I don't understand how some people say that South Africa is "on code" with of this constant BS going on. If you have over 75% Black people in a city/state/country yet they are still being subjugated and attacked by non-Blacks, that is not just a reflection of the government and leadership, but the people as well as their will to fight foreign enemies that are against their people and to punish any traitors within their ranks.
The white Boers such as Elon Musk are supposedly such an "oppressed" and "destitute" minority that have it "so hard" that they still somehow miraculously have enough power and wealth to terrorize the native Black people in a country that they, the barbaric colonizer Dutch Boers, have invaded and are not native to. White Boers and the like need to be treated as the hateful, tyrannical, demonic, anti-Black racist, entitled, colonizing invaders and trespassers that they are.
#KickThemOut #TheyAreIllegals