No Anti-Black bills or Reparations for The Black Accents of Slaves No Vote!!!
I agree the house negros will protect the master at all costsThat check is going to get cut. But we have some house cleaning to do firs.
There is nothing wrong with identifying and being specific about who should get reparations. You must not be FBA?This dude doesn't make a logical point. He's half African so that may explain some stuff. Why wouldn't you want any group of black people not to get justice/reparations? Makes no sense unless you 'scurred' or have some other private reasons/agenda.
It took 60 tries for them to enslave our Ancestors & bring them here to AmeriKKKa. They owe waaay more than fair & we're going to have to FIGHT & DIE to make it right for our future generations! WE'RE NOT ASKING, WE'RE TAKING! 💯🤬💪🏽How much do you think is fair.. just to cut the race influenced wealth gap between white and black families? I say at least 350k per year…for life.. untaxed
I think I can say this on 6 Zeros, so I’m gonna. IF YOU THINK BLACK PEOPLE ARE SO TERRIBLE AND YOU ARE BLACK. IF YOU ARE BLACK AND CHEER EVERY GOVERNMENT CONDUCTED OR GOVERNMENT APPROVED RACIAL EXTERMINATION. IF YOU ARE BLACK AND BELIEVE BLACK PEOPLE ARE THE MAIN PROBLEM WITH THIS COUNTRY AND THIS WORLD, THEN WHY NOT KILL YOURSELF AND MAKE IT BETTER!?! If Candace Owens would just eat a bullet, jump off a tall building, or climb into the polar bear cage, I wouldn’t agree with her, but I would respect that she identified what she thinks is a problem and dealt with it to the best of her ability. Same for Thomas Sowell, Enrique Tarrio, Ben Carson, all of them. They need to show us that their beliefs are truly genuine.
Yes, and it's only getting worse. These politicians knows that their numbers Re dwindling chuck Schumer said so himself. This and voter replacement is why they letting these white lTinos,Afghans and whom ever else is white I to this country illegally.With 10,000 Guala-Guala's flooding El Paso daily with no end in sight. See? Its shit like this why I keep saying FBA/ADOS should be totally #TaxExemptFully... No property tax, No income tax hell no tax on nathan!!! They have let enough of these illegals in here to pay our share for the next 444 years. I also still want my GD 40 acres and keep those mules in trade for 2 ex meth head cave skanks for generating passive income.
And until YT ppl are banned from holding any positions in law enforcement & punishment we WILL continue to have this problem and it will get worse. Whites have proven time and time again to be nothing but anti black from birth and they will NEVER change for the better. It's simply not in their nature.
Dearborn Michigan is a total wash with Hobbi Dobbi's and they have just taken over. Mindblowing. Gotta thank Reagan for the BS.Yes, and it's only getting worse. These politicians knows that their numbers Re dwindling chuck Schumer said so himself. This and voter replacement is why they letting these white lTinos,Afghans and whom ever else is white I to this country illegally.
The hell with fare, white supremacy ain't fare break their backs. Minimum 1 Mil per person.How much do you think is fair.. just to cut the race influenced wealth gap between white and black families? I say at least 350k per year…for life.. untaxed
We're waaaay past that, nearly 500 years of slavery & WE'RE STILL NOT FREE!The hell with fare, white supremacy ain't fare break their backs. Minimum 1 Mil per person.