I'd date the sista who said she couldn't dance. I've gone to a unique dating scene thingy a few times. One of the better ones and it was all black was this sista rented out a lounge and had all kinds of games. Team games, etc, so it broke the ice because you had to join any random game. You also wore one of those 'My name is....' stickers but you used a nickname. So, it was also an ice breaker because some random woman would say what does RCNAL mean?
A couple months ago I actually thought of a possible single mixer thingy that I ran by my homies. Here it is. Say 10 men, 10 women. The men have to meet an income criteria..possibly education criteria. Everyone single, no kids or you can do one where you can be a single parent, but lets stick with single, no kids, decent job. You can only come if you bring along someone of the opposite sex. This could be your homegirl, cousin, sister, whomever but you are and never were romantically involved. If the person you bring gets say 5 strikes, reviews that are very bad. Like 1 out of 5, you are no longer invited back because you brought someone with either a personality, something that was caustic. So, its not just how you are its also who you bring. The key is to bring eligible people.