. Ever. Halle Berry was never told she was not black. She was celebrated for her Oscar as a black woman. The women seem to have way more issues than the men. My guess is girls need to be accepted early on. Boys not as much.

    The real issue for biracials? White people won't accept them as white. White people have accepted half latinos (Ted Cruz), half Asians as white (Keanu Reeves). Andrew Tate is part black. He lived in America as a white boy. He talks about his black father only after he's made his money. In England he would be like Meghan Markle, black. In America he passed. He only fairly recently brought up his black ancestry.
    Meghan Markel doesn’t care about her Black side. She’s a dumb dumb.


    Sixer First Class+
    Markle was raised by a single Black mother. When black kids say they never experienced racism, it translates to 'I let white folks say racist shit and I internalized and saw it as a cost to be accepted by white people and I would sometimes join in and talk ashit about Black people'. That's essentially what biracials and black Republicans mean by not experiencing racism. They 'other' their own people.

    Markle has NEVER self identified as black until the interview with Oprah. That's a fact. And you had some sisters, most even, doing this 'you go gurrll, get your white prince' and 'a sista is a princess' to someone who has NEVER identified with you as a black woman. Ever. Until she got her nigga wake up call and was reminded at the highest level you the same as the other niggas.

    My guess? She was ashamed of her moms. Even though her white dad abandoned her, psychologically she blames her moms for not being white and she would have been 'in' it it weren't for her. To the best of my knowledge she never, ever dated black men. Strictly white. Same with Sage Steele, white moms, dad was military careerist, by all accounts, great father and husband, but she identified with her mom and only dated and married white, like Markle.

    I didn't give a f*ck how she was treated because of what I saw about how she viewed us. Eff her.