I realize this after a playing a few modern games, i know this is a subjective depending on who you asked but when a person tell me that a game is 70 hours to complete I won't even touch it especially if it is single player only i won't even start it. Certain games have you do the same or similar side quest as a filler to the story, As I became older i stopped playing a lot of single player games and focused more on multiplayer games like fighters and shooters or even co op games
Am I the only one that thinks Modern games are too long
I don’t think being long is an issue if it’s long because the narrative is playing out throughout. I have an issue when a game is long because the developer pads the game with filler which makes it artificially long as you put.
For instance, games that follow the Ubisoft formula are not really long games, they are a small game play loop that is repeated over and over again.
The Loop
Do missions until no more are on map, search the open world for tower that unlocks more of the map, the map reveal exposes more missions and also resource minigames you can play to unlock capabilities.
This will be the entire game and it’ll take place in maybe a 20 minute span but be repeated 20 times. To try to make each instance of this loop unique, the developer will place cutscenes inbetween to attempt to give motive to the repetition. Just Cause is the perfect example of this formulaic design.
The games end up hollow, stale and tiring once you pierce through the story and graphics to reveal an elementary or derivative game experience. But people like them and they sell so we are stuck with them.
This is why I didn’t like Horizon Zero Dawn because the second I got over the scenery and plot I saw that it was a game I played a million times on different consoles at different time points.
I was interested in the plot however so I watched a YouTube video of the story because there was no way I was gonna go through that loop over an over again.