It's a hyperbolic statement. 'laugh to their destruction'? C'mon, with all due respect, who is going to stop being B1 over laughing at the cartoon?
As I said, discord destroys. It is destruction. Destruction can come in many forms. Destruction of an idea. Destruction of faith in someone or something. Destruction of trust. The cartoons
are not B1. Fact.
NOW, if he makes cartoons and cookies and puppets and games poking fun at racists, WS and the like, then those will all be B1. What's happening now ain't it.
According to you I'm taking a side. Coming from someone who doesn't like Tariq, I won't take that statement seriously, with all due respect. And of course Tariq loves attention. He wanted to be a rapper originally, that's a given. Tariq didn't go after dude for attention. THAT is the difference. I said it SEEMS like dude loves this back and forth with Tariq because he wants attention. See the difference? I qualified it by saying I could be wrong. I can only infer by how I perceived his video on the court proceedings. I know very little about him. You are also putting words in my mouth I NEVER said that 'smaller platform is attention seeking'. Never said that. I'm not going to repeat what I wrote because no one cares and those that do, can easily go back and see that's not what I said. If I did, quote it.
Oh dear, an assumption. Just because I don't really care for someone, doesn't mean I don't "like" them. I don't know the guy (and neither do you, unless you do, then my apologies). I'd rather he be transparent with his supporters. Nearly every project of his received money from my household, including this "museum". I have a right to ask questions and keep up with what's happening. You implied that the smaller platforms calling Tariq out are the only ones attention seeking and it's not the first time you've said it. Both sides (at this point) are using the back-and-forth for attention seeking and it's not helping either side. Don't double back on your words now.
I can understand why you (and others) are frustrated no one is asking Tariq those questions. I get it. But its a fact, as of now, there is nothing said that will make him lose support. That's stating a fact. Not support. Please don't conflate facts with support.
The goal post will continue to be moved. Majority of the supporters don't care. Mental gymnastics are performed all the time when someone brings up something that's a red flag. That's a fact.
Everyone on both sides are B1.
Not really, if we're being honest here.
Coming from someone who doesn't like Tariq, I won't take that statement seriously, with all due respect.
Coming from someone who is always putting a cape on for another man, I won't take your statement seriously, with all due respect. (See how crazy that sounds when someone says something similar to you?)
I couldn't respond without posting a cape gif, just for you.