Everyday I get a lot less patient with outside groups making sophomoric questions and microaggressions that deserve a swift backhand when it comes to the subject of reparations. When ToadTalks and Strappy were a thing, their friend TheFunkyAcademic hosted a white scholar who admitted at that time (c. 2018), there was $88trillion in total wealth in America. The Brookings Institute has since made an update to the total wealth and that number as of June 2019 is $98-$113trillion and that is minus liabilities as well. I under the belief that we are owed $21trillion, but also every year we are ignored the priced goes up by 1, that put us at $23trillion. Saddest part of the diasporas issues with us is that they come from countries that are affiliated regions (Caribbean Commission and African Union) that literally going to the EU nations for reparations. "You gonna scam with that muney neeeeega"

Six facts about wealth in the United States
Senator Elizabeth Warren wants a wealth tax on the richest Americans. Here are six things to know about wealth in the United States.
