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How do you feel about the Taliban in Afghanistan rounding up all their coons and how the blowback impacts Black Americans?

The media keeps talking about the crisis going and painting it as if the Taliban are a bunch of savages attacking their citizens but is that true?

  1. The Taliban did not attack the USA during 9/11...that was Al Qaeda, an organization linked to the CIA.
  2. A lot of Afghanis worked against their own people to help the USA take control over the country.

Knowing these two things to be true, why wouldn't they go door-to-door to punish the individuals who collaborated with the US Government? Do they not have the right to do that?

What's terrible is that this is also going to impact us as Black Americans because there's about to be a ton of Afghanis coming into our neighborhoods and competing with us for the limited resources.

Then since these people have been saved from certain execution, they will be in alignment with the US Government and work with them against us.

Our tax dollars are going to go to helping these people get situated...they are going to get refugee funds and grants and in the end they will end up working to sabotage us. This is why we as Black Americans need to stop playing around and understand that we are all we got.

This nation says it has no money for reparations but then turns around and bails out a bunch of Afghanis.

The walking dead has a new season dafuq?

Yoooooo…I cant believe this show is still coming on. I stopped watching like two seasons before Rick quit, show started to fall off. I faintly remember they made it to some town i think it was terminus, it was, they had a garden and the black dude with the tiger was there. is the show any good? i think they changed show runners like 4 years ago

Watch The Walking Dead Season 11 Episode 1 Online | AMC

Ruff Ryders Screwed Dame Grease to put Swizz Beatz On

On the latest drink champs, Dame Grease talked about how his management at Ruff Ryders would tell people calling to get his tracks that he stopped making beats and then they'd direct the inquire to Swizz Beatz. I can understand looking out for your fam but this is foul...Dame Grease had some heat...stop being greedy was my joint. Did you know about this @tuckdog ?

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Here's a video of Jay Z saying that Ruff Ryders redirected him to Swizz when he was trying to get to Dame Grease.

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YouTube recommendations

Anyone have any recommendations for YouTube videos? Why not make this a topic where we can share clips on YouTube. Anyway, I'm looking to start watching YouTube more often. Do you guys have any recommendations for comedy channels, movie channels, rap/hip-hop, R&B, and other such music channels? I'm looking to subscribe to a lot of channels, so lets get some suggestions going.

Getting the new Madden 22?

So, Madden NFL 22 came out yesterday, and I'm torn on if I will get it or not. I used to buy each release of Madden back in the PS2/Xbox era up until the PS3 era. Sadly, I haven't really bothered much with recent releases, because I've found them to be more mediocre as of late. They've stripped a lot of content, that was originally in past games. And I don't understand why.

I was hopeful for these games to improve, but I don't know if they ever will. They are essentially the same games every year with some small changes here and there. I'm honestly thinking of going back to ESPN NFL 2K5. :D

Thoughts on LBJ?

I was a fan of his in his early career. I thought he was a wholesome dude. Had family values and everything. I really felt like he was truly an NBA player younger people could look up to. I noticed since he went to LA though, a lot about the dude changed. The one thing that really soured me on him was the issues with Hong Kong. Like I know, we are not expected to be helping people in other countries as citizens but to stand with China while they were abusing, killing, locking up, and enslaving those people... It just rubbed me the wrong way. I lost any respect for him that I had left. I used to be harsh on Kobe (RIP) because of his actions with his wife and some of his friends over the years but that was nothing in comparison. He did some stupid stuff but he never sold out.

What are your thoughts on LeBron James? Do you think he changed?

We need to see something new in movies, TV series, comics, etc.

I am so sick of seeing Hollywood "blackwash" characters who were formally white just to make things "less white" or more minority friendly. They do this with men too, making them into women. There are so many powerful black figures throughout history that can be made into movies or TV shows. Same with comics... Why can't new characters be made? I know a lot of people who love the Black Panther and the story behind him. I feel like they are so empty with original ideas, they are just doing stuff for the sake of making money off social politics. It is kind of insulting to take an established character and just paint him black as if it makes things okay or something. Then you look at BET original movies like that Karen movie they did recently. WTF even was that? I don't know a single person who watched that crap. It was like a Get Out ripoff or something. I know other people notice this stuff too but they won't dare say anything about it cause they will get targeted, harassed, or banned from social platforms.

What brands do you like in terms of clothing?

I noticed a lot of brands go downhill over the years. The quality and styles just aren't the same anymore. I tend to just find random brands I like that are more affordable and make comfortable clothing but I still have my preferences. Like for shoes and whatnot, I almost always buy Puma. For me, they have made some of the most comfortable footwear out there and if you find it on a deal, you aren't paying much for the quality.

What's your deal breaker in a relationship?

Aside from the normal stuff like being trustworthy, I don't like when someone makes a point to be negative in every situation. I get that not everything can positive, but if you're constantly focusing on the negatives, it frustrates me. I want to be able to excited about something without worrying about your negative opinion.

What's up with the push for women to be proud and fat?

I am not trying to be disrespectful, if you love yourself the way you are more power to you but past a certain point of weight gain... It just isn't a good look. It isn't healthy either. I keep seeing this being pushed on women, especially women of color. How is this a good thing long-term? Like yeah, you feel better about yourself and I am happy for you but do you want to die in your 40's? Do you want to struggle with health conditions your whole life and live miserably? I don't know man. I feel like this is doing an injustice to women. Loving yourself means you want to take care of yourself. There is nothing wrong with wanting to improve your health for your own sake. Having some extra weight is one thing but once you are obese, it just isn't good. Maybe this is just me.

You guys still on Twitter?

I left the platform. I just wasn't feeling it anymore. People argue over stupid things, act like they know it all, and cancel everything. It makes no damn sense to me. Like I used to enjoy reading through the posts but most of what I was seeing was politically charged and designed to make someone look bad for something. Got sick of it and just decided to wipe my account and leave. This was last year. I haven't been on it since. I would much rather socialize on forums like this one.

Which holidays do you and yours celebrate?

Over the years, my family kind of went their own ways. Once my grandparents passed away, we seem to have mostly just stop celebrating a lot of holidays. I mean we do birthdays still, summer cookouts (4th of July is a real banger every year), Christmas... But that is about it. I don't remember the last time we celebrated Easter or Halloween, even Thanksgiving. I think 2020 put the nail in the coffin for those completely as we had plans but they fell through. Which holidays do you and yours celebrate?

Think we need another shot for covid?

I'm hearing that we may be required to get a booster shot after we get our vaccines (if you haven't already). I feel like covid is never ending at this point. Does the vaccine even work if we need to get more of the vaccine? Seems weird to me. Are you guys going to get the booster shot if you have to in our area? Or will you wait it out a bit first?


Any fans of this show? I like that they always do something different every season, and the most recent season had Chris Rock as one of the main stars. I watched it recently and I thought it was great. But so is every previous season of the show. I wonder what the next season will be like. I hope they keep making new seasons going forward. I like how they always mix it up each season.

Frequent social media a lot?

These days I kinda steer away from social media, because it's just a mess of dumb people arguing about politics, covid and other such things. It's a big reason I left Facebook, because so many of my friends and family just talked nonsense about stuff and i got tired of it.

Do you guys even bother with social media anymore? I wouldn't count streaming or doing videos (Youtube), but facebook and twitter for sure.

When you get the email “your shipment has been delayed”

Its cuz of this idiot.

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We have train tracks downtown Dallas and people either try to beat the train or end up stopping dead on the tracks waiting for a light to change. Common sense tells me to not roll on a train tracks if I don’t have a clear path across it but common sense ain’t common.

Do you expect your woman to submit to mediocrity?

This is kind of a controversial topic but for the men here, do you expect a woman to submit to you without you having to be accountable for results? It seems like a lot of men in our society feel that submissiveness from a woman is a right, I disagree. I feel like submissiveness is a privilege and you have to earn it by being a provider and protector that creates emotional, financial, and physical stability in the household. A woman is unable to bask in her feminine energy when the basic tenets of survival are unmet.

This is why our Black American women typical display masculine traits because they have been dealt a bad hand over the past 70 years. Their men have been overly arrested, overly charged, overly Incarcerated, and denied jobs which culminated in a environment where Black American women had to be the tentpole for the family. To make matters worse, the Man was UNABLE to come back into the household if the woman was on public assistance thus reinforcing the Black woman having to hold down the household.

So I say all that to say this, understand masculinity and what woman expect from you as a man. Be a leader, a provider, and protector and she will choose to lock onto your plan if it makes sense. Will there be women out there unwilling to do so? Yes. But for every bum ass woman is a bum ass dude…don’t let their darkness mask your light.

Submissiveness is a side effect of you being a provider and protector…don’t expect it if you ain’t doing your job.
