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Minority Coalition Scam


Royal Sixer
Community Host
Content Contributor
It's like the raging, abusive, narcissistic parent, enemy, a-hole "friend", or bully that did everything to ruin you and your life and then later on they reinvent themselves as a "good person" and they proudly claim that they gave their life over to Christ and they tell you to forgive and to let go of all that hate and anger in your heart.

And then everyone in their circle looks at you strange and treats you like you're the a-hole and the one with the problem.

Stop being divisive? Who created and enforced Jim Crow and Segregation?

Come together and unite? Who spread lies and dangerous propaganda about Black people to ensure that never happens?

The only race is the human race? Who created the concept of the master race and made the "whites only" signs?
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Sixer First Class+
It angers me how much the media but also black people push this minority coalition, etc BS.
I had this debate on a forum overseas once, a black one. I said that on a one to one basis many of us can come up with latinos who are fam. But as a collective, the community ain't with us. She was deep into that nah, we need to fight together and that's simply not true and wtf?

And I said this. "Go to the NAACP, Congressional Black Caucus and a few other black groups and organizations and you will find full support of DACA and and a tweet support of any mass shootings, etc, attack on Latinos. Then I said, find one latino national organization that has sent any sympathetic tweet after any black person that was shot from Trayvon Martin till today. You will find 1 maybe AFTER they were shamed on it weeks after, but almost entirely no. Google and get back to me tomorrow if you need more time."

Nothing. She did a lot of 'splaining. Deflection, etc. then I said, does anyone else have anything. No one came to her aid. It was obvious. I had receipts and she couldn't face the hard truths.

Asians the same. off code coons and foreign blacks. It all comes down to on code vs off code among Blacks and reciprocity if its non Blacks. National gay, Latino, Asian as well as ethnic Black sites (African, Caribbean), don't show sympathy.

In my area as it is with all black areas, if you were a ridah and pro black, that was all there is. I was with homies, FBA, non FBA whatever, when we were all stopped by racist cops, been accused of stealing stuff out of the corner store as kids. You can't be black in America and say you haven't experienced it and by doing so you played yourself out of the community. End of story. No matter your lineage or whatever.

I have had some hard truth discussions with some folks and been called all kinds of stuff but never a liar. Just anger because they got some hard truths.


Royal Sixer
  • Messages
    They think they can weaken our resolve by running interference and offering sexual access but they are going to disappointed in our determination and focus this time around! #HoldYourOwnNutts ✊🏿

    Michaela Coel Fight GIF by HBO

    Deleted member 1946

    It's like the raging, abusive, narcissistic parent, enemy, a-hole "friend", or bully that did everything to ruin you and your life and then later on they reinvent themselves as a "good person" and they proudly claim that they gave their life over to Christ and they tell you to forgive and to let go of all that hate and anger in your heart.

    And then everyone in their circle looks at you strange and treats you like you're the a-hole and the one with the problem.

    Stop being divisive? Who created and enforced Jim Crow and Segregation?

    Come together and unite? Who spread lies and dangerous propaganda about Black people to ensure that never happens?

    The only race is the human race? Who created the concept of the master race and made the "whites only" signs?
    Passive aggressive behavior. Sometimes it is aggressive.

    Deleted member 1946

    It angers me how much the media but also black people push this minority coalition, etc BS.
    I had this debate on a forum overseas once, a black one. I said that on a one to one basis many of us can come up with latinos who are fam. But as a collective, the community ain't with us. She was deep into that nah, we need to fight together and that's simply not true and wtf?

    And I said this. "Go to the NAACP, Congressional Black Caucus and a few other black groups and organizations and you will find full support of DACA and and a tweet support of any mass shootings, etc, attack on Latinos. Then I said, find one latino national organization that has sent any sympathetic tweet after any black person that was shot from Trayvon Martin till today. You will find 1 maybe AFTER they were shamed on it weeks after, but almost entirely no. Google and get back to me tomorrow if you need more time."

    Nothing. She did a lot of 'splaining. Deflection, etc. then I said, does anyone else have anything. No one came to her aid. It was obvious. I had receipts and she couldn't face the hard truths.

    Asians the same. off code coons and foreign blacks. It all comes down to on code vs off code among Blacks and reciprocity if its non Blacks. National gay, Latino, Asian as well as ethnic Black sites (African, Caribbean), don't show sympathy.

    In my area as it is with all black areas, if you were a ridah and pro black, that was all there is. I was with homies, FBA, non FBA whatever, when we were all stopped by racist cops, been accused of stealing stuff out of the corner store as kids. You can't be black in America and say you haven't experienced it and by doing so you played yourself out of the community. End of story. No matter your lineage or whatever.

    I have had some hard truth discussions with some folks and been called all kinds of stuff but never a liar. Just anger because they got some hard truths.
    I don't even waste my time thinking about the NAACP since they are controlled by the White power structure. I realized that years ago. We are all we got, and even many of "our" organizations are not on our side.


    Sixer First Class+
    Here is the problem and its a legitimate problem. If you run for public office in LA for example. I'm hard pressed to think of any district that is majority black. Compton, most of south Central and even Watts, the traditional blackest part of LA, is majority Latino. Harlem is no longer Majority black.

    So, lets say you are Maxine Waters and you are now for reparations, and are firmly pro black. How do you get elected in a majority non Black area? It's a legitimate concern (not to be used as an excuse) for someone who wants to run for office, pro reparations and win in a predominantly non black area?

    I have an idea or two but wanted to at least raise the concern because someone brought it to my attention saying 'some blacks can't go full hard pro black and get elected'.