This is a white ran operation, gurenteed.
What the actual F.
They don't want "CRT" taught but will allow this demonic shit? White people are mentally unstable in my opinion, they need to be separated from the rest of the sane people who also live on this planet. It's no coincidence that wherever white people are, destruction follows. No place on the planet is safe as long as they are on it.
What the actual F.
They don't want "CRT" taught but will allow this demonic shit? White people are mentally unstable in my opinion, they need to be separated from the rest of the sane people who also live on this planet. It's no coincidence that wherever white people are, destruction follows. No place on the planet is safe as long as they are on it.

Satan after school? Club "inspired" by Satan to start at local elementary school
LEBANON, Ohio (WKRC) - A new club "inspired" by Satan is stirring controversy in Lebanon. The "After School Satan Club" is unearthing an uproar. Parents and others are skeptical of the intentions of the group with the hellish name. Donovan Elementary will be the site of the country’s second...