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‘Obviously a race thing’ – White woman calls police on Black man standing outside his home


On Y0 Six
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    AWhite woman, who called the police on a Black man standing outside his rented home in Washington, claimed her actions had “nothing to do with race” in the wake of the incident.

    During the interaction that was filmed, the unidentified White woman asked Dayson Barnes and his partner to prove that they had indeed rented the property after she accused the Black man of not living there

    I can't express how sick I am of seeing stories like this, I hope this never happens to me or any of my kids. I don't let things go,and I always get my get back.



    Down From Day 1
    I can't express how sick I am of seeing stories like this, I hope this never happens to me or any of my kids. I don't let things go,and I always get my get back.

    It happens way too damn much. All I hear these days is nonsense like this. I don't think we're ever going to get to a point where we're not looked at like bad people.

    But, I think times are changing. I feel like more people are more welcoming than usual, and I think it's the work we've all done to change that. Of course, we'll still see the occasional white person saying dumb shit because they think a black person being around is somehow a burden to their lives. I'm happy when they're recorded being racist though, because it shows everyone who that person truly is. It's like they're shaming themselves, and I love that. I love it even more when they actually release the video themselves.

    B1 rebel 365

    Master Sixer
    Refuse to Disclose
    Several Astute You Tubers have emphasized understanding NAZI Germany & what the atmosphere looked like to better understand the circumstances happening here to Black Americans. I agree with these observations.
    You referring to the infamous 'show your papers' discrimination regime? It's these white bastards who should be harassed and made to credentialise themselves on demand because they are murderous usurpers of stolen land! We need to keep reminding them of that fact when they impose themselves into our spaces and attempt to project delusions of superiority! Stop cow towing to their bullshit self imposed authority.

    B1 rebel 365

    Master Sixer
    Refuse to Disclose
    It happens way too damn much. All I hear these days is nonsense like this. I don't think we're ever going to get to a point where we're not looked at like bad people.

    But, I think times are changing. I feel like more people are more welcoming than usual, and I think it's the work we've all done to change that. Of course, we'll still see the occasional white person saying dumb shit because they think a black person being around is somehow a burden to their lives. I'm happy when they're recorded being racist though, because it shows everyone who that person truly is. It's like they're shaming themselves, and I love that. I love it even more when they actually release the video themselves.
    I think you're seeing it through different lens.
    They've not changed and neither have the times because racism is just as prevalent today. Videos exposing racial discrimination is not unanimously interpreted the same by viewers because racists will look at it through different lens and conjure arbitrary ways to vindicate the flagrant racist act -George Floyd! Incredulously millions condoned the wilful mistreatment that led to his death including some black people.


    Half Black
    I can't express how sick I am of seeing stories like this, I hope this never happens to me or any of my kids. I don't let things go,and I always get my get back.

    This is seriously madness in high places and it's been going on for ages now. My cousin actually was a victim of that same thing last year and it wasn't funny at all. There's no freedom of movement the way those racists want us to live.


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    Bay Area
    I hear you. According to most whites, blacks don't belong anywhere except the poorest parts of the hood. I talked about this in my book years ago. They never EXPECT to see you anywhere except the worse places. When I came out to California, the first thing that I noticed was how blacks were practically herded into Oakland. If you went somewhere else, for instance Walnut Creek, or even Montclair, whites would stare you down, and many would even say something to you about being in those good quality places. California was the first place, or rather, the Bay Area, that I experienced TRUE racism. It's in the system out here. However, ever since George Floyd and COVID-19 hit, it has become much less racist to live in the Bay. Asians are catching hell out here due to COVID; and they are some of the most racist groups of people that I have ever encountered.

    B1 rebel 365

    Master Sixer
    Refuse to Disclose
    This is seriously madness in high places and it's been going on for ages now. My cousin actually was a victim of that same thing last year and it wasn't funny at all. There's no freedom of movement the way those racists want us to live.
    But we need to push back as a group to show our intolerance because this is NOT their planet. Remaining reticent may seem the right stance to adopt but it's not. They interpret it as cowardice and it emboldens them to be even more egregious and malicious. It's always been the wrong stance to take. They still lynched and murdered our forefathers and didn't prevent Emmet Till's torturous death.
    We need to totally dissociate from them but off code coons, sellouts and bootlicks will severely weaken the impact. Too many still wanna integrate and procreate with them!


    Royal Sixer
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    Half Black
    White people are so racist with this ish that they even called Italians WOPs when they started immigrating to America. They legit are racist to anyone that is too dark, too cultured, or too different from them. It is insane.

    This is why I keep telling people, do what you can to move out of these city areas. Find places with smaller populations and invest in them. Other black folks who share your values will show up. We can cultivate our own areas.


    Royal Sixer
    Community Host
    Content Contributor
    I hear you. According to most whites, blacks don't belong anywhere except the poorest parts of the hood. I talked about this in my book years ago. They never EXPECT to see you anywhere except the worse places. When I came out to California, the first thing that I noticed was how blacks were practically herded into Oakland. If you went somewhere else, for instance Walnut Creek, or even Montclair, whites would stare you down, and many would even say something to you about being in those good quality places. California was the first place, or rather, the Bay Area, that I experienced TRUE racism. It's in the system out here. However, ever since George Floyd and COVID-19 hit, it has become much less racist to live in the Bay. Asians are catching hell out here due to COVID; and they are some of the most racist groups of people that I have ever encountered.
    I can't tell you how many times a Black person or a Black family was told the following by these Anti-Black racists:

    "Why don't you just go back to where you came from?"
    "Why don't you go to [insert poor Black area here] and shop there?"
    "I need to see proof that you live here."
    "Can you show me your ID? I need to see your ID."
    "You people are always complaining."
    "You're being aggressive."
    "You are being too loud."
    "You are disrespectful and rude."
    "So what do you do for a living?"
    "How did hear about us or this event?"
    "I'm not being racist, I'm just asking a question."
    "This us our protocol" or "We ask everyone..."
    [Insert racist joke or remark or dogwhistle here]
    And countless more examples.

    Let's not even get started on the times Black people were/are mistreated and screamed at and called "n1gger", "Black b1tch", and other racist slurs while walking outside or driving on the road and just for existing while the perpetrators try to deny or wrongfully justify calling you racist slurs and racist code words because you "cut them off", "accidentally bumped into them or their child", or "something."

    Yet America and its anti-Black racist populace love to brag and boast about the country being a diverse "melting pot", right?! They only conveniently brag about the "melting pot" feature so they can brag about how "totally not racist" and diverse and progressive America is in order to look good to everybody else and boast their own over-inflated, self-important egos all while oppressing, discriminating against, disenfranchising, hating, neglecting, gaslighting, abusing, avoiding, fearing, being suspicious of, terrorizing, sneering at, spitting on, attacking, harassing, bullying, murdering, lynching, raping, looking down upon and resenting Black people inside that very same "melting pot." They'll brag about interracial relationships and marriages all while still being racist and calling their Black partners and Black biracial children racist slurs like "n1gger baby" and "n1gger" or disowning their white relatives for dating and having kids with a Black person. They preach racial tolerance, which is a code phrase for, "We can just find a way to put up with the Negro and understand the Negro and their struggle and we don't ever have to compromise ourselves or our behavior for them no matter what." We are tolerated at best.

    Meanwhile, people (including Black people) are being forced and shamed into respecting and accepting these other groups like LGBTQIA+ (many who are also anti-Black racists and white supremacists themselves) as they get the red carpet treatment at the expense of ourselves.
    White people are so racist with this ish that they even called Italians WOPs when they started immigrating to America. They legit are racist to anyone that is too dark, too cultured, or too different from them. It is insane.

    This is why I keep telling people, do what you can to move out of these city areas. Find places with smaller populations and invest in them. Other black folks who share your values will show up. We can cultivate our own areas.
    And the sad thing is, too many, if not most of these very same white Italians, white Irish, white Jewish, white Polish, white Greeks, Latinos, Asians, non-Black Native Americans, Arabs, other non-Black groups and immigrants that experienced discrimination were and still are among the same ones being oppressively anti-Black racist to Black American people today.

    You referring to the infamous 'show your papers' discrimination regime? It's these white bastards who should be harassed and made to credentialise themselves on demand because they are murderous usurpers of stolen land! We need to keep reminding them of that fact when they impose themselves into our spaces and attempt to project delusions of superiority! Stop cow towing to their bullshit self imposed authority.
    Birtherism. The Birtherism Movement that dirty degenerate racist Donald Trump and Melanoma Melania Trump kicked off around the time of the Obama's presidential reelection campaign. Remember how huge it was? Remember how Trump and all the other anti-Black racist Obama haters were berating Obama and demanding him to show his US birth certificate? It was a huge media circus.

    And even when Obama eventually caved and showed his birth certificate to the public, these anti-Obama racists still claimed that his birth certificate was a fake one along with his "fake" tears during his Sandy Hook shooting speech. Being a Birther was fashionable like being a QAnon member or Sandy Hook Shooting denier.

    Now Obama is no friend of the Black community, but the goal of the Birtherism movement was to generate enough hate for Barack Hussein Obama II, falsely associate him with as well tie and link him to both the Muslim Brotherhood and Islamic Extremists that are "trying to hijack and take over America", and to delegitimize Obama's presidency and both strip away and nullify Obama's US Citizenship. That was a massive test run. And they want to and are trying to pull off and do the very same exact thing to Black American citizens like they tried to do with Obama.

    Everyday they cream their pants to the idea of officially stripping Black American people of of our US Citizenship and the little rights we have and officially making us slaves again or outright exterminating us like "mayates" (a slur that Spanish speaking racists use to refer to Black people as roaches, even Cardi B infamously called Black women roaches).

    B1 rebel 365

    Master Sixer
    Refuse to Disclose
    I can't tell you how many times a Black person or a Black family was told the following by these Anti-Black racists:

    "Why don't you just go back to where you came from?"
    "Why don't you go to [insert poor Black area here] and shop there?"
    "I need to see proof that you live here."
    "Can you show me your ID? I need to see your ID."
    "You people are always complaining."
    "You're being aggressive."
    "You are being too loud."
    "You are disrespectful and rude."
    "So what do you do for a living?"
    "How did hear about us or this event?"
    "I'm not being racist, I'm just asking a question."
    "This us our protocol" or "We ask everyone..."
    [Insert racist joke or remark or dogwhistle here]
    And countless more examples.

    Let's not even get started on the times Black people were/are mistreated and screamed at and called "n1gger", "Black b1tch", and other racist slurs while walking outside or driving on the road and just for existing while the perpetrators try to deny or wrongfully justify calling you racist slurs and racist code words because you "cut them off", "accidentally bumped into them or their child", or "something."

    Yet America and its anti-Black racist populace love to brag and boast about the country being a diverse "melting pot", right?! They only conveniently brag about the "melting pot" feature so they can brag about how "totally not racist" and diverse and progressive America is in order to look good to everybody else and boast their own over-inflated, self-important egos all while oppressing, discriminating against, disenfranchising, hating, neglecting, gaslighting, abusing, avoiding, fearing, being suspicious of, terrorizing, sneering at, spitting on, attacking, harassing, bullying, murdering, lynching, raping, looking down upon and resenting Black people inside that very same "melting pot." They'll brag about interracial relationships and marriages all while still being racist and calling their Black partners and Black biracial children racist slurs like "n1gger baby" and "n1gger" or disowning their white relatives for dating and having kids with a Black person. They preach racial tolerance, which is a code phrase for, "We can just find a way to put up with the Negro and understand the Negro and their struggle and we don't ever have to compromise ourselves or our behavior for them no matter what." We are tolerated at best.

    Meanwhile, people (including Black people) are being forced and shamed into respecting and accepting these other groups like LGBTQIA+ (many who are also anti-Black racists and white supremacists themselves) as they get the red carpet treatment at the expense of ourselves.

    And the sad thing is, too many, if not most of these very same white Italians, white Irish, white Jewish, white Polish, white Greeks, Latinos, Asians, non-Black Native Americans, Arabs, other non-Black groups and immigrants that experienced discrimination were and still are among the same ones being oppressively anti-Black racist to Black American people today.

    Birtherism. The Birtherism Movement that dirty degenerate racist Donald Trump and Melanoma Melania Trump kicked off around the time of the Obama's presidential reelection campaign. Remember how huge it was? Remember how Trump and all the other anti-Black racist Obama haters were berating Obama and demanding him to show his US birth certificate? It was a huge media circus.

    And even when Obama eventually caved and showed his birth certificate to the public, these anti-Obama racists still claimed that his birth certificate was a fake one along with his "fake" tears during his Sandy Hook shooting speech. Being a Birther was fashionable like being a QAnon member or Sandy Hook Shooting denier.

    Now Obama is no friend of the Black community, but the goal of the Birtherism movement was to generate enough hate for Barack Hussein Obama II, falsely associate him with as well tie and link him to both the Muslim Brotherhood and Islamic Extremists that are "trying to hijack and take over America", and to delegitimize Obama's presidency and both strip away and nullify Obama's US Citizenship. That was a massive test run. And they want to and are trying to pull off and do the very same exact thing to Black American citizens like they tried to do with Obama.

    Everyday they cream their pants to the idea of officially stripping Black American people of of our US Citizenship and the little rights we have and officially making us slaves again or outright exterminating us like "mayates" (a slur that Spanish speaking racists use to refer to Black people as roaches, even Cardi B infamously called Black women roaches).
    Accurately penned!👍🏿👊🏿
    The irony, invariably missed by black Americans, is that they are THE least legitimate citizens in America - descended from convicts, seedy criminals, skillless degenerates rejected by their own hueless countries. They have NO legitimate claims to America or morality! I'm mindful of teachings from Dr Amos Wilson to treat them the same -don't answer them but ask where ARE YOU from? Remind them that whites are NOT indigenous to the Americas. Also ask: How comes you all own and control everything though only 10 per cent of global population?!
    Their delusional obsession of superiority is insufferable and I can't wait for us globally to fully dissociate ourselves from them in every aspect of life where practicable -especially procreation so that their birth dearth wipes them out!


    Royal Sixer
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    Half Black
    And the sad thing is, too many, if not most of these very same white Italians, white Irish, white Jewish, white Polish, white Greeks, Latinos, Asians, non-Black Native Americans, Arabs, other non-Black groups and immigrants that experienced discrimination were and still are among the same ones being oppressively anti-Black racist to Black American people today.
    Oh for sure. Especially if they immigrated here prior to the war. It seems like they forgot how badly they were treated by uncultured whites in America.