We haven't heard of her because she is like a grain of sand on a beach. We have a fairly big conscious movement. Always have. Africa? With very exceptions (South Africa, Zimbabwe) sub-Saharan Africa is poor AF and into white Jesus...literally. The same white Jesus that your great-grandmother had on the wall next to a picture of MLK Jr and JFK.
The poverty has kept the people from not thinking of much else. Just making ends meet. And when white tourists come they obviously have more money than most of them. Throw in the fact that their history books either ignores or glosses over colonialism, huge amount of colorism, and finally tribalism that at its best, is peaceful but have their own circles and its all recipe for 'too far gone'.
You know what I think will save Africa? Black America. Not saying Black America go there and change sh*t, I'm saying when we finally raise up, and the no vote without tangibles gets popping, and reparations is in serious discussions, Africa will be like 'Oh Sh*t, them mofos are doing that d@mn thing!' and they will start doing the same either 1. out of some sort of envy and not wanting to be left out of it or 2. finally understanding. Depending on the country.
Black American culture is the most powerful culture on the planet. I'm open to hear of any other culture that is followed and imitated globally more than us?
Lastly, what would be really great is if we link up with the Africans and Caribbean blacks who think like us. Find the ones with such channels who are on code and holla.