Watch Ketanji & her staffers get blamed for the leak, even though she's not the only liberal judge on the bench.
"They're" going to teach her her place, publicly & quickly.
You're right.She not on the bench yet homie
What kind of Black Codes?Oh yes. I predicted it would be overturned because yts are on a replenish rampage. Anything to make more yt people they can do they are gonna do. As for us, if they overturn this they'll also be bringing back Black Codes. We are always the end game so we should never lose focus.
The ignorant = the hardheaded DNC and their dense flunkiesThis post makes no sense. Everyone knew this would happen except for the ignorant. How did it blow up in anyone's face?
What kind of Black Codes?
The ignorant = the hardheaded DNC and their dense flunkies
I believe that the DNC was counting on the Republican Supreme Court to not make this decision this soon. They were trying to borrow time for the longest and might have expected it to happen eventually if they didn't get enough Democrat Judges in seats soon enough, but it's probably still shocking to them regardless. It's like if you know someone who is dying of terminal cancer. You know there's a high chance that they'll succumb to the illness eventually, but it still kind of shocks you once you find out they die from it if that makes sense.So the DNC didn't know a 6-3 republican supreme court was gonna do this?
Jim CrowWhat kind of Black Codes?
The ignorant = the hardheaded DNC and their dense flunkies
I feel the same way. At the end of the day, they want this thing to collapse it feels like. They are relying on buffers, but I feel they don't really care at the end of the day because they win regardless. White Supremacy wins, forget the Red or Blue or D vs R strategy. At the end of the day with Hispanics, Whites, Buffers, Tethers, LGBTQ, and Feminists apparently Dems believe they are a big enough (WS devoted coalition to erase us/our vote. I'm concerned because White people have been using the erase and replace strategy for centuries. The real powers that be pulling the strings KNOW this shit works because they've done it before, that's what immigration and asylum are all about in this country and throughout the West in general.The Democratic party brought this upon themselves.
In the 1970s Daniel Patrick Moynihan came up with the Benign Neglect ideology towards black people.
That has been practiced ever since then. Black people are promised nothing and nothing is done specifically for black people.
Any legislation regarding black people rarely if ever even says it's specifically for black people. It will say minority, people of color or group them with others.
Black people sat and watched Obama do nothing for black people for 8 years.
This is the result. Had Obama done more it would have given us reason to go vote but he didn't so you we're given Trump by the fact black people decided why bother if we're not gaining anything from it.
Biden has done something tangible for every group imaginable except black people. Asians got hate crime legislation. LGBTQ got legislative protection. Heck illegal immigrants who broke federal law by crossing the border illegally got a settlement from the federal government.
Black people got a bunch of symbolic nonsense. Juneteenth, hip hop appreciation month, and Kentanji Brown Jackson (who has a long record of voting against black people in discrimination lawsuits).
And don't even bring up the BS Anti Lynching Act which didn't even say black people, African Americans or identify us specifically.
Let's run a scenario
Prior to the passage of this bill:
If a white man lynched a black man and got caught he'd go to jail for many years.
After passage of this bill:
If a white man lynched a black man and got caught he'd go to jail for many years.
Difference. Now it's just officially considered a hate crime. (Mind you not a hate crime specifically against black people because this bill nor USC Title 18 mentions black people)
If losing their freedom wasn't enough to keep a person from lynching me, then the fact that they will be labeled racist in doing so probably won't stop them either!
The Democrats didn't do a DAMN thing for black people. So they have no right to ask black people to vote for them just to save the country for everyone else. Let them go ask the Asian community. Let them go ask the LGBTQ. Let them go ask the Hispanic community.
Kamala Harris and Biden literally said they wouldn't do anything for black people.
But what's worse is the stuff they tried to do which wasn't even specific for black people like build back better failed too.
The Democratic party will get the black civil rights generation vote but they have lost the gen x and millennial black voters!
The Democratic party doesn't deserve to be in power! If they do stay in power they will have to do so without my vote and the votes of many other young black people who feel the exact same way!
Funny, I used to listen to her and even subscribed to her newsletter. But after the beef between her and the new black media (PBT, Tariq, TBA) she went on a blocking spree and blocked me for no reason other than I followed the others. That made me look at her side-eyed. Her fight for reparations lost steam because she let her ego get in between the ultimate goal, the big picture - REPARATIONS. If she can't handle that how will she fare when she has to deal with a whole host of reparation opposers down the road? She's shown she's not built for this fight. I can't rock with someone like that. At least the new black media are open to those who agree AND those who oppose their views.stevette ain't got no sense of self awareness. I'm glad I never got in with her and tone loc. I didn't even know about them until PBT did that breakdown of ADOS
Same. I appreciated her beltway insight, but the bickering and name-calling were really a turn-off by all parties, especially on social media. The egos and the way followers attacked folks for saying anything were cult-like. I backed off when I saw the behavior of the followers. Anything that has people acting so aggressively can't be healthy and I like peace, movement, and respect. When you can't move like that riding for our people, I got questions. I don't have any issues with her sexuality because it wasn't an issue in her reparations advocacy. I hate when convos go south with name-calling instead of substance. It's one reason most older people backed away from the movements in general. Too much infighting, per usual.Funny, I used to listen to her and even subscribed to her newsletter. But after the beef between her and the new black media (PBT, Tariq, TBA) she went on a blocking spree and blocked me for no reason other than I followed the others. That made me look at her side-eyed. Her fight for reparations lost steam because she let her ego get in between the ultimate goal, the big picture - REPARATIONS. If she can't handle that how will she fare when she has to deal with a whole host of reparation opposers down the road? She's shown she's not built for this fight. I can't rock with someone like that. At least the new black media are open to those who agree AND those who oppose their views.
Agreed! I hated the time when there was infighting as well. I don't think her sexuality was an issue and she never made it one, so I don't like when people say that her movement was an LGBT movement, when it wasn't. Ultimately, I tuned out during those times when the infighting was taking place. I couldn't take it. Glad everyone is back on track. It's just weird that she was blocking people when you need people to support your movement.Same. I appreciated her beltway insight, but the bickering and name-calling were really a turn-off by all parties, especially on social media. The egos and the way followers attacked folks for saying anything were cult-like. I backed off when I saw the behavior of the followers. Anything that has people acting so aggressively can't be healthy and I like peace, movement, and respect. When you can't move like that riding for our people, I got questions. I don't have any issues with her sexuality because it wasn't an issue in her reparations advocacy. I hate when convos go south with name-calling instead of substance. It's one reason most older people backed away from the movements in general. Too much infighting, per usual.
Our enemy is White Supremacy and anyone carrying its water. That is all.
She probably used Twitter blockchain which blocks certain people and all of their followers. It's easy to get caught up in those things accidentally. People have diverse tastes, more than we often give them credit for and they are often looking at and listening to a variety of people trying to come to conclusions or find the truth. No one person will ever have all we need, so we need to pull info from multiple sources to do our personal and collective business. Managing people is hard, managing egos is even harder. I got out of business management because dealing with people will physically make you ill.Agreed! I hated the time when there was infighting as well. I don't think her sexuality was an issue and she never made it one, so I don't like when people say that her movement was an LGBT movement, when it wasn't. Ultimately, I tuned out during those times when the infighting was taking place. I couldn't take it. Glad everyone is back on track. It's just weird that she was blocking people when you need people to support your movement.
Right. I like to listen to a variety of people as each person contributes something different. I take away what I can and throw away the rest. I never agree 100% with any one person. I just wish that we can look at the big picture and come together on that. You don't have to be friends and don't have to agree on everything. Our reparations claim needs for all of us to be on code. We all agree on cash payments to those who descend from slavery in America. I hope we can continue the fight and not get derailed by personal issues.She probably used Twitter blockchain which blocks certain people and all of their followers. It's easy to get caught up in those things accidentally. People have diverse tastes, more than we often give them credit for and they are often looking at and listening to a variety of people trying to come to conclusions or find the truth. No one person will ever have all we need, so we need to pull info from multiple sources to do our personal and collective business. Managing people is hard, managing egos is even harder. I got out of business management because dealing with people will physically make you ill.
Mature folks understand it's better to work in small groups to achieve one goal, and that help is needed to move us forward. Black folks have ego issues and until we get those in check we'll stay divided, unable to determine who we should trust, and lost in the mix. While there are some operative things going on with said groups that are suspect, I was late to the party and missed all of that. We are at different stages and phases of learning and these social media spats don't always clearly expound on this. We see someone act, then someone reacts. We can't afford to be derailed anymore. Time is running out for us.
The SCOTUS ruling just reverts abortion laws back to each state's government. Some states are going back to the coat hanger days.
Yup the Red States are going to be anti-abortion and blue going to use their pro-baby killing ways to virtue signal against the Reds.The SCOTUS ruling just reverts abortion laws back to each state's government. Some states are going back to the coat hanger days.
...and in the red states, the cops will pick up the slack for the abortion clinics.Yup the Red States are going to be anti-abortion and blue going to use their pro-baby killing ways to virtue signal against the Reds.
You got that right brother. Keep your candy bar and power tools at all times!...and in the red states, the cops will pick up the slack for the abortion clinics.
…and if you make it through the police they’ll have you on reserve as a body to send to war....and in the red states, the cops will pick up the slack for the abortion clinics.
Brother, I keeps the Kit Kat on me!You got that right brother. Keep your candy bar and power tools at all times!
My pet name for one of mine also. Just in case you gotta BREAK THEM OFF A PIECE! 💯✊🏽Brother, I keeps the Kit Kat on me!
Massa Blasta also gets right to the point! 💯My pet name for one of mine also. Just in case you gotta BREAK THEM OFF A PIECE! 💯✊🏽
Pretty much. I expect secession and civil war too. It's gonna be wild. Better have ya power tools and decide which states are best for you. I'm cool with the Red States. At least they allow us to segregate and prefer it. Ain't gotta worry bout none of that fake we are one nonsense. You know where you stand, so you can build and mind ya business.Yup the Red States are going to be anti-abortion and blue going to use their pro-baby killing ways to virtue signal against the Reds.
It’s the gift and the curse though because the second order breaks out they coming straight for the Black communes. If you ain’t around a bunch of riders it’ll be Tulsa part 2. So there’s pros and cons to being spread out in a blue state vs confined in a red state.Pretty much. I expect secession and civil war too. It's gonna be wild. Better have ya power tools and decide which states are best for you. I'm cool with the Red States. At least they allow us to segregate and prefer it. Ain't gotta worry bout none of that fake we are one nonsense. You know where you stand, so you can build and mind ya business.
I feel they will come for us regardless when chaos breaks out due to no rule of law to keep them from going back to their old ways. I agree if you not around riders it won't matter either way. I had a lot of off code family back home in Texas. I wouldn't even trust the off code ones in my commune cause they either wouldn't work or would out right sell us out. Im big on vetting. Would rather be able to set our own rules than live by theirs. They hate us for it either way so better fight on your own terms. Even little Vietnam got them off their territory.It’s the gift and the curse though because the second order breaks out they coming straight for the Black communes. If you ain’t around a bunch of riders it’ll be Tulsa part 2. So there’s pros and cons to being spread out in a blue state vs confined in a red state.