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Reparations! Options?


Master Sixer
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    San Antonio, TX
    I'm not sure if everyone's going to agree with me on this point that I'm about to make but I just want to get thoughts.

    So when preparations are talked about most people think cash payments are just simply getting a check.

    I view it a bit different. While cutting a check would definitely be my first option, I am willing to consider other options as well.

    If you look at native Americans they get lots of fringe benefits.

    I will be willing to consider free college, government back housing loans with easier qualifying standards, subsidies for housing and rent, civil service preference for government jobs and making black people a protected class.

    The thing about it is I'd want pretty much all of those things though. One or two of them wouldn't be considered reparations to me. I'm sure there's a lot of other things that could be given to us as reparations that I'm not thinking about right off hand but those are just some of the things that I typically think of.

    What are the types of things to you guys think would be good as a reparations package? Or do you think the cash only is acceptable?


    Royal Sixer
    Community Host
    Content Contributor
    I will be willing to consider free college, government back housing loans with easier qualifying standards, subsidies for housing and rent, civil service preference for government jobs and making black people a protected class
    You seem new to this..

    Cash reparations is the requirement and the main answer.
    Cash can cover much of what you listed already.
    On top of that, we have way more control with cash. We do not have e control with restrictive stipends and subsidies that will only go back to the pockets of white real estate companies and such.

    We need something like or better than a Chinatown, Native Indian Reservation, and a Jewish neighborhood.

    Cash payments is the number one priority. Then we can demand the land, federal protections, business grants, pro-Black DOAS legislation, building our own police, politics, schools, and hospitals, etc.

    The Honorable

    Royal Sixer
  • Messages
    I'm not sure if everyone's going to agree with me on this point that I'm about to make but I just want to get thoughts.

    So when preparations are talked about most people think cash payments are just simply getting a check.

    I view it a bit different. While cutting a check would definitely be my first option, I am willing to consider other options as well.

    If you look at native Americans they get lots of fringe benefits.

    I will be willing to consider free college, government back housing loans with easier qualifying standards, subsidies for housing and rent, civil service preference for government jobs and making black people a protected class.

    The thing about it is I'd want pretty much all of those things though. One or two of them wouldn't be considered reparations to me. I'm sure there's a lot of other things that could be given to us as reparations that I'm not thinking about right off hand but those are just some of the things that I typically think of.

    What are the types of things to you guys think would be good as a reparations package? Or do you think the cash only is acceptable?

    Why does it have to be either/or why not both? With cash we have the ability to build our own infrastructure. We need cold hard cash and grants. I don't need a stipend to take to a bank, I need a $100k grant that I can put on a house and have instant equity.

    Some of your proposal is not even reparations and some already exist:

    • Government backed housing loans. EXISTS already.
    • Easier qualifying standards for loans. EXISTS already just have to be white.
    • Subsidies for housing and rent. EXISTS already. Section 8,
    • Civil Service Preference for Government Jobs. EXISTS already.
    You're actually preaching the status quo. We need cash money every month, grants, land, protected class status, etc.


  • Messages
    Dallas, TX
    I'm not sure if everyone's going to agree with me on this point that I'm about to make but I just want to get thoughts.

    So when preparations are talked about most people think cash payments are just simply getting a check.

    I view it a bit different. While cutting a check would definitely be my first option, I am willing to consider other options as well.

    If you look at native Americans they get lots of fringe benefits.

    I will be willing to consider free college, government back housing loans with easier qualifying standards, subsidies for housing and rent, civil service preference for government jobs and making black people a protected class.

    The thing about it is I'd want pretty much all of those things though. One or two of them wouldn't be considered reparations to me. I'm sure there's a lot of other things that could be given to us as reparations that I'm not thinking about right off hand but those are just some of the things that I typically think of.

    What are the types of things to you guys think would be good as a reparations package? Or do you think the cash only is acceptable?
    I hear you and I think that more comprehensive programs would help out. Would I go so far as to say that I would take programs over cash? No. Because we have a ton of programs and they do jack shit for us. We need cash, land, and guns.


    Master Sixer
  • Messages
    San Antonio, TX
    You seem new to this..

    Cash reparations is the requirement and the main answer.
    Cash can cover much of what you listed already.
    On top of that, we have way more control with cash. We do not have e control with restrictive stipends and subsidies that will only go back to the pockets of white real estate companies and such.

    We need something like or better than a Chinatown, Native Indian Reservation, and a Jewish neighborhood.

    Cash payments is the number one priority. Then we can demand the land, federal protections, business grants, pro-Black DOAS legislation, building our own police, politics, schools, and hospitals, etc.
    I'm not saying the cash payments isn't the best option. I'm just simply saying it's not the only option.
    There are things that can be given that can better the black community other than just simply a check.
    The thing that needs to be considered if they decide to give us cash payments is how much are they going to pay us. What if they decide that they're only going to give us $10,000 each or even $20,000 each and then that's it.

    For me that's not acceptable. I take a college degree and extra preference on government jobs, and loans to get a house over that any day of the week.

    That college degree is going to be worth several thousand dollars. And I don't only that is going to be able to make you thousands upon thousands of dollars as well and get you out of poverty. To me that's worth more than a few thousand dollars.


    Master Sixer
  • Messages
    San Antonio, TX
    Why does it have to be either/or why not both? With cash we have the ability to build our own infrastructure. We need cold hard cash and grants. I don't need a stipend to take to a bank, I need a $100k grant that I can put on a house and have instant equity.

    Some of your proposal is not even reparations and some already exist:

    • Government backed housing loans. EXISTS already.
    • Easier qualifying standards for loans. EXISTS already just have to be white.
    • Subsidies for housing and rent. EXISTS already. Section 8,
    • Civil Service Preference for Government Jobs. EXISTS already.
    You're actually preaching the status quo. We need cash money every month, grants, land, protected class status, etc.
    Yes that's true that some of these things may already exist. But the forms in which they exist is not acceptable.
    What I'm suggesting is giving us forms that are specifically for black people.
    I have been able to use some of the things that you were talking about.
    I was able to get government back loans for housing. I was able to get those loans with easier qualifying standards.
    Able to get civil service preference to get my government job.
    The only reason I was able to get these things is because of my status as an Army veteran. Not because I'm black.

    I'm not even going to pay attention to your comment about section 8 because who the f*** wants to stay in section 8.

    What I'm talking about is giving this same kind of treatment to black people. Making it easier for us to be able to get homes and to get college degrees and education.

    For me the game changer was having those benefits as a veteran. I live in a good neighborhood in a very nice house and make a lot of money and I'm able to take care of my wife and kids.

    Imagine if the kind of benefits that are given to veterans were given to all black people. Imagine if the kind of benefits that native Americans are getting black people were able to take advantage of those benefits.

    It would drag us out of poverty. Of course they're going to be some people who won't take advantage of the benefits. I don't know veterans who have their benefits and they don't take advantage of them. I've known veterans who have college money just sit in their waiting to use and they won't go get the degree.

    They're going to be people in our community it's black people who are just like that. What I want is the benefits to be available for all of us and if we decide we want to use them they are there for us to use without restrictions.

    White supremacy is always going to rear its ugly head but you just have to be able to get around it. When I first decided I wanted to go to nursing school I was in Louisiana. The school that I wanted to go to there gave me all kinds of trouble about taking the entrance exam and did everything they could to keep me from enrolling.

    I'll eventually ended up moving back to Texas. I moved to a large metropolitan area and was able to get enrolled into a nursing school. I finished my education and was able to make a living for myself.


    Master Sixer
  • Messages
    San Antonio, TX
    I hear you and I think that more comprehensive programs would help out. Would I go so far as to say that I would take programs over cash? No. Because we have a ton of programs and they do jack shit for us. We need cash, land, and guns.
    I hear you on the part about land. If they were to offer land I definitely take that. I'm just not to the point where I am thinking that the only thing I'm willing to accept is cash payments.

    I know native Americans back in my home state of Louisiana. They get pretty nice houses and end up only paying a hundred or so dollars a month. They also get frequent cash payments.

    The way I'm saying get on here is that people are just hoping to get like a huge lump sum cash payment up front and that's the only thing they are willing to accept.

    To me that's a very limited way of thinking. If they were to say that they are going to allow us to go to college and get degrees and then allow our children to be able to go to college and get degrees also I think that goes a long way. If they say they are going to make it easier for us to be able to get houses and then also make it easier for our children to ever get houses that goes a long way. That's how we would be able to start building up generational wealth.


  • Messages
    Dallas, TX
    I'm not sure if everyone's going to agree with me on this point that I'm about to make but I just want to get thoughts.

    So when preparations are talked about most people think cash payments are just simply getting a check.

    I view it a bit different. While cutting a check would definitely be my first option, I am willing to consider other options as well.

    If you look at native Americans they get lots of fringe benefits.

    I will be willing to consider free college, government back housing loans with easier qualifying standards, subsidies for housing and rent, civil service preference for government jobs and making black people a protected class.

    The thing about it is I'd want pretty much all of those things though. One or two of them wouldn't be considered reparations to me. I'm sure there's a lot of other things that could be given to us as reparations that I'm not thinking about right off hand but those are just some of the things that I typically think of.

    What are the types of things to you guys think would be good as a reparations package? Or do you think the cash only is acceptable?
    o me that's a very limited way of thinking. If they were to say that they are going to allow us to go to college and get degrees and then allow our children to be able to go to college and get degrees also I think that goes a long way. If they say they are going to make it easier for us to be able to get houses and then also make it easier for our children to ever get houses that goes a long way. That's how we would be able to start building up generational wealth.
    Get college educations just to have to beg white people for a job? No thanks. Give me $4000/month tax free and I’ll get my own education.


    Master Sixer
  • Messages
    San Antonio, TX
    Get college educations just to have to beg white people for a job? No thanks. Give me $4000/month tax free and I’ll get my own education.
    I'll take the 4K a month too. But to be quite honest I'm making way more than that right now anyway. Even after taxes are taken out on making more than 4K a month.

    But I'll take an extra 4K on top of it.

    The catch to the college education is to make sure you get a very in demand job. If you do that then you're going to land a good paying job. There are certain fields where the shortage of so bad that they're not able to worry about considering race.

    But once again you're always going to have white supremacy rear it's ugly head here and there.

    You just have to deal with it and find ways to overcome.


    The First Sixer
  • Messages
    I'll take the 4K a month too. But to be quite honest I'm making way more than that right now anyway. Even after taxes are taken out on making more than 4K a month.

    I make quite a bit too but would not balk at $4k. If I had a whole other $4k to pump into a business that would be solid.

    The catch to the college education is to make sure you get a very in demand job. If you do that then you're going to land a good paying job. There are certain fields where the shortage of so bad that they're not able to worry about considering race.

    Yea but that goes out the window the second you go into management.


    Master Sixer
  • Messages
    San Antonio, TX
    I make quite a bit too but would not balk at $4k. If I had a whole other $4k to pump into a business that would be solid.

    Yea but that goes out the window the second you go into management.
    I agree with that sentiment. An extra 4k to put into a business of some type would definitely be beneficial.

    The reason I think the other options should be considered is pretty simple.

    The majority of the people who vote that are black are older and of that civil rights generation. Most of those people are of the mindset that they're going to vote Democrat no matter what. They view the Republican as the boogeyman and they're always going to move Democrat and they're going to consistently show up.

    The Democrats know this. The likelihood of them budging because of this fact is very slim.

    The only thing that motivate them to move is if all of us including that civil rights generation got on code and said that we were going to sit it out and not vote at all or we were all going to go vote Republican.

    The civil rights generation isn't going to go vote Republican That's almost a given. And it's highly unlikely that they would sit it out either.

    Unfortunately we live in a white supremacist society. It sucks but that's the way it is. The truth is the sum of these other things like giving us a college education, or housing subsidies, or civil service preference, or tax break preference for jobs would be an easier pill to swallow for the white supremacist than just simply cutting black people a check.

    Now again I want to make it clear. I think they should cut us a check That's the right thing to do after what they've put us through. I'm not even considering slavery I'm just considering what we've been put through during our lifetimes. That's enough that we should be paid reparations for it. If they decided to cut checks then I'm definitely all for it. But I'm just simply being realistic.