PMW The Mod Rollie Forbes Is A Suspected Democrat Shill Dissing Tariq For No Reason.

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Big Boda

Your FBA Brother.
  • Messages
    Not because Tariq can't be criticized but calling him a Trump supporter with emojis wearing a maga hat and saying he works for white folks makes me wonder what type of time this site is on. the mod calls himself "Rollie" i'm assuming in reference to roland martin. You wouldn't catch me ever naming myself after a democrat shill like that. therockconfusedHis posts had a lil democrat shill twang on it as well before i blocked him

    Liking tariq nasheed isn't mandatory but anybody yelling "HE MAGA!" is in lying/scamming territory.. That man's track record of empowering black people is iron clad. hope posters like that don't end up delegitimizing the forum as a place for everyday black people to talk naturally without having to worry about agendas being pushed on us.
    Support Point 1
    as soon as 6zeros site loads up on 9/20/24 the first post users will see is from Rollie referencing a kkk letter calling for an end to immigration and saying that

    " This is the same stuff the YouTubers preach. Somebody explain to me how they can be pro Black, pro Trump, and have the same anti-Black immigrant stace as the KKK?
    "Don't knock the hustle, family. Ya dig?"
    U12ntitled-1.png "
    Support Point 2
    as users scroll down from Rollie's post hating on tariq, the next one from him is referencing some governor race no one cares about. the only thing that would get black folks invested in a governor race is a commitment to an agenda that benefits black folks specifically with Tangible resources, MONEY. His next post is a "trump presidency was bad" video
    Support Point 3
    I responded to his thread dissing tariq with "even a white supremacist clan member can be right once in a while. especially when it comes to illegal immigration being a Detriment. Tariq Nasheed has full justification to call out the disrespectful foreigners that have sabotaged and caused harm to black americans. That doesn't make him a trump supporter." I've seen white supremacists say Trans don't need to have story time reading books to children which I agree with. A broken clock is right twice a day.
    rollie responded "
    Taking the side of a white supremacist over a Black person, immigrant or American, for any reason is anti-Black, off-code, agent behavior.
    Tariq and the white folks he works for can all go to hell."

    Big Boda

    Your FBA Brother.
  • Messages
    I left out a major point. California reparations DEBACLE. Black people were at the california legislation session demanding reparations bills SB 1331 and SB1403 be signed and the california democrats specifically the California Legislative Black Caucus sabotaged the bills and refused to vote on them to have cali governor Gavin Newsom sign or veto them. this was under orders from newsom to kill the bills.

    this was a huge controversy this month with all of black grassroots speaking out against it in the new black media. This rollie guy posted a damage control thread titled "Reparations approved in california but..."

    It’s only $12M for the whole state…
    Not much, I know…
    However, we can consider this a test run if Gavin Newsom replaces Joe Biden as the Democratic nominee for President this year."

    this confirms my suspicions about the guy being a democrat shill because there is literally no other reason to try and spin what happened in california.

    Rollie Forbes

    Royal Sixer
    Super Moderator
    Down From Day 1
    Not because Tariq can't be criticized but calling him a Trump supporter with emojis wearing a maga hat and saying he works for white folks makes me wonder what type of time this site is on. the mod calls himself "Rollie" i'm assuming in reference to roland martin. You wouldn't catch me ever naming myself after a democrat shill like that. therockconfusedHis posts had a lil democrat shill twang on it as well before i blocked him

    Liking tariq nasheed isn't mandatory but anybody yelling "HE MAGA!" is in lying/scamming territory.. That man's track record of empowering black people is iron clad. hope posters like that don't end up delegitimizing the forum as a place for everyday black people to talk naturally without having to worry about agendas being pushed on us.
    I almost stopped reading that as soon as you said that my handle is a flip of Roland Martin's name. I'm named after Jester Hairston's (R.I.P.) character on the classic sitcom, Amen:

    Btw, Roland's shortened name would be "Rolie"; one L, long Ō sound. The O in my handle sounds like "Ah". You should've learned vowel sounds in 2nd grade.

    Also, your only evidence that I'm a "Suspected Democrat Shill" (you're even using your YouTube daddy's language) is that I criticized Tariq Nasheed (although your first sentence claims that he's not above critique), that I discussed the NC Governor's race, which absolutely concerns Black North Carolinians since Mark Robinson has said that we owe reparations and that slavery should return; and because I posted a video about Donald Trump being a bad President, even though I have posts saying that Joe Biden has been a bad President, too (and nefore you ask, no, I didn't vote for Joe Biden).

    You're not serious, Big Boda, you're just hurt that I don't blindly follow your cyber daddy. If I would've never criticized Tariq, you wouldn't have cried into your oatmeal this morning. Honestly, I didn't mean for you to wake up and write some ol' bullshit about me first thing this morning nor did I know that talking about your man crush would affect you this way. Writing angry letters about a man who criticized another man isn't the Flex (see what I did there?) that you think it is.

    Big Boda

    Your FBA Brother.
  • Messages
    On the main 6zeros page the user Rollie Forbes posted a rip frankie beverlie thread using a tweet from the one and only Roland Martin. so this is someone he follows seriously. I know yall see the dry Non FBA corny humor he tries to go for as well. we can tell who's from here and whos not. dont even bother asking where his family is from.

    Rollie Forbes

    Royal Sixer
    Super Moderator
    Down From Day 1
    On the main 6zeros page the user Rollie Forbes posted a rip frankie beverlie thread using a tweet from the one and only Roland Martin. so this is someone he follows seriously. I know yall see the dry Non FBA corny humor he tries to go for as well. we can tell who's from here and whos not. dont even bother asking where his family is from.
    First off, capitalize Frankie Beverly's (R.I.P.) name. Give the god his proper respect.
    Back to the subject at hand, as many times as I've called people tethers on here (RCNAL, I apologize for that, btw), it's comical to read my lineage is being questioned. I'm so glad I left that YouTube cult. I was just as stupid as you, Little Boda.
    Boda if all you can do is repeat your cyber daddy's goofy talking points, then it's time for you to move along. You're clearly not very intelligent, you're just D riding a paid agent.
    One last thing, my hairline is razor sharp!


    Master Sixer
    Super Moderator
    App Beta Tester
    Atlanta, GA
    Not because Tariq can't be criticized but calling him a Trump supporter with emojis wearing a maga hat and saying he works for white folks makes me wonder what type of time this site is on. the mod calls himself "Rollie" i'm assuming in reference to roland martin. You wouldn't catch me ever naming myself after a democrat shill like that. therockconfusedHis posts had a lil democrat shill twang on it as well before i blocked him

    Liking tariq nasheed isn't mandatory but anybody yelling "HE MAGA!" is in lying/scamming territory.. That man's track record of empowering black people is iron clad. hope posters like that don't end up delegitimizing the forum as a place for everyday black people to talk naturally without having to worry about agendas being pushed on us.
    You could say suspected, but not for the reasons you're mentioning. Tariq has many issues, and it's completely valid for someone to critique/dislike him for any of them. I will say that a lot of posts are one-sided in critiquing mainly Republicans. There should be more posts critiquing Democrats equally as well. If you feel there is a lack of that, I strongly urge you to post more on 6Zeros. It is a bit sad to see the only thing that fired you up to post is that you saw an "Anti Tariq" post at the top of the forums.

    You say "delegitimizing the forum as a place for everyday black people to talk naturally without having to worry about agendas being pushed on us."

    Do you know for a fact that Rollie Forbes isn't like this all the time? If it's natural for him to talk like that in person, why are you trying to silence his voice? Again... I strongly urge you to post more on 6Zeros and make your voice heard as well. I'm a moderator too, and this is the first time I've seen a post from you in a WHILE and it's because someone said something about Tariq.

    -Point 1: Rollie's reasoning in that thread is faulty. Someone can be racist and right at the same time. I can't see the picture, so I can't make any more comments about it.

    -Point 2: "the next one from him is referencing some governor race no one cares about. the only thing that would get black folks invested in a governor race is a commitment to an agenda that benefits black folks specifically with Tangible resources, MONEY. His next post is a "trump presidency was bad" video"

    Someone here could care about that race. You can't assume anything for users you don't know. The info still needs to reach the people. I haven't watched that Trump video, but I do sense a bit of Democrat leaning there though. There should be a post about the failings of Biden's Presidency as well.

    -Point 3: See my response to Point 1.

    For all of your points, everything could be negated by other users (yourself heavily included since you made this prove me wrong post) posting more. I'm actually more upset that it took an anti-Tariq post for you to make your own post. I think taking the initiative and making a post to counter whatever you saw would have been better.

    We will probably never know if Rollie is paid by Democrats, but him critiquing Tariq is not good supportive evidence for that, nor are his heavily Democrat leaning posts. As I said, Tariq has many issues, and it's completely valid for someone to critique/dislike him for any of them.

    Side note: Notifications do not work for me here (haven't for a long time, which is probably part of the reason more users aren't posting). So, if you respond, I'll see it whenever I see it.

    Rollie Forbes

    Royal Sixer
    Super Moderator
    Down From Day 1
    You could say suspected, but not for the reasons you're mentioning. Tariq has many issues, and it's completely valid for someone to critique/dislike him for any of them. I will say that a lot of posts are one-sided in critiquing mainly Republicans. There should be more posts critiquing Democrats equally as well. If you feel there is a lack of that, I strongly urge you to post more on 6Zeros. It is a bit sad to see the only thing that fired you up to post is that you saw an "Anti Tariq" post at the top of the forums.

    You say "delegitimizing the forum as a place for everyday black people to talk naturally without having to worry about agendas being pushed on us."

    Do you know for a fact that Rollie Forbes isn't like this all the time? If it's natural for him to talk like that in person, why are you trying to silence his voice? Again... I strongly urge you to post more on 6Zeros and make your voice heard as well. I'm a moderator too, and this is the first time I've seen a post from you in a WHILE and it's because someone said something about Tariq.

    -Point 1: Rollie's reasoning in that thread is faulty. Someone can be racist and right at the same time. I can't see the picture, so I can't make any more comments about it.

    -Point 2: "the next one from him is referencing some governor race no one cares about. the only thing that would get black folks invested in a governor race is a commitment to an agenda that benefits black folks specifically with Tangible resources, MONEY. His next post is a "trump presidency was bad" video"

    Someone here could care about that race. You can't assume anything for users you don't know. The info still needs to reach the people. I haven't watched that Trump video, but I do sense a bit of Democrat leaning there though. There should be a post about the failings of Biden's Presidency as well.

    -Point 3: See my response to Point 1.

    For all of your points, everything could be negated by other users (yourself heavily included since you made this prove me wrong post) posting more. I'm actually more upset that it took an anti-Tariq post for you to make your own post. I think taking the initiative and making a post to counter whatever you saw would have been better.

    We will probably never know if Rollie is paid by Democrats, but him critiquing Tariq is not good supportive evidence for that, nor are his heavily Democrat leaning posts. As I said, Tariq has many issues, and it's completely valid for someone to critique/dislike him for any of them.

    Side note: Notifications do not work for me here (haven't for a long time, which is probably part of the reason more users aren't posting). So, if you respond, I'll see it whenever I see it.
    I never said that a racist couldn't ever be right, I said "Taking the side of a white supremacist over a Black person, immigrant or American, for any reason is anti-Black, off-code, agent behavior." Right or wrong, I'm not standing with the enemy of my people.

    And no, I'm not a Democrat. In past elections, I have voted Green, Democrat, and Republican (I liked Larry Hogan when he ran for Governor). I plan to vote third party this November

    I am anti-MAGA, though, because MAGA is anti-Black. If I get called a Democrat shill for being anti-MAGA, then that same logic could extend to Tariq Nasheed being vehemently anti-Democrat, right?

    Boda's issue isn't my political leanings, he was just upset that I criticized his leader (who claims that he isn't a leader). I'll continue to criticize Tariq Nasheed, Joe Biden, Kamala Harris, Donald Trump, JD Vance, Mark Robinson, and anybody else who is openly anti-Black. If I get called a shill as a result, then so be it. They talked about Jesus, they can talk about me, too.


    Senior Sixer
    App Beta Tester
    Half Black
    I don’t know about Rollie (I’ve had suspicions, but since he seems to be one of the only people posting here 🤷🏽), but JerriBun definitely is one. She does passive aggression when she can’t argue a valid point.

    In fact, anyone on this platform that refuses to share/sign this petition (, with urgency, is obviously on team Euroamerican (Team Racist), left or right. It’s an easy litmus test.


    Master Sixer
    App Beta Tester
    makes me wonder what type of time this site is on
    Peace peace peace.

    Everybody's opinion is welcome. Some are Democrat, some Republican. We've always been independents , imo. They just want our votes (and influential power), neither party is trying to rock the boat when it comes to black people. The system needs someone to feed on ... Neither wants to eradicate their meal ticket .. We been needed to create our own PAC, or whatever mechanism we need to move the needle forward for us.

    I'm not a big fan of disparaging your brother though. It's not that serious. If you ask me, we spend too much time focusing on their machine, and not on creating our own.

    I don't know much about Tarik , outside of his documentary on Haiti and museum .. I felt some way about him throwing around the term "tether" (I'm not even sure who created that term- kinda divisive to a group that needs more healing than anything - my opinion though) .. I'll admit, impressive track record ..but I know we are all human.

    My hope is that we all mind our own behaviour, to make sure we are not playing the cog for white illusion - myself included. Just play your part and we'll get there.

    Be wise. Discuss. Come up with solutions.

    Pamoja (Together)


    Master Sixer
    Super Moderator
    App Beta Tester
    Atlanta, GA
    I never said that a racist couldn't ever be right, I said "Taking the side of a white supremacist over a Black person, immigrant or American, for any reason is anti-Black, off-code, agent behavior." Right or wrong, I'm not standing with the enemy of my people.

    And no, I'm not a Democrat. In past elections, I have voted Green, Democrat, and Republican (I liked Larry Hogan when he ran for Governor). I plan to vote third party this November

    I am anti-MAGA, though, because MAGA is anti-Black. If I get called a Democrat shill for being anti-MAGA, then that same logic could extend to Tariq Nasheed being vehemently anti-Democrat, right?

    Boda's issue isn't my political leanings, he was just upset that I criticized his leader (who claims that he isn't a leader). I'll continue to criticize Tariq Nasheed, Joe Biden, Kamala Harris, Donald Trump, JD Vance, Mark Robinson, and anybody else who is openly anti-Black. If I get called a shill as a result, then so be it. They talked about Jesus, they can talk about me, too.
    I don't have an issue with your posts (I don't care at the end of the day). I have an issue with someone jumping to conclusions because you are critiquing Tariq. I never said you had to stand next to someone just because they are right either.

    Besides, I'm constantly called a Democrat shill by one person here and I don't post support for any candidate.


    Master Sixer
    Super Moderator
    App Beta Tester
    Atlanta, GA
    the frequency of me posting is irrelevant to having a problem with democrat leaning threads flooding up the front page the moment i finally decide to check out the site after being absent a while. thats like saying "hey you dont tweet enough so don't call out shill tweets"
    One of your points was that his anti-Tariq posts are the first things you see when you come to 6Zeros. This is remedied by others posting more. So, yes, your frequency of posting is relevant to what is showing as soon as the site loads. Especially if you haven't visited the site in a while.

    Big Boda

    Your FBA Brother.
  • Messages
    pretty much done with the thread I blocked the lady mod that was taking up for the shill mod. everyone is free to dislike tariq nasheed all they want but don't expect to post corny maga hat pics of the dude whining about him "hustling" and expect to have any credibility.

    being appointed a mod here means your actions Reflect on the site because you're chosen to moderate so it is a blemish on the sites reputation to post a page full of one sided political stuff. thats it cased closed.


    Master Sixer
    Super Moderator
    App Beta Tester
    Atlanta, GA
    pretty much done with the thread I blocked the lady mod that was taking up for the shill mod. everyone is free to dislike tariq nasheed all they want but don't expect to post corny maga hat pics of the dude whining about him "hustling" and expect to have any credibility.

    being appointed a mod here means your actions Reflect on the site because you're chosen to moderate so it is a blemish on the sites reputation to post a page full of one sided political stuff. thats it cased closed.
    I know you didn't read everything I typed, because you would know I wasn't taking up for "the shill mod". The Prove Me Wrong section has a different set of rules. Your evidence was weak.

    As I said before, more people posting political things they like means the political stuff you don't like is pushed down.


    Master Sixer
  • 5
  • 5
  • Messages
    Not because Tariq can't be criticized but calling him a Trump supporter with emojis wearing a maga hat and saying he works for white folks makes me wonder what type of time this site is on. the mod calls himself "Rollie" i'm assuming in reference to roland martin. You wouldn't catch me ever naming myself after a democrat shill like that. therockconfusedHis posts had a lil democrat shill twang on it as well before i blocked him

    Liking tariq nasheed isn't mandatory but anybody yelling "HE MAGA!" is in lying/scamming territory.. That man's track record of empowering black people is iron clad. hope posters like that don't end up delegitimizing the forum as a place for everyday black people to talk naturally without having to worry about agendas being pushed on us.
    My issue with this is there are people on X who don’t agree with Tariq yet most of their tweets are about him. I follow the man, but I’m not actively on his page commenting on his tweets. There are so many twitter users to follow and engage with. I think it’s an obsession. My other issue is the calling Black Americans maga because they criticize the Democratic Party. Now folks are calling us “Russian bots” and saying we hate Black women because we don’t support Kamala Harris. At this point I don’t care if Black Americans vote for Trump. I’m not, but they have the freedom to just as other folks have the freedom to vote democrat or Green Party. There are Black folks in Chicago voting for Trump because of the illegal migrant situation. The dems are the blame for that. If the Democratic Party was as loyal to us as we have been for decades to them we wouldn’t be in this situation.

    Deleted member 2090

    Not because Tariq can't be criticized but calling him a Trump supporter with emojis wearing a maga hat and saying he works for white folks makes me wonder what type of time this site is on. the mod calls himself "Rollie" i'm assuming in reference to roland martin. You wouldn't catch me ever naming myself after a democrat shill like that. therockconfusedHis posts had a lil democrat shill twang on it as well before i blocked him

    Liking tariq nasheed isn't mandatory but anybody yelling "HE MAGA!" is in lying/scamming territory.. That man's track record of empowering black people is iron clad. hope posters like that don't end up delegitimizing the forum as a place for everyday black people to talk naturally without having to worry about agendas being pushed on us.
    Agree. If a person makes any statement that Trump supporters would love, some people automatically start thinking they are pro-Trump. I know that nobody agrees 100 percent with a candidate once they examine the entirety of what a candidate has said over the years. Roland is clearly a shill. He tries to hide it at times, but he is 100 percent team democrat. Tariq has said that he is against the democrats but that does not automatically mean he is pro-Trump.

    Deleted member 2090

    I left out a major point. California reparations DEBACLE. Black people were at the california legislation session demanding reparations bills SB 1331 and SB1403 be signed and the california democrats specifically the California Legislative Black Caucus sabotaged the bills and refused to vote on them to have cali governor Gavin Newsom sign or veto them. this was under orders from newsom to kill the bills.

    this was a huge controversy this month with all of black grassroots speaking out against it in the new black media. This rollie guy posted a damage control thread titled "Reparations approved in california but..."

    It’s only $12M for the whole state…
    Not much, I know…
    However, we can consider this a test run if Gavin Newsom replaces Joe Biden as the Democratic nominee for President this year."

    this confirms my suspicions about the guy being a democrat shill because there is literally no other reason to try and spin what happened in california.
    $12 million is not even enough for reparations for one person so it definitely won't be enough for a state of Black people. 5 percent or whatever the percent is.


    The First Sixer
  • Messages
    pretty much done with the thread I blocked the lady mod that was taking up for the shill mod. everyone is free to dislike tariq nasheed all they want but don't expect to post corny maga hat pics of the dude whining about him "hustling" and expect to have any credibility.

    being appointed a mod here means your actions Reflect on the site because you're chosen to moderate so it is a blemish on the sites reputation to post a page full of one sided political stuff. thats it cased closed.
    Rollie is pro-Democrat but that’s it. This PMW eventhough I like it, highlights one of the most disappointing things about creating 6ZEROS. It’s that Black people would post on an openly anti-Black site like X every single day but find any reason to discredit 6ZEROS which is something I built for us…and spent thousands upon thousands of my own money on.

    For example, if a person says they don’t like Tariq on 6ZEROS the whole site must be bad. But these same dudes will turn around and be on twitter spaces all day while that site openly and unapologetically censors Black people.

    I’ve invested my own time and money building this BECAUSE we keep getting silenced all over the internet. Why discredit all of this because someone doesn’t like Tariq?

    Rollie Forbes

    Royal Sixer
    Super Moderator
    Down From Day 1
    Rollie is pro-Democrat but that’s it. This PMW eventhough I like it, highlights one of the most disappointing things about creating 6ZEROS. It’s that Black people would post on an openly anti-Black site like X every single day but find any reason to discredit 6ZEROS which is something I built for us…and spent thousands upon thousands of my own money on.

    For example, if a person says they don’t like Tariq on 6ZEROS the whole site must be bad. But these same dudes will turn around and be on twitter spaces all day while that site openly and unapologetically censors Black people.

    I’ve invested my own time and money building this BECAUSE we keep getting silenced all over the internet. Why discredit all of this because someone doesn’t like Tariq?
    Whoa, I'm not pro Democrat, I'm not pro Republican, either. F*ck 'em both. As the great Chuck D said, "neither party is mine, not the jackass or the elephant."
    I am against anti-Blackness, though, and I recognize that it's not a coincidence that most of the racists that I encounter are draped in Trump/MAGA merch. I can't turn a blind eye to that just because some bought-and-paid-for YouTuber says that the "damn Democrats" are our only enemy.
    So we're clear:
    F*ck Biden,
    F*ck Harris, &
    It's definitely F*ck Trump.



    The First Sixer
  • Messages
    Whoa, I'm not pro Democrat, I'm not pro Republican, either. F*ck 'em both. As the great Chuck D said, "neither party is mine, not the jackass or the elephant."
    I am against anti-Blackness, though, and I recognize that it's not a coincidence that most of the racists that I encounter are draped in Trump/MAGA merch. I can't turn a blind eye to that just because some bought-and-paid-for YouTuber says that the "damn Democrats" are our only enemy.
    So we're clear:
    F*ck Biden,
    F*ck Harris, &
    It's definitely F*ck Trump.

    Ok I accept that.

    Big Boda

    Your FBA Brother.
  • Messages
    Rollie is pro-Democrat but that’s it. This PMW eventhough I like it, highlights one of the most disappointing things about creating 6ZEROS. It’s that Black people would post on an openly anti-Black site like X every single day but find any reason to discredit 6ZEROS which is something I built for us…and spent thousands upon thousands of my own money on.

    For example, if a person says they don’t like Tariq on 6ZEROS the whole site must be bad. But these same dudes will turn around and be on twitter spaces all day while that site openly and unapologetically censors Black people.

    I’ve invested my own time and money building this BECAUSE we keep getting silenced all over the internet. Why discredit all of this because someone doesn’t like Tariq?

    nah the sad thing is using strawman arguments pretending not to understand where i'm coming from on this topic. pretending not to know moderator is a leadership/authority position on a forum and having that person fill the front page up with democrat shill threads is problematic and represents 6zeros Poorly.

    aint about not liking tariq. wasting time making edits of him in a maga hat is a dog whistle trying to shame anyone that shares the same no tangibles no vote view as people like tariq.

    its not Me trying to discredit the site. its the Shill that i blocked. once the front page gets filled with shill work THAT discredits 6zeros not me pointing it out. lets cut the gaslighting out g. this is coming from somebody that is proud to have donated to the forum.

    I fully justified my point. democrats and their shills are enemies of black society. that doesnt mean repubs are our friends either.