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Sixers, Let's Get The Violent Criminal Robert Allen Walczykowski Off Of The Streets. #PullUp


Sixer First Class+
What frustrates me to know end and pains my heart is just how much as a collective we ignore just how evil many of these YT people are. We project our sense of morality onto other people and are stunned when they don't have the same code or honor, morality and ethics as we do.

As a rule culturally and generally, we don't harm innocent children, even if its from a group oppressing us.

Many white people, the exact number is unknown but if it was, it would scare the sh*t out of you, how many of them have no issues whatsoever of harming a black child (and women and our elderly). None, zero.

We choose to forget that during slavery a white man could rape a black woman, and enslave his own child, even selling the baby or child off or even breeding that child with someone else later. We avoid thinking about it because it makes us uncomfortable.

We forget that there are people still alive who tied black children and babies to tree stumps in swamps to attract alligators hence the term 'gator bait'.

Emmitt Till was a minor and so were others. There a black child decades ago, obviously framed and was electrocuted. Youngest person ever. Forgot his age but he wasn't even a teenager.

We seem to think that savage way ended overnight when the Civil Rights Act was signed. I had a relative in the Vietnam War. The atrocities over there were almost always attributed to white soldiers. The raping of village pubescent girls. The killing of civilians. This is the same nation that knowingly bombed 100s of 1000s of Iraqi and Afghani women and children along everyone and everything else and we want to ignore that can easily be applied to our children. A group they have been trying to exterminate anyway.

These are the people that can easily ignore a 12 year old boy (Tamir Rice) being murdered and gaslight it away, with zero qualms about it, not even with a fake 'Its tragic but..." not even that. They dismiss it easily. The same folks who were angry a gorilla was shot instead of a black child being mauled by it. They would have preferred that black child die.

Now that 80% of us are raised without a father, they know there is very little blow back from harming our children. For every 1 of this video there are many out there who got away with it easily.

They see harming our children as they see killing the offspring of rats. Some of us, most of us, damn near all of us, need to get that in our effen heads. And start doing all we can to protect our babies.

We are too f*cking lacksadaisial.


The First Sixer
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    What frustrates me to know end and pains my heart is just how much as a collective we ignore just how evil many of these YT people are. We project our sense of morality onto other people and are stunned when they don't have the same code or honor, morality and ethics as we do.

    As a rule culturally and generally, we don't harm innocent children, even if its from a group oppressing us.

    Many white people, the exact number is unknown but if it was, it would scare the sh*t out of you, how many of them have no issues whatsoever of harming a black child (and women and our elderly). None, zero.

    We choose to forget that during slavery a white man could rape a black woman, and enslave his own child, even selling the baby or child off or even breeding that child with someone else later. We avoid thinking about it because it makes us uncomfortable.

    We forget that there are people still alive who tied black children and babies to tree stumps in swamps to attract alligators hence the term 'gator bait'.

    Emmitt Till was a minor and so were others. There a black child decades ago, obviously framed and was electrocuted. Youngest person ever. Forgot his age but he wasn't even a teenager.

    We seem to think that savage way ended overnight when the Civil Rights Act was signed. I had a relative in the Vietnam War. The atrocities over there were almost always attributed to white soldiers. The raping of village pubescent girls. The killing of civilians. This is the same nation that knowingly bombed 100s of 1000s of Iraqi and Afghani women and children along everyone and everything else and we want to ignore that can easily be applied to our children. A group they have been trying to exterminate anyway.

    These are the people that can easily ignore a 12 year old boy (Tamir Rice) being murdered and gaslight it away, with zero qualms about it, not even with a fake 'Its tragic but..." not even that. They dismiss it easily. The same folks who were angry a gorilla was shot instead of a black child being mauled by it. They would have preferred that black child die.

    Now that 80% of us are raised without a father, they know there is very little blow back from harming our children. For every 1 of this video there are many out there who got away with it easily.

    They see harming our children as they see killing the offspring of rats. Some of us, most of us, damn near all of us, need to get that in our effen heads. And start doing all we can to protect our babies.

    We are too f*cking lacksadaisial.
    Excellent point but I think it’s fear. Black people know how ruthless people can be but many are too afraid to respond accordingly. They’d rather put their head in the sand and hope the bad guy goes away. It’s sad.


    Royal Sixer
    Community Host
    Content Contributor
    These are the people that can easily ignore a 12 year old boy (Tamir Rice) being murdered and gaslight it away, with zero qualms about it, not even with a fake 'Its tragic but..." not even that. They dismiss it easily. The same folks who were angry a gorilla was shot instead of a black child being mauled by it. They would have preferred that black child die.
    Exactly. And I was sideeyeing all those corny white and non-Black males screaming #DicksOutForHarambe and speaking in code like: "Yeah I know they had to save the child. But what about the gorilla too you know?" Instead of saying that "It's unfortunate the Harambe the gorilla died, but I'm glad the boy is okay." These are the same types that get squeamish when someone says Black Lives Matter because in reality, these types of racists don't believe that Black Lives Actually Matter.

    Funny (not really) how they cried over a gorilla / ape, dogs, and other animals while calling the Black people who they hate all kinds of monkeys, gorillas, apes, chimps, orangutans, dogs, animals, etc.


    Exactly. And I was sideeyeing all those corny white and non-Black males screaming #DicksOutForHarambe and speaking in code like: "Yeah I know they had to save the child. But what about the gorilla too you know?" Instead of saying that "It's unfortunate the Harambe the gorilla died, but I'm glad the boy is okay." These are the same types that get squeamish when someone says Black Lives Matter because in reality, these types of racists don't believe that Black Lives Actually Matter.

    Funny (not really) how they cried over a gorilla / ape, dogs, and other animals while calling the Black people who they hate all kinds of monkeys, gorillas, apes, chimps, orangutans, dogs, animals, etc.
    I refuse to even be around them without others around me who I know have my back.


    What frustrates me to know end and pains my heart is just how much as a collective we ignore just how evil many of these YT people are. We project our sense of morality onto other people and are stunned when they don't have the same code or honor, morality and ethics as we do.

    As a rule culturally and generally, we don't harm innocent children, even if its from a group oppressing us.

    Many white people, the exact number is unknown but if it was, it would scare the sh*t out of you, how many of them have no issues whatsoever of harming a black child (and women and our elderly). None, zero.

    We choose to forget that during slavery a white man could rape a black woman, and enslave his own child, even selling the baby or child off or even breeding that child with someone else later. We avoid thinking about it because it makes us uncomfortable.

    We forget that there are people still alive who tied black children and babies to tree stumps in swamps to attract alligators hence the term 'gator bait'.

    Emmitt Till was a minor and so were others. There a black child decades ago, obviously framed and was electrocuted. Youngest person ever. Forgot his age but he wasn't even a teenager.

    We seem to think that savage way ended overnight when the Civil Rights Act was signed. I had a relative in the Vietnam War. The atrocities over there were almost always attributed to white soldiers. The raping of village pubescent girls. The killing of civilians. This is the same nation that knowingly bombed 100s of 1000s of Iraqi and Afghani women and children along everyone and everything else and we want to ignore that can easily be applied to our children. A group they have been trying to exterminate anyway.

    These are the people that can easily ignore a 12 year old boy (Tamir Rice) being murdered and gaslight it away, with zero qualms about it, not even with a fake 'Its tragic but..." not even that. They dismiss it easily. The same folks who were angry a gorilla was shot instead of a black child being mauled by it. They would have preferred that black child die.

    Now that 80% of us are raised without a father, they know there is very little blow back from harming our children. For every 1 of this video there are many out there who got away with it easily.

    They see harming our children as they see killing the offspring of rats. Some of us, most of us, damn near all of us, need to get that in our effen heads. And start doing all we can to protect our babies.

    We are too f*cking lacksadaisial.
    Nothing is gonna change. Some of our folks want to get into higher level jobs or want big time fame and don't wanna rock the boat with these yt folks.