"I'm black I can take this one."
Doesn't mean you should. We do not condone coonery from FBA, let alone foreign blacks and tethers. Like sir you really just sat there with your mouth busted wide open eating Hoe Rogan's whole, unsightly, beefy pale white ass on international camera and burped with a pro-racist round of applause from the crowd throughout. By the way, did you or do you have that same energy for BLM, the recent Amir Locke murder, Kaepernick, and other concerns regarding black people in America? If not, then shut your fucking mouth.
"There are so many gotdamn snakes in this gotdamn game and Joe Rogan is one of the nicest, coolest, humble mothefuckers I ever had the pleasure of working with."
Ofc Hoe Rogan will be nice and make exceptions to coons while still being and feeling racist towards black people as a whole / collective. The same type of coon to defend plenty of racists such as Trump, Biden, Clinton, Bush, Howard Stern, Paula Deen, the Founding thieving ass Founders, Harvey Levin, Andy Cohen, Marilyn Manson, Pantera lead singer, PewDiePie, Don Imus, Eminem, Mark Wahlberg, Justin Bieber, even a Rush Limbaugh, and billions more.
Is Hoe Rogan paying these coons under the table for this level of PR, or are these coons so psychologically destroyed that they will gleefully offer Hoe Rogan free PR without him even asking them?
Did Kramer's racist ass even get this much support back in 2008 when he got caught out there? Before current "cancel culture" existed? If times supposedly changed nearly 14 years later in 2022 and if America was so progressive, then why Joe Rogan is getting more support than ever before for his anti-black racism in both America and the rest of the world? Even from those who called him out originally?
If Kramer got Kramered back in 08 and things changed for the better, then Joe Rogan should be Paula Deened x 10.
"You know what they're trying to do. You can't control the man. He's on one of the biggest platforms in the world right now."
Did he come out to support Dave Chappelle, Bill Cosby, DaBaby, Kyrie Irving, Kevin Hart, and other prominent or well-known black celebrities with that same exact line of reasoning?
Or is it just help flexing his coon muscles and actually saying this:
Coon translation:
They trying to knock our good white brotha Joe Rogan down. He knows the struggle, hangs with us, talks to us, and puts us on, so that makes him black and one of us too. He's like a father figure to us. And my white zaddy is just way too powerful, cannot be stopped, and will continue to prosper, dominate, colonize, and reign supreme.
And he can say and do whatever the fuck he wants whether you like it or not. He is white, powerful, and privileged. Who gonna check him boo? You can't control and fault the white man. Bitch sit down.
It's freedom of speech all day man because censorship is wack af. So fuck your political correctness, your existence, and your feelings. He is huge and important and you are a small nobody talking shit online. If Dave Chappelle, a black man, was given a pass then you definitely have to give our honorable brotha Joe Rogan the keys to your heart.
"Fuck the noise."
Fuck you. Fuck the audience. Fuck the bishes sitting and standing next to you and around you. And fuck what you stand for. Triple Fuck Joe Rogan.
Doesn't mean you should. We do not condone coonery from FBA, let alone foreign blacks and tethers. Like sir you really just sat there with your mouth busted wide open eating Hoe Rogan's whole, unsightly, beefy pale white ass on international camera and burped with a pro-racist round of applause from the crowd throughout. By the way, did you or do you have that same energy for BLM, the recent Amir Locke murder, Kaepernick, and other concerns regarding black people in America? If not, then shut your fucking mouth.
"There are so many gotdamn snakes in this gotdamn game and Joe Rogan is one of the nicest, coolest, humble mothefuckers I ever had the pleasure of working with."
Ofc Hoe Rogan will be nice and make exceptions to coons while still being and feeling racist towards black people as a whole / collective. The same type of coon to defend plenty of racists such as Trump, Biden, Clinton, Bush, Howard Stern, Paula Deen, the Founding thieving ass Founders, Harvey Levin, Andy Cohen, Marilyn Manson, Pantera lead singer, PewDiePie, Don Imus, Eminem, Mark Wahlberg, Justin Bieber, even a Rush Limbaugh, and billions more.
Is Hoe Rogan paying these coons under the table for this level of PR, or are these coons so psychologically destroyed that they will gleefully offer Hoe Rogan free PR without him even asking them?
Did Kramer's racist ass even get this much support back in 2008 when he got caught out there? Before current "cancel culture" existed? If times supposedly changed nearly 14 years later in 2022 and if America was so progressive, then why Joe Rogan is getting more support than ever before for his anti-black racism in both America and the rest of the world? Even from those who called him out originally?
If Kramer got Kramered back in 08 and things changed for the better, then Joe Rogan should be Paula Deened x 10.
"You know what they're trying to do. You can't control the man. He's on one of the biggest platforms in the world right now."
Did he come out to support Dave Chappelle, Bill Cosby, DaBaby, Kyrie Irving, Kevin Hart, and other prominent or well-known black celebrities with that same exact line of reasoning?
Or is it just help flexing his coon muscles and actually saying this:
Coon translation:
They trying to knock our good white brotha Joe Rogan down. He knows the struggle, hangs with us, talks to us, and puts us on, so that makes him black and one of us too. He's like a father figure to us. And my white zaddy is just way too powerful, cannot be stopped, and will continue to prosper, dominate, colonize, and reign supreme.
And he can say and do whatever the fuck he wants whether you like it or not. He is white, powerful, and privileged. Who gonna check him boo? You can't control and fault the white man. Bitch sit down.
It's freedom of speech all day man because censorship is wack af. So fuck your political correctness, your existence, and your feelings. He is huge and important and you are a small nobody talking shit online. If Dave Chappelle, a black man, was given a pass then you definitely have to give our honorable brotha Joe Rogan the keys to your heart.
"Fuck the noise."
Fuck you. Fuck the audience. Fuck the bishes sitting and standing next to you and around you. And fuck what you stand for. Triple Fuck Joe Rogan.