These days, prostitution isn't what it used to be. It's more secure and protected as more escort services are springing up. I believe prostitution is legal in Las Vegas only, but I could see it being legalized elsewhere because of all the rules that escort services establish. Anyway, it's a lot safer than traditional prostitution where someone waits on the street. With an escort service, I think they are tested on the daily and they don't have to sleep with a customer if they don't feel up to it.
With that being said, I could see it being legalized even more because of all the rules set in place. Anyway, I know this is a touchy subject, but do you think that prostitution will be legalized? But only in an escort like business or setting?
And for those comfortable answering, has anyone ever gone to an escort service? Honestly, I've thought of it, but I don't know if I could. The idea weirds me out personally. No judgement to those who want to though. As long as everyone is consenting adults, then I don't really care.
With that being said, I could see it being legalized even more because of all the rules set in place. Anyway, I know this is a touchy subject, but do you think that prostitution will be legalized? But only in an escort like business or setting?
And for those comfortable answering, has anyone ever gone to an escort service? Honestly, I've thought of it, but I don't know if I could. The idea weirds me out personally. No judgement to those who want to though. As long as everyone is consenting adults, then I don't really care.