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Nah, breh. I can't cosign that.
My people come from the struggle. My people have a warrior spirit. I come from fighters.
"We can't win so why bother?" Isn't in my DNA.
The vast majority of the brothers and sisters on this site are cut from the same kind of cloth.
If you are willing to lay down and embrace your demise, then that's on you. Please don't ask or expect the rest of us to lay down with you, though; we're planning to fight.
I love this and I couldn't agree with you more:-)


Master Sixer
  • Messages
    Between Galaxies
    I believe if we show that we and we alone as black people can tremendously affect the outcome of the election toward one side or the other they will be forced to listen.
    RIght now we have the numbers on out side to make something happen. We have to all be on the same page thought. I'm all for sitting it out which will work. But for it to work there has to be such large numbers of us sitting it out that it has a large effect not just on the presidential election but down the ballot.

    The thing that pisses me off is the very people who are saying sit it out are the very people on my other thread who said they aren't willing to try to teach and educate the civil rights generation.

    We're not going to be all on code and not enough will sit out with that mentality. I have been able to talk to a few close friends and family of mine that are older and convince them to either sit it out or protest vote but under no circumstance vote for the Democrats. I was able to articulate why and get them to listen.

    When I say educate the older generation I'm not talking about just every single one of them for one person. What I am advocating for is to talk to a few people close to you and get them on code. If we all do that it is going to add up to thousands extra sitting out. That has a greater effect.

    They aren't going to listen to a person they don't personally know on YouTube but they will listen to a son, daughter, or grandchild, niece or nephew. If you try and they are stubborn try with someone else. Even if you only get half of the people you talk to on code it's something.
    Do you not see the ideology?
    • Vote only if you’re going to get something out of it.
    • Permanent interests, temporary friends
    • Prioritize the youth and not the elders who failed us
    • Be uncompromising


    No, leveraging our votes is an action. It requires planning, coordination, and work.
    Jews leverage their votes.
    The lgbt leverage their votes.
    Asians leverage their votes.
    We can and must do the same.
    Protest voting is an ineffective and politically immature response to a party that you don't like.
    The difference between us and other groups (LGBT, Christian right, corporations, Jewish, Asians) politically, is that they pressure the officials they elect to ensure that promises made are being kept.
    We vote and then put our feet up and wait for the waves of justice to rush under our asses and lift us up.
    Your vote is only one component of your political power.
    You can't use militancy as an excuse to cut off your nose to spite your face.
    This notion that we'll "survive" overt Republican racist governing unscathed is an incorrect one.


    Master Sixer
  • Messages
    Between Galaxies
    The difference between us and other groups (LGBT, Christian right, corporations, Jewish, Asians) politically, is that they pressure the officials they elect to ensure that promises made are being kept.
    We vote and then put our feet up and wait for the waves of justice to rush under our asses and lift us up.
    Your vote is only one component of your political power.
    You can't use militancy as an excuse to cut off your nose to spite your face.
    This notion that we'll "survive" overt Republican racist governing unscathed is an incorrect one.
    If those groups had a mudhole stomped in their hides by the federal government like we have they’d be singing a different tune. They are for all essentially propped up groups.


    Master Sixer
  • Messages
    Between Galaxies
    While this is true, it does not justify us signing off on our own defeat.
    I think we should abstain from voting but those other groups are propped up is all I was saying. WS can shut all that down in w heartbeat and they’ll pack their suitcases and go home.


    Master Sixer
    Community Host
    While this is true, it does not justify us signing off on our own defeat.
    Abstaining from voting is leveraging your vote. The metaphor is we are the girl not putting out. Our vote is putting out. The moment we put out for nothing we lose. When it comes to multiple components of the political process, who gets what is what politics is about period. There is literally no reason to participate when every time you not only get nothing for it but you get a slap in the face as well.
    The political establishment knows what we need to be successful. We do not have to tell them. The game at this point is them doing everytging in their power to not give us what we need. This is a capitalist society so obviously funding aka capital. Look to history to tell you they know how to prop up a group. You have the homestead act of 1862. You have the 40 acres and a mule.
    Land owenrship homeownership, tax free status, grants, Low entry leasing as in they just front js a property that we can develop.

    See the thing is we have to realize theu3 never willing give us anything we always have to fight for it. We first had to take their heads off to earn our freedom. Hell we had to shoot to solidify our freedom in the civil war. Politics is warfare without blood shed but we must fight the same. Leveraging the power of the culture which no one can deny we have is a form of warfare.

    When it comes to surviving the overt republicans first we must realize they can't do anything we haven't made it out of before. Beware the boogeyman argument.
    But if by chance you are weary of the boogeyman the only true way to escape his grasp is to build our own cities and networks. If you live anywhere in their political control they will purposely deprive us of resources. Hell and in that regard this current administration is doing a better job of that than the previous one. These gas prices are like a super move money grab.

    Last point I promise. We have to learn from our enemy the power of the centralized/decentralized government. Centralized resources so where ever there is a need we have the resources to supply it but decentralized enough to where destroying one piece of the network doesn't make the whole thing fall. We built cities all over during reconstruction. Like Jay said yesterday in another thread we need resources and guns and people willing to shoot those guns when ish gets real.


    Master Sixer
    Community Host
    Abstaining from voting is leveraging your vote. The metaphor is we are the girl not putting out. Our vote is putting out. The moment we put out for nothing we lose. When it comes to multiple components of the political process, who gets what is what politics is about period. There is literally no reason to participate when every time you not only get nothing for it but you get a slap in the face as well.
    The political establishment knows what we need to be successful. We do not have to tell them. The game at this point is them doing everytging in their power to not give us what we need. This is a capitalist society so obviously funding aka capital. Look to history to tell you they know how to prop up a group. You have the homestead act of 1862. You have the 40 acres and a mule.
    Land owenrship homeownership, tax free status, grants, Low entry leasing as in they just front js a property that we can develop.

    See the thing is we have to realize theu3 never willing give us anything we always have to fight for it. We first had to take their heads off to earn our freedom. Hell we had to shoot to solidify our freedom in the civil war. Politics is warfare without blood shed but we must fight the same. Leveraging the power of the culture which no one can deny we have is a form of warfare.

    When it comes to surviving the overt republicans first we must realize they can't do anything we haven't made it out of before. Beware the boogeyman argument.
    But if by chance you are weary of the boogeyman the only true way to escape his grasp is to build our own cities and networks. If you live anywhere in their political control they will purposely deprive us of resources. Hell and in that regard this current administration is doing a better job of that than the previous one. These gas prices are like a super move money grab.

    Last point I promise. We have to learn from our enemy the power of the centralized/decentralized government. Centralized resources so where ever there is a need we have the resources to supply it but decentralized enough to where destroying one piece of the network doesn't make the whole thing fall. We built cities all over during reconstruction. Like Jay said yesterday in another thread we need resources and guns and people willing to shoot those guns when ish gets real.
    Powernomics . Claiming land and defending it is the first step to power!


    When it comes to surviving the overt republicans first we must realize they can't do anything we haven't made it out of before. Beware the boogeyman argument.
    But if by chance you are weary of the boogeyman the only true way to escape his grasp is to build our own cities and networks. If you live anywhere in their political control they will purposely deprive us of resources. Hell and in that regard this current administration is doing a better job of that than the previous one. These gas prices are like a super move money grab.

    Last point I promise. We have to learn from our enemy the power of the centralized/decentralized government. Centralized resources so where ever there is a need we have the resources to supply it but decentralized enough to where destroying one piece of the network doesn't make the whole thing fall. We built cities all over during reconstruction. Like Jay said yesterday in another thread we need resources and guns and people willing to shoot those guns when ish gets real.

    -The GOP is not the Boogeyman. The difference between the two is The Boogeyman is not real.
    -WS have PLENTY of new shit up their sleeve for us. They literally think about it everyday. Make no mistake. Stop and Frisk. Stand Your Ground Law. Mandatory sentencing for crack. Three Strikes. Mann Act (yeah it's old, but that's what they used to put R. Kelly away). These are all things that WS pulled smooth out their asses and put on the books to fuck with us. They even invented RICO to take down the Mob. You think they're out of ideas?
    -How long is it going to take us to build our own cities? In America? Do you think we're going to face any opposition in those efforts?
    Again, this notion that the DNC is going to fall like Rome when we dont vote and are going to come crawling to us with tears in their eyes, willing to do whatever we want is a) not realistic and b) leaves us politically vunerable.


    Abstaining from voting is leveraging your vote. The metaphor is we are the girl not putting out. Our vote is putting out. The moment we put out for nothing we lose. When it comes to multiple components of the political process, who gets what is what politics is about period. There is literally no reason to participate when every time you not only get nothing for it but you get a slap in the face as well.
    The political establishment knows what we need to be successful. We do not have to tell them. The game at this point is them doing everytging in their power to not give us what we need. This is a capitalist society so obviously funding aka capital. Look to history to tell you they know how to prop up a group. You have the homestead act of 1862. You have the 40 acres and a mule.
    Land owenrship homeownership, tax free status, grants, Low entry leasing as in they just front js a property that we can develop.

    See the thing is we have to realize theu3 never willing give us anything we always have to fight for it. We first had to take their heads off to earn our freedom. Hell we had to shoot to solidify our freedom in the civil war. Politics is warfare without blood shed but we must fight the same. Leveraging the power of the culture which no one can deny we have is a form of warfare.

    When it comes to surviving the overt republicans first we must realize they can't do anything we haven't made it out of before. Beware the boogeyman argument.
    But if by chance you are weary of the boogeyman the only true way to escape his grasp is to build our own cities and networks. If you live anywhere in their political control they will purposely deprive us of resources. Hell and in that regard this current administration is doing a better job of that than the previous one. These gas prices are like a super move money grab.

    Last point I promise. We have to learn from our enemy the power of the centralized/decentralized government. Centralized resources so where ever there is a need we have the resources to supply it but decentralized enough to where destroying one piece of the network doesn't make the whole thing fall. We built cities all over during reconstruction. Like Jay said yesterday in another thread we need resources and guns and people willing to shoot those guns when ish gets real.
    -The GOP is not the Boogeyman. The difference between the two is The Boogeyman is not real.
    -WS have PLENTY of new shit up their sleeve for us. They literally think about it everyday. Make no mistake. Stop and Frisk. Stand Your Ground Law. Mandatory sentencing for crack. Three Strikes. Mann Act (yeah it's old, but that's what they used to put R. Kelly away). These are all things that WS pulled smooth out their asses and put on the books to fuck with us. They even invented RICO to take down the Mob. You think they're out of ideas?
    -How long is it going to take us to build our own cities? In America? Do you think we're going to face any opposition in those efforts?
    Again, this notion that the DNC is going to fall like Rome when we dont vote and are going to come crawling to us with tears in their eyes, willing to do whatever we want is a) not realistic and b) leaves us politically vulnerable.


    Master Sixer
    Community Host
    -The GOP is not the Boogeyman. The difference between the two is The Boogeyman is not real.
    -WS have PLENTY of new shit up their sleeve for us. They literally think about it everyday. Make no mistake. Stop and Frisk. Stand Your Ground Law. Mandatory sentencing for crack. Three Strikes. Mann Act (yeah it's old, but that's what they used to put R. Kelly away). These are all things that WS pulled smooth out their asses and put on the books to fuck with us. They even invented RICO to take down the Mob. You think they're out of ideas?
    -How long is it going to take us to build our own cities? In America? Do you think we're going to face any opposition in those efforts?
    Again, this notion that the DNC is going to fall like Rome when we dont vote and are going to come crawling to us with tears in their eyes, willing to do whatever we want is a) not realistic and b) leaves us politically vulnerable.
    Not voting for democrats will make a difference. Everyone knows they can't win without us. As far as how long it will take to build towns and networks two things. 1. It doesnt matter how long it takes because the autonomy to grow our food ,defend ourselves, make our money by creating our own local businesses is worth however long the process will take. 2. There are towns in this country made up of 1500 to 3000 people. That's the pouplation range you need to have a small community. Quite frankly we have the numbers and resources to achieve this fairly quickly. The key is to have people on code ready to pitch in and defend as well as protect our land.

    I can attest to this as I have lived on my land 10 months now.
    In that time I have learned that alot of things we imagine to be hard or in this case expensive is actually a fair price once researched. Then the key is having people willing to share resources in order to build for the greater good.

    When it comes to food my wife and I are having a greenhouse dug into the ground. With modern technology we have things like self growing planters for food.
    It onlt takes roughly $5000 to have a well dug out out here. That's infinite water.
    We live off grid via solar. With a 3000 watt inverter and solar batteries you can power a house for a family of four.

    As far as our currency to buy and sell amongst ourselves we can use crypto or cash payment apps.
    Then we just need contract builders ,plumbers, doctors, teachers.
    When food power shelter water and food are taken care of that opens the door for buildings to be built that are local industry like our clothes or or shoes.

    I came with so much detail to show we as a people can seperate right now if we wanted to especially with the internet but we need capital in mass to free ourselves as well as build for ourselves.

    We need our check everyrhing else comes after. Im not giving anyone my vote when I had to buy my own freedom aka the land I live on and the trailer I have on it. With more funding my wife and I plan to get a town popping. We just meed our bread. You can research off grid living as well as the homestead act to learn how self sufficiency can exist in this country.


    Half Black
    Black people need to learn that their vote is for sale. You are advocating for the same thing that got us in this spot today, giving your vote for free. If the Republicans want out vote, earn it. Offer us something tangible and we’ll show up. With your methodology, all that would change is the party taking advantage of us. People don’t respect what they don‘t have to earn. They need to earn our vote from here on out.
    This is exactly where I stand on this issue of our votes and there parties because when you look at it very closely, you would find out that both the Democrat and the Republicans are the same thing with different mode of operation. So, let them start taking out votes seriously and offer something in return that's worth it.


    I wouldn't advice voting for another party just to hurt the other. If they both need our votes they would have to earn it, give us the right policy's that wouldn't only support one race but would see that everyone is evenly catered for under the law. I would always stand for what is right.


    Master Sixer
    Community Host
    I wouldn't advice voting for another party just to hurt the other. If they both need our votes they would have to earn it, give us the right policy's that wouldn't only support one race but would see that everyone is evenly catered for under the law. I would always stand for what is right.
    Not voting for a party inevitably hurts them. It's just a consequence of us wielding our political leverage. We need policies that directly and specifically benefit our group. What was done to us was done unevenly under the law. So the law aka the government must produce an acutely uneven solution to the plight of its most enduring and foundational working class. Which is Foundational Black Americans.
    Also in regards to laws we are combating the unwritten rules of white supremacy aka sabotage FBA at all costs.
    We do not expect them to produce justice thus we need our reparations check to produce justice on our own.


    Master Sixer
    Florida, USA
    I don't condone giving your vote to the Democrats at all. They have done zero for us.

    We will never get enough of them to decide to sit it out. They are just voting for the privilege/sake/ritual of voting. If you try to talk to them they will start with prayer and the bible.

    Since they ( the old civil rights generation) make up a large part of the black voting block us young folks sitting out isn't going to do much to hurt the Democrats. Remember this is the baby boomer generation so they far out number us. Just those old voters is going to be a lot in the bag for Democrats.

    In order for young voters to deal the biggest blow we must make their votes negate the old civil rights generation's vote.

    The only way to do that is to change the tally to hurt Democrats and help the Republicans at the same time.

    So if we just sit out we take votes from the Democrats that they may have gotten. However if we go protest vote then we help to nullify those old civil rights vote by putting more votes on the Republican tally that they would not have gotten. Not only are you taking votes from the Democrats but you are now giving those votes to their opponents.

    That will do far more to hurt the Democrats. That just mathematically works. Just a thought!
    My dear Brother, this system has to collapse so a new one can be built. We can't keep slapping band-aids on cancer and bring Mr. Charlie his water. Our voting benefits White Supremacy on either side of the spectrum. We need to focus on building systems that can insulate us while we grow/amass some wealth. Anyone you're supporting in this system is working to serve this system. If we vote, someone is going to win and someone is going to lose. If we don't vote, someone is going to win and someone is going to lose.

    The problem is no matter who wins, we still lose.

    When you're growing food from perennials, the new stuff grows until all the old stuff dies. Everything has a season and nothing just continually grows forever. This system/empire has had its season. It doesn't work. It's never going to work, not for us anyway because it relies on our ignorance, fear and labor to sustain it. Black people need to focus on Black people and how to prevent this system from harming us anymore. Being concerned about voting is like being concerned about a problem you can't do anything about. Even at the local levels, anti-Black Southern Strategy politics got the game on lock. I have lived in the South my entire life, so no matter who wins, we still work. We don't miss any meals. We can still get a car. The bus still runs. Groceries don't stop arriving at the grocery store. Schools still train our kids to be workers for this racist system and we keep sending them up in there like fools.

    Nothing will fundamentally change in this system of White Supremacy. We spend so much time worrying about White people it's insane. Voting for a White system of oppression is insanity. Holding on to the old keeps you from building the new.


    I understand completely. What I am saying is that you are planning to punish the scary Democrats by putting politicians in place who will enact anti-Black legislation. The Democrat candidate who loses will move on and find another job, the Republican that you helped elect will redline us, redistrict us, restrict our rights, ruin our cities, continue to turn police into military units, and do everything in their power to make Black people a permanent underclass.
    I could see your point if you supported a Republican candidate who was offering Black people something beneficial in exchange for our votes; in that case I'd suggest voting Republican, too.
    You're not saying that, though. You're only saying that you want to "punish Democrats" (the Democrat party will be just fine, even if they lose every seat in the midterms, btw. It wouldn't be the first time it happened) for their benign neglect by blindly giving policitcal leverage to the party that actively and openly seeks to harm us.
    That doesn't make sense.
    This is the bottom line and it's the part that we seem to be overlooking.
    I've heard the argument that "we'll survive" whatever Rpubs put us through, or like the brother said, "they can't do anything to us that they haven't done already"
    Not only is that not true, it is incredibly naïve. There is more than enough factual evidence to debunk that logic.
    Furthermore, a boycott is a short term tactic and is only the beginning of a more complex strategy.
    I haven't heard anyone speak on what the play is once Rpubs have control of all three branches of federal govt and are passing legislation specifically to harm us with no opposition.
    The last thing that I'll say is I keep hearing this notion that by sitting out we will get "respect" from these politicians.
    That's even more naivete, because no matter what you do, WS will never respect us.
    History has shown us that time and time again.
    There is simply no way that anyone can convince me that giving Rpubs the absolute control of the govt is the right move for Black people.

    Rollie Forbes

    Royal Sixer
    Super Moderator
    Down From Day 1
    This is the bottom line and it's the part that we seem to be overlooking.
    I've heard the argument that "we'll survive" whatever Rpubs put us through, or like the brother said, "they can't do anything to us that they haven't done already"
    Not only is that not true, it is incredibly naïve. There is more than enough factual evidence to debunk that logic.
    Furthermore, a boycott is a short term tactic and is only the beginning of a more complex strategy.
    I haven't heard anyone speak on what the play is once Rpubs have control of all three branches of federal govt and are passing legislation specifically to harm us with no opposition.
    The last thing that I'll say is I keep hearing this notion that by sitting out we will get "respect" from these politicians.
    That's even more naivete, because no matter what you do, WS will never respect us.
    History has shown us that time and time again.
    There is simply no way that anyone can convince me that giving Rpubs the absolute control of the govt is the right move for Black people.


    Master Sixer
    Community Host
    My dear Brother, this system has to collapse so a new one can be built. We can't keep slapping band-aids on cancer and bring Mr. Charlie his water. Our voting benefits White Supremacy on either side of the spectrum. We need to focus on building systems that can insulate us while we grow/amass some wealth. Anyone you're supporting in this system is working to serve this system. If we vote, someone is going to win and someone is going to lose. If we don't vote, someone is going to win and someone is going to lose.

    The problem is no matter who wins, we still lose.

    When you're growing food from perennials, the new stuff grows until all the old stuff dies. Everything has a season and nothing just continually grows forever. This system/empire has had its season. It doesn't work. It's never going to work, not for us anyway because it relies on our ignorance, fear and labor to sustain it. Black people need to focus on Black people and how to prevent this system from harming us anymore. Being concerned about voting is like being concerned about a problem you can't do anything about. Even at the local levels, anti-Black Southern Strategy politics got the game on lock. I have lived in the South my entire life, so no matter who wins, we still work. We don't miss any meals. We can still get a car. The bus still runs. Groceries don't stop arriving at the grocery store. Schools still train our kids to be workers for this racist system and we keep sending them up in there like fools.

    Nothing will fundamentally change in this system of White Supremacy. We spend so much time worrying about White people it's insane. Voting for a White system of oppression is insanity. Holding on to the old keeps you from building the new.
    When we finally remember our ice is colder than the white man's we will understand and work diligently towards the greatness owed to us.


    Master Sixer
    Florida, USA
    Not voting at this point is handing the whip to the slave master.
    Chicago Bulls What GIF by NBA

    If your voted counted (for us) they wouldn't let us cast one. Black folks are going to be destroyed because we worry about politicians saving us instead of looking at the traps they've had us ensnared in so we can get out of them. They've already picked who they want to win. We are distracted, programmed, cowardly puppets who would rather die enslaved than to fight for our freedom.


    Chicago Bulls What GIF by NBA

    If your voted counted (for us) they wouldn't let us cast one. Black folks are going to be destroyed because we worry about politicians saving us instead of looking at the traps they've had us ensnared in so we can get out of them. They've already picked who they want to win. We are distracted, programmed, cowardly puppets who would rather die enslaved than to fight for our freedom.
    There are a lot of assumptions in your statement. But let's rap a taste about it.

    -If your voted counted (for us) they wouldn't let us cast one.

    You're right about this. That why the Rpubs have introduced a slew of voter suppression bills since the 2020 election. They don't want us voting.


    Republican efforts to restrict voting following the 2020 presidential election - Wikipedia
    "According to the Brennan Center for Justice, as of October 4, 2021, more than 425 bills that would restrict voting access have been introduced in 49 states—with 33 of these bills enacted across 19 states so far."

    -Black folks are going to be destroyed because we worry about politicians saving us instead of looking at the traps they've had us ensnared in so we can get out of them.

    You're right about this, too. There are some Black folks who are waiting around for a savior. Be it a politician, a Black leader, a celebrity, or Jesus Christ. There is nothing I've written on this forum or anywhere else to indicate that I'm one of those people.

    -They've already picked who they want to win.

    Who is "they"? How does this selection process work?

    -We are distracted, programmed, cowardly puppets who would rather die enslaved than to fight for our freedom.

    Again, you're right about this. There are some Black people like this. A lot actually. I just ain't one of 'em. The world is changing and Black folks got to get serious.

    Like Bro. Gil Scott Heron said,
    "We say that since change is inevitable, we should direct the change
    Rather than simply continue to go through the change."

    That means having a plan of action. Rhetoric that sounds good in theory aint gonna help us. We've got to deal in facts, logic, and strategy. If your plans got holes in it, then I'm gonna say so.


    Master Sixer
    Florida, USA
    I agree with everything you've said. We just have to get out of our heads we're going to get a bunch of us on one page. Only a small group of B1s are going to build, the rest will burn because they are waiting for repair politically using a system that was not designed to work or care for them.

    Black people post slavery told General Sherman they wanted to live separate from Whites and care for themselves in an insular fashion. Some in that group wanted to go live amongst Whites amd be apart of their systems.

    Mr. Charlie's water....

    This is always the dilemma/division with us. We're not going to have the same solutions, and that's cool. In my honest opinion, I'm pro-segregation, pro-home school or Black community schools in small settings, and working with people in a variety of skills, trades, and educational backgrounds to build Black better. We will pay taxes because we live in this wicked land but not have local representation because America will never allow us to have representation in their system. Black people need to become self sufficient, understanding we are building from scratch. We must create our own code and police our own selves. We must create our own systems of justice and uphold them, but none of this is going to happen with a lot of Black people in the beginning because....a lot of us are comfortable in this system.

    We like Mr. Charlie's water instead of drilling our own wells so we can drink our own free water.

    They (Ds & Rs) are burning this shit down to the ground and flat out disrespecting us at every turn socially and politically, and folks are still rationalizing voting.

    It. Ain't. Gone. Never. Work. For. Us.

    The time spent rationalizing here or anywhere on voting would be better spent consulting with a Black city planner helping to develop Negroland, Niger or whatever you wanna call the future Black mecca that will rise when Babylon falls, because it's falling. Black people need to spend their time and energy planning to survive and have everything we need to rebuild a healthy black society with our culture and spirituality influencing all of it.

    Point me to the B1 brothers farming and doing Ag, healing in modern or holistic medicine, or with the skills to teach tomorrows pro-Black leaders ready to nation build within this failing state. That's all we got left at this point. Saving Mystery Babylon, the place persecuting us really isn't even a concern to me. Voting will not produce anything for Black people, and no matter who wins, the GOP have already won. That was rigged at the end of the first Reconstruction Era thanks to Democrats making a back room deal with racist Southern States back in the 1800s. Demoncrats did us dirty then and they're doing us dirty now. Spend time fixibg things you can control, because with politics you can't.


    Community Host
    I don't condone giving your vote to the Democrats at all. They have done zero for us.

    We will never get enough of them to decide to sit it out. They are just voting for the privilege/sake/ritual of voting. If you try to talk to them they will start with prayer and the bible.

    Since they ( the old civil rights generation) make up a large part of the black voting block us young folks sitting out isn't going to do much to hurt the Democrats. Remember this is the baby boomer generation so they far out number us. Just those old voters is going to be a lot in the bag for Democrats.

    In order for young voters to deal the biggest blow we must make their votes negate the old civil rights generation's vote.

    The only way to do that is to change the tally to hurt Democrats and help the Republicans at the same time.

    So if we just sit out we take votes from the Democrats that they may have gotten. However if we go protest vote then we help to nullify those old civil rights vote by putting more votes on the Republican tally that they would not have gotten. Not only are you taking votes from the Democrats but you are now giving those votes to their opponents.

    That will do far more to hurt the Democrats. That just mathematically works. Just a thought!
    I understand why you say this. I am for anybody but the democrats. That means the republicans, 3rd party, write in or the couch!


    Community Host
    Black people need to learn that their vote is for sale. You are advocating for the same thing that got us in this spot today, giving your vote for free. If the Republicans want out vote, earn it. Offer us something tangible and we’ll show up. With your methodology, all that would change is the party taking advantage of us. People don’t respect what they don‘t have to earn. They need to earn our vote from here on out.
    Agree. Other groups of people understand this. This is why you see them flip flopping in the elections from democrat to republican and vice versa. Why do our people not have the brain cells to see this? Didn't a former president say that they will have Black people voting democrat for the next 50 years? 50 years have elapsed, and our people are majority voting democrat. These folks control us whether we want to admit it or not.