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San Fran to hand out $1,200 to trans people just cause


Royal Sixer
  • Messages
    Half Black
    I don't know if you all heard but San Fran signed off on handing out $1,200 to each trans person in the area for up to 18 months. They are getting this money cause they are facing some sort of discrimination... you know, in the most gay/trans-friendly place in America!... WHAT BULLSH*T! These people are getting on my damn nerves already. Black people been struggling and never got given what they were promised and now trans people just roll up like "someone misgendered me!" and we just gonna hand them $1,200!?

    I am just over this. I know not all trans people are like this but these are the ones they prop up to pass this BS and they can kick rocks.


    Royal Sixer
    Community Host
    Content Contributor
    I don't know if you all heard but San Fran signed off on handing out $1,200 to each trans person in the area for up to 18 months. They are getting this money cause they are facing some sort of discrimination... you know, in the most gay/trans-friendly place in America!... WHAT BULLSH*T! These people are getting on my damn nerves already. Black people been struggling and never got given what they were promised and now trans people just roll up like "someone misgendered me!" and we just gonna hand them $1,200!?

    I am just over this. I know not all trans people are like this but these are the ones they prop up to pass this BS and they can kick rocks.
    If you are a non-Black who feels like you're being mistreated like a Black person, then you are to be compensated for your perceived oppression and receive boundless support and sympathy as you are pitied and defended by others willing to fight for you. Politicians will specifically bat and fight for you to get protections and tangibles in the name of bipartisanship and justice. Little to no questions asked.

    If you are a Black person who is actually being mistreated and oppressed for being a Black person, then you are to receive nothing. You are not to be taken too seriously. You are to receive little to no support. You are to be questioned, misjudged, belittled, and criticized. Politicians will not specifically bat and fight for you to get protections and tangibles in the name of bipartisanship and justice. Endless studies, pushbacks and delays, stalling tactics, and extended time for research will be demanded and required by the very same government that oppresses us. You will be exploited and used as pawns by fake self-interested "allies" that use your very own history (the Civil Rights Movement) and oppression as a launchpad to get opportunities and benefits for themselves and their "lift all boats" agendas (such as LGBT, white liberals, Latinos, Asians, whites who cry about classism and climate change, etc). You are to remain silent or be punished and scolded. You are made to feel guilty and shame for actually being victimized no matter how calm, passive, tense or aggressive your demeanor is or was. You are not to receive reparations or any tangible repair for the problem you face because the problem (anti-Black racism) is to remain in place indefinitely. You are to be and remain systemically oppressed.


    Royal Sixer
    Community Host
    Content Contributor
    When they say that people are tired and want the system to change, they are not just talking about Black people, they are talking about everyone.

    They know that they can't have a "good ole" America with a ruling white majority eventually, so they are trying to make America into a place like this:
    • LGBTQIA and their status are elevated.
    • Asians and their status are elevated.
    • Latinos and their status are elevated.
    • Other non-Blacks and their status are elevated.
    • Black people are tricked into believing that they and their status have been elevated as they become poorer, become more unprotected, and become more oppressed to the point where they remain a permanent underclass until they are forced to die off thanks to continued benign neglect policies, traitors, promotions of illusions (by media especially), and subtle acts of Black erasure.
    • Whites and their status are maintained as a ruling minority, apartheid style.
    • Whites can co-opt and bastardize oppression to more gain resources, power and sympathy by being or identifying as LGBTQIA, Mormon, Jewish, disabled, women, incels, bored troubled white kids, sad rich white guys, poor broke white people, drug addicts, sick people, etc. They can eat well off of being "oppressed" oppressors who refuse to admit their privilege.
    • Drag queen events and full-blown depravity in schools, in public, and elsewhere that is normalized.
    • Pedophilia is normalized.
    • At least 25% children and classmates are transgendered.
    • Plagues that will make severe COVID-19 cases seem like a very mild cold.
    • Illegals and non-Blacks (who are not Anglo Saxon white) becoming the ruling majority (2nd powerful group behind the ruling white minority) that oppresses, terrorizes, attacks, murders, undermines, bullies, exploits, and abuses Black people.
    • Illegals and non-Blacks (who are not Anglo Saxon white) becoming the ruling majority (2nd powerful group behind the ruling white minority) that terrorizes, gentrifies, attacks, invades, defunds, destroys, gerrymanders, takes over, controls, and exploits Black neighborhoods.
    • Black History and Black culture being co-opted, rewritten, revised, tarnished, erased, bastardized, not taught, and hidden.
    • Black is still seen as bad or evil while white is still seen as good and angelic.
    • Black genres with mostly non-Black and Blackfishing (modern day Blackfsce) performers.
    • Black issues are to be made completely invisible. All Lives Matter topics (like classism, Asian Hate, climate change, abortion because fetus lives don't matter, LGBTQIA, and illegals becoming documented "immigrants") would take over the airwaves completely. Imagine screaming and crying in agony while no one can hear, care about, or believe you.


    Royal Sixer
  • Messages
    Half Black
    If you are a non-Black who feels like you're being mistreated like a Black person, then you are to be compensated for your perceived oppression and receive boundless support and sympathy as you are pitied and defended by others willing to fight for you. Politicians will specifically bat and fight for you to get protections and tangibles in the name of bipartisanship and justice. Little to no questions asked.

    If you are a Black person who is actually being mistreated and oppressed for being a Black person, then you are to receive nothing. You are not to be taken too seriously. You are to receive little to no support. You are to be questioned, misjudged, belittled, and criticized. Politicians will not specifically bat and fight for you to get protections and tangibles in the name of bipartisanship and justice. Endless studies, pushbacks and delays, stalling tactics, and extended time for research will be demanded and required by the very same government that oppresses us. You will be exploited and used as pawns by fake self-interested "allies" that use your very own history (the Civil Rights Movement) and oppression as a launchpad to get opportunities and benefits for themselves and their "lift all boats" agendas (such as LGBT, white liberals, Latinos, Asians, whites who cry about classism and climate change, etc). You are to remain silent or be punished and scolded. You are made to feel guilty and shame for actually being victimized no matter how calm, passive, tense or aggressive your demeanor is or was. You are not to receive reparations or any tangible repair for the problem you face because the problem (anti-Black racism) is to remain in place indefinitely. You are to be and remain systemically oppressed.
    I have said it before, the only time black people matter to the government is when they can use our struggles and our social issues to gain more money or power. Look at what they did with BLM. Look how they only "care" when it is election season. I am over it all. More people are waking up and I hate to say it, but at this point the government, the system, this "establishment" will NOT change until people bring that change by force.