Czharcus write posts before about how we all have own our prejudices that allow for us to stay divided and oppose "Oneness."
Black people can achieve "Oneness" amongst ourselves, not other groups. Other groups merely pretend to want unity, it's all a front and a trap. Other groups want to falsely claim that we are "being divisive" and shame us into "Oneness" and "Unity" with them while continuing to gaslight us, deceive us, oppress us, and treat us as much worse than "other."
"Oneness" and "unity" are not the same. Unity is something that we do. Oneness is simply the fact of the matter, we cannot do or undo it. We just recognize it. Unity comes from without, the recognition of oneness comes from within. Unity is in outward expression of oneness.
I have recognized people use the ideal of unity to trick us out of demanding what we need and/or what we are owed, but it is in that very action that they expose their own disbelief in what they preach. If you believe in unity, have recognized oneness, you would not try to tell us to drop what we're doing and come over there. You would drop what you're doing and come over here.
But we have not recognized oneness so we end up opposing their unity (an expression of oneness) instead of exposing their flawed logic that shows they don't believe what they're saying. Their setup (unification) is right (that's why everyone gravitates to it) but the conclusions that they draw from it (that we're being divisive) is flawed, it is not congruent with the setup.
For them to ignore and/or want us to ignore our own needs IS the divisiveness.