Here's a few facts that may not have known:
-there was a black-owned bus company in Birmingham. why did black people walk for over a year, when they could've supported the black business instead? Short answer: jooish-owned NAACP made that decision so they could push lawsuits for their own agenda. -
Another Role for Buses in Civil Rights History (Published 2011) -Malcolm X exposed King in "Message to the Grassroots" in great detail, dropping dates, meetings, and names of those in control, jooish liberals.
-Ever wonder why an openly racist, Lyndon B. Johnson would sign the Civil Rights Bill? because he was jooish and it benefited WS, not black people.
-Lyndon B. Johnson colluded with NAACP, Congressman
Emanuel Celler. -- all of them are jooish. (check for Johnson's grandparents) and Senator
Philip Hart to push the 1965 Immigration Act.
So here's the kicker!!! - there has been soooooooo much smoke for immigrants and not for WS. But MLK's actions directly led to the passing of the 1965 Immigration Act, which allowed ALLLLLL these immigrants to be here in the first place!!!! Like I said time and time again, WS is the source of it.
So jooish liberals, USED black people to push an immigration act to make sure they wouldn't kick get out and allowed other immigrants to come into the country and used MLK to convince black people to support it!!!! lol. that's crazy! smh
So yeah, MLK is no hero to me.