The Cookout

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Master Sixer
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    San Antonio, TX
    As black people we just about all have horrible stories about interactions with police officers.

    I remember one night I had went bike riding. I was just trying to get in some exercise. While I was riding the bike and passing one of the neighbor's house their dog ran out of the yard and bit me. The bite left a huge gash in my calf and also calls me to fall off the bike and scuff my knee up pretty bad.

    I immediately talk to the neighbor and ask them if their dog had their rabies shot and if they could show me proof of the vaccination.

    I told him if they could show me proof of the vaccination then I wouldn't worry about calling the police.

    The neighbor seemed kind of hesitant and was acting a bit fishy to me. I told him I was going to go to my house to grab my cell phone real quick and come back. I came back and asked if they were able to go ahead and get the information on the vaccine. They were unable to get it so I went ahead and called the police.

    By the time the police showed up they had hid the dog somewhere. I assume that when I walk back to my house to get my cell phone that's when they hit the dog.

    When the police showed up the neighbors swore up and down that it wasn't their dog. I explained to the police that I had just talked to them and they told me it was their dog.

    The police didn't do anything. They basically blew it off and told me pretty much to not worry about it. I explained that I haven't been bitten by their dog and that they should be cited for it and that them having the dog without the proper vaccines was a danger to the community.

    Once again the police officers blew me off and didn't do anything.

    I just asked if they could give me a report number and then went ahead and got my wife and kids to go to the hospital.

    Once we got to the hospital and we're pulling in the parking lot I must have been pretty anxious and trying to hurry up and get in because I turned my lights off a bit early. There was some police officers in the parking lot and I guess they must have saw me turn the lights off cuz I was getting ready to the park. They pulled up behind me and turned their lights on pulling me over.

    The police officers walked up and it started as a pretty much standard interaction they asked for license and insurance. I gave him the paperwork as they asked.

    The police officer walked away for a bit and then came back. When he came back that's when things kind of got weird. Now I'll remind you my wife and kids were in the car with me.

    Daughters were both only 1 and 3 years old at that time. The police officer started asking all kinds of weird questions which it was obvious to me he was racially profiling me.

    He asked if I had any guns or drugs in the car, did the car belong to me, where was I going, did I live near this area. I answer no to everything. He circled back around again and asked him I sure that I didn't have any guns or drugs in the car. He then asked if I minded if they searched the car.

    At this point I was a little upset so I didn't answer the question. Instead I explained to the police officer that I have been just bitten by a dog and was on the way into the hospital to get treatment. I told him no I did not give consent to search the car and asked if he could go ahead and write my citation so that I could go.

    He gave me a kind of strange look. Most people don't acts if they can get a citation they're trying to get out of it. My thing with the police is always been that I want the interaction to be over. I don't care if I get a ticket I'll just pay it. But I don't want an interaction with the police to last any longer than necessary even if that means just getting a ticket and going on my way.

    After all the racial profiling the police officer came back to the car after wasting approximately 30 minutes of my time and told me that he was just going to give me a warning.

    I was pretty pissed off. If you're going to put me through all of that then at least give me a damn ticket. But to sit there and racially profile me like that and then just figure it's cool because you're letting me off with the warning that's BS.

    I'm never upset with the police officer for giving me a ticket. If I'm speeding a broke a traffic law then I'm fine with getting a ticket for it. I don't feel like I'm above the law. But what I don't like is for police officers to pull me over and then racially profile me like that. Treat me the same as you would a f****** white man in a suit.

    You wouldn't sit there and ask all those kinds of questions to a white man in a suit because you feel like they may be someone important and then you may end up getting in trouble and losing your job. However when they pull over a young black man they figure this is no one important so they can get away with treating us like dirt.

    What's your worst experience with police officers?

    Boss Hog

    Master Sixer
    As black people we just about all have horrible stories about interactions with police officers.

    I remember one night I had went bike riding. I was just trying to get in some exercise. While I was riding the bike and passing one of the neighbor's house their dog ran out of the yard and bit me. The bite left a huge gash in my calf and also calls me to fall off the bike and scuff my knee up pretty bad.

    I immediately talk to the neighbor and ask them if their dog had their rabies shot and if they could show me proof of the vaccination.

    I told him if they could show me proof of the vaccination then I wouldn't worry about calling the police.

    The neighbor seemed kind of hesitant and was acting a bit fishy to me. I told him I was going to go to my house to grab my cell phone real quick and come back. I came back and asked if they were able to go ahead and get the information on the vaccine. They were unable to get it so I went ahead and called the police.

    By the time the police showed up they had hid the dog somewhere. I assume that when I walk back to my house to get my cell phone that's when they hit the dog.

    When the police showed up the neighbors swore up and down that it wasn't their dog. I explained to the police that I had just talked to them and they told me it was their dog.

    The police didn't do anything. They basically blew it off and told me pretty much to not worry about it. I explained that I haven't been bitten by their dog and that they should be cited for it and that them having the dog without the proper vaccines was a danger to the community.

    Once again the police officers blew me off and didn't do anything.

    I just asked if they could give me a report number and then went ahead and got my wife and kids to go to the hospital.

    Once we got to the hospital and we're pulling in the parking lot I must have been pretty anxious and trying to hurry up and get in because I turned my lights off a bit early. There was some police officers in the parking lot and I guess they must have saw me turn the lights off cuz I was getting ready to the park. They pulled up behind me and turned their lights on pulling me over.

    The police officers walked up and it started as a pretty much standard interaction they asked for license and insurance. I gave him the paperwork as they asked.

    The police officer walked away for a bit and then came back. When he came back that's when things kind of got weird. Now I'll remind you my wife and kids were in the car with me.

    Daughters were both only 1 and 3 years old at that time. The police officer started asking all kinds of weird questions which it was obvious to me he was racially profiling me.

    He asked if I had any guns or drugs in the car, did the car belong to me, where was I going, did I live near this area. I answer no to everything. He circled back around again and asked him I sure that I didn't have any guns or drugs in the car. He then asked if I minded if they searched the car.

    At this point I was a little upset so I didn't answer the question. Instead I explained to the police officer that I have been just bitten by a dog and was on the way into the hospital to get treatment. I told him no I did not give consent to search the car and asked if he could go ahead and write my citation so that I could go.

    He gave me a kind of strange look. Most people don't acts if they can get a citation they're trying to get out of it. My thing with the police is always been that I want the interaction to be over. I don't care if I get a ticket I'll just pay it. But I don't want an interaction with the police to last any longer than necessary even if that means just getting a ticket and going on my way.

    After all the racial profiling the police officer came back to the car after wasting approximately 30 minutes of my time and told me that he was just going to give me a warning.

    I was pretty pissed off. If you're going to put me through all of that then at least give me a damn ticket. But to sit there and racially profile me like that and then just figure it's cool because you're letting me off with the warning that's BS.

    I'm never upset with the police officer for giving me a ticket. If I'm speeding a broke a traffic law then I'm fine with getting a ticket for it. I don't feel like I'm above the law. But what I don't like is for police officers to pull me over and then racially profile me like that. Treat me the same as you would a f****** white man in a suit.

    You wouldn't sit there and ask all those kinds of questions to a white man in a suit because you feel like they may be someone important and then you may end up getting in trouble and losing your job. However when they pull over a young black man they figure this is no one important so they can get away with treating us like dirt.

    What's your worst experience with police officers?

    Was the couple with the dog White?


    On Y0 Six
    Community Host
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    I honestly never had one that would stick out in my memory. Most of my life I've made it a point to avoid them.
    I have had plenty of run in's with law enforcement I'm my teen years, but the times back then were very different. These Kkkops are a whole different stupid.


    Master Sixer
  • Messages
    San Antonio, TX
    I honestly never had one that would stick out in my memory. Most of my life I've made it a point to avoid them.
    I have had plenty of run in's with law enforcement I'm my teen years, but the times back then were very different. These Kkkops are a whole different stupid.
    I'm hoping you never have any bad experiences. You are doing the right thing avoid them at all costs. Any interactions you ever do have with them try to keep it short and over as quickly as possible.


    The First Sixer
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    My worst experience pales in comparison to yours...sorry you had to go through that MR-D-ROB.

    It was about 11PM at night, I went to pick something up and I'm sitting in an X-Type Jag...the Ford joint and a Cop pulls up behind me. They pull me out, search the vehicle, it's cold AF, they have my hands on the hood with the lights in my face. The cop starts playing 20 questions:
    1. Where was the car registered?
    2. Who is the lien?
    3. What name is it registered under?
    4. Where'd you buy it?
    5. What state?
    Just a bunch of questions to try to trip me up. I was outside for an hour in the cold and then when he realized I was legit he and his partner just bounced. No sorry, no have a good night, just SKKKRT.


    Master Sixer
  • Messages
    San Antonio, TX
    My worst experience pales in comparison to yours...sorry you had to go through that MR-D-ROB.

    It was about 11PM at night, I went to pick something up and I'm sitting in an X-Type Jag...the Ford joint and a Cop pulls up behind me. They pull me out, search the vehicle, it's cold AF, they have my hands on the hood with the lights in my face. The cop starts playing 20 questions:
    1. Where was the car registered?
    2. Who is the lien?
    3. What name is it registered under?
    4. Where'd you buy it?
    5. What state?
    Just a bunch of questions to try to trip me up. I was outside for an hour in the cold and then when he realized I was legit he and his partner just bounced. No sorry, no have a good night, just SKKKRT.
    That's how they are. They don't care that they just violated you and your rights. To them it's just oh well it doesn't matter because we're black. So what if we're upset. Nothing will be done anyway!
