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So We Aren't Gonna Talk About Katt Williams' Interview? Lol


Sixer First Class+
Katt goes to the Shay Shay r, oom and showed the hell out. I 100 percent believe the stuff he's been saying. Why? Whatever name that has been used to describe it: 'The Illumati', 'Rituals', etc, it amounts to the same thing. White men in the entertainment industry, movies, TV, music, emasculating black men at best (wearing a dress) or straight out sodomizing black men at worst.

Black culture has been watched closely. We as a community have been discussing this since at least the 90s. So, the white entertainment industry knows we know.

That being said, 2 things come to mind in addition to what has already been discussed. First, we have 1000s of blacks who want to be famous. They have to know at some point they will be in a room and this is what will be asked of them. So, any Black man or woman knows this going in. I hate to say, but some of them know that and have already mentally accepted it as a price of fame. Not all. It may be some but that 'some' whatever percentage it is is higher than we think. Just seeing what black women are doing on IG tells me that. I think for sisters they know its a given they'll have to have sex at some point. For the men, most are in denial they will face that choice.

Second, white people who do that know the above. They are overtly giving each other the bird man hand rub because they know any black ,male rapper, singer, actor they bring in won't be surprised and them being in that room means they stand a good chance of buck breaking them.

Third, and this disgusts me to the fullest, is that its been going on so long they have Stockholm Syndromed other Blacks into doing to other Blacks. Allegedly P Diddy as the most famous one. But its like the abused child growing up to molest other children.

A whole lot of black folks copping pleas. Ludacris responded with a free style....and although I thought the spit was very good, just on its own is kinda "huh?", I felt he needed to follow it up with a stated comment. Ice Cube is pretty much the only one mentioned in a somewhat negative way that came out not looking worse. A bit cheap but the least affected I thought. On a side note. I can understand paying them 5k if you are on a tight budget. But the movie blew up and made 27 million dollars (I suspect more but that's google's number). Why not just cut everyone an additional 100k each later? Many of them are still struggling a bit. 10, 15 people at 100k each is 1 mil to 1.5 mil. Cube is worth himself is worth 160 mil.

Lastly, which of the bombshell accusations do you think is the biggest?


Deleted member 1946

I am not sure which allegation is the biggest. I already knew most of this stuff. This stuff came out in pieces over the past 10 to 20 years. Plenty of former members of Hollywood have exposed many of the people Katt did. I don't disbelieve anything Katt said. He is a truth teller just like Jaguar Wright is. You cannot be high up in that industry and have clean hands which includes comedy, movies, TV shows, etc. That's basically what he said.

I love all three of your points. P Diddy is indeed like the hurt person who hurts other people. He is a gatekeeper for White Hollywood except on the Black side. Plenty of folks have said that P Diddy allegedly (gotta mention this so I don't get sued, lol) messed around sexually with Clive Davis, and since it is on film he must bring in new men. The ones who do homosexual stuff get propped up. The ones that do not get the boot and get kicked out of Hollywood which is basically blackballing/blacklisting them. I'm trying not to type too many details.


Sixer First Class+
The solution is to have our own space, owned and run by us. Quality entertainment is going to be bought. Doesn't matter who. Look at Slum Dog Millionaire. Indian movie, all about Indians, yet a global hit to millions of non Indians who wouldn't know Mumbai from Miami (I loved that movie by the way).

Problem is the Blacks who have the ability to make quality movies and launch careers, etc. all seem compromised:
Oprah, Tyler Perry and Diddy with Revolt TV.


Sixer First Class+
Whatever side of fence you fall on regarding Katt Williams the takeaways from all this that is necessary and has been for a very long time are:
* Black entertainers are now going to be less willing to put on a dress or effeminate attire. You can't say you didn't know. Even if you weren't coerced into it, you will look highly suspect from now on.

* If you one of the few who has the resources to make movies, tv shows, etc, and aren't helping others to come up and aren't paying enough it will now more likely be put on blast.

* The illuminati, the rituals, whatever you may call have been operating in secrecy for many years. We are one step closer to having it called and exposed.

As an aside, the entertainment industry has been turning out white men, women and even children for decades. I heard an interview once that Shirley Temple was put in an office with some high level white man without her mother and was talked to in a very sexual way. Corey Haim called this out years ago. But he was the rare exception. White folks trying to get famous been knee deep in this depravity since the early days of movies 100 years ago.

It took BLACK PEOPLE to put it on blast full stop. I've seen many, many videos of various rappers saying they were invited to industry parties and seen people you'd least suspect off in some room or corner doing God knows what.

You don't find the same number of white singers or actors doing that. It was a sista who started #MeToo and its Black people that was exposing it the most.

White woman jumped on board after Blacks did the heavy lifting of risking being ostracized and not being able to have a career.


Royal Sixer
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    Half Black
    Katt is known for putting on a show on and off the stage. I didn't see the whole interview, only bits and pieces. I am sure there is some truth to what he said but he shows it up, he makes it more interesting by talking it up and making it seem more believable and out there.