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MY definition of a karen

Karen is a pejorative slang term for an obnoxious, angry, entitled, and often racist middle-aged white woman who uses her privilege to get her way or police other people’s behaviors. Karen is generally stereotyped as having a blonde bob haircut, asking to speak to retail and restaurant managers to voice complaints or make demands, and being an anti-vaxx , Generation X soccer mom. In 2020, Karen spread as a label used to call out white women who were captured in viral videos engaging in what are widely seen as racist acts

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What do you wear on a first date?

As I mentioned in another thread, I will be going on a date this upcoming weekend (on the 10th). I got the day off from work and I plan to go shopping earlier in the day to find something nice to wear. It has been a while since I actually formally went on a date. I am looking forward to it! I am just not sure what to wear.

What do you typically wear on a first date?

Females Are Strange

But I love them so much😍

RKelly: Did I see something fall out...?

What would make a sane, normal female go from zero to shid in one second flat?


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I've studied many subjects in life but understanding science to it's basic form is impossible. Take physics for example. The rules of gravity are dependent on the known universe. What about the unknown universe? If I were two inches behind the cosmic background radiation curtain, there's no time or space that can defined in that place. Would I still be alive or would I be transferred into another dimension? Meh.

Have You Ever Been In A Fight

Personally, I have been in a few. I'm not a big talker and I don't strut around. If a person got heated, I'm just waiting for them to throw the first punch. If a person kept on posturing, I'd just get up and give them the business.

Guys like in this video get no respect from me. All that energy isn't necessary. All fights go to the ground. When I get an unlucky soul on the ground, you are in my world now. I will put you in a kimura and I'd do it slowly until I hear that lovely *pop*

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Kimura finishes

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YES! Dating has changed. Big deal.

This heffa with a turkey neck is acting like she's the Belle of the ball. She better get what she can and move on😂

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In third grade I ate a donut. It was good and smelled terrific. What time is it. Sorry, there is no spoon. Who left a swallow of orange juice in the container. Farts and burps are the exact same thing. Two in a bush is worth one in the hand, only if you are freaky. How much is a newspaper with zero ads? It think you need to call your neph-son to fix this board because it's broken. Curly hair is more oval than other types. A Jew is a jewel. Smoked salmon with a cassava crust sounds mighty good right now. I love coffee. I love the smell of chocolate but the taste of chocolate is nasty to me. Corned beef hash gives me a rash. Dumbledore is a cool name. Do you really like the smell of your own farts? A peanut isn't a nut, it's a bean. Bananas are not a fruit, it's an herb. A tomato isn't a vegetable it's a fruit. Everyone can put at least 20 strawberries in their mouth at the same time.

Sex And War: Full Metal Jacket

Kubrick is considered a genius by a lot of people. I have to admit that the sexual undertones he used in Full Metal Jacket went over my head. I didn't know that The "Hanoi Hooker" was an allegory to the female sniper. Anyhow, whatever you think about this movie, you have to admit that it's meta as hell. Sex is everywhere in this movie.

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These Are Some Of The Things I'm Doing To Africa

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So living in Africa now going on two years; these are some of the things that I'm doing out here with hope to expand myself into other domains. I left at the beginning of the plandemic and don't regret my decision one bit. so what do you think ?

Dr.Khalid Muhammad vs White Supremacist Leader Sean Hannity

This is a must listen. The way Dr. Khalid spoke, maneuvered, and handled Hannity the white supremacist nazi dog.

Language is a very important part of fighting, planning, building and so on. Notice how our brother is not defensive or reactive, but he is ready and willing. He doesn't allow Hannity the pig to lead him into anything. He controls the conversation as well as the callers. He doesn't deviate or turn from his position. He doesn't stutter or fall for the confusion.

You can not operate like this unless you have pride. You can't speak this way unless you have values of self preservation.

This is who I watched growing up. A lot of black people are afraid of him because they think massa will cut off their ear for listening to him. But this is a man that black people need to know about and study.

I don't reject or accept his personal lifestyle. All I know is that he lived his life for us. B1

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What to do about whitewashed low frequency family??

Hey everyone,

I'm interested in how everyone endures and handles their mainstream media white washed democratic "I Am SOMEBODY " rainbow 🌈 coalition, Tyler Perry watching, Obama loving, BBQ rib family members?

Is there a cure?

Years ago my mother heard me listening to Jason Black and my mother sits me down and says, "I'm worried that your getting involved with extremists people and ideas and I want you to stop". I asked her what was extreme about it. She told me that it was hateful and angry. I said ok, so is it a lie? She told me that we need to vote locally and vote Democrat and she told me to stop listening to fringe news and that Jason Black sounded just like Alex Jones.

Sometimes I think I'm adopted. If not for my dad, I don't know who or what I would be. Pretty sure I'd be a single mother working for the government with a townhouse going to lounges on Thursday nights after I drop my kids off with my mom so I can go get a man on seafood tower night at the Inner Harbor XYZ hotel/lounge Black Single and Successful night.

Can anyone relate?

Music that relaxes you

Are there any music or artists in general that relax you with their music? For me, most music can be relaxing if you're actually relaxing, but there are certain genres I will check out when I want to relax. The big one is 90s rap/hip-hop, mostly classics, as that brings me back to my childhood. Other than that, I found I get into movie soundtracks when I want to relax. Sometimes I will put on an album from some of my favorite movies as I work. idk, it helps a lot to have background noise. But what relaxes you the most?

What are your views on global warming?

Do you guys believe that global warming is real? I think if anything, we're going through a global shift, instead I think the cold areas will get warm and the hot areas cold. But I'm by no means a scientist and am probably wrong lol. But what do you guys think? Do you think pollution, livestock, and humans have causes global warming as we know it? Or is it more to it than that?

Do we have too many streaming services now?

I feel like every channel now has their own streaming platform. Every major network does or is starting their own streaming platforms if not. I bet what will happen, is that at some point, they're going to make a service that combines all streaming platforms, kind of like how cable tv is, and you'll be able to pay for plans that get you certain streaming channels. In the end, defeating the purpose of streaming platforms to begin with.

But, I'm hopeful that will not happen. But you know how greedy networks and hollywood are, they'll figure out a way I bet. What do you think?

Dead or Alive, he's still the King.

Imagine if he were still with us, the heat he would be putting out! I've been a fan/supporter of MJ since my first memory of hearing and seeing him and his family. No matter how hard they try to ruin his legacy, they can't! He was a genius.

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You ever have a pet come between you and someone else?

This is something I almost exclusively see with white couples but I have seen it with someone who I work with who is a mixed man. He and his partner both love animals and decided to adopt a dog together shortly after moving in together. Well, his partner has grown pretty attached to the dog so much so he almost prioritizes the dog's happiness over his. He was telling me about it at work yesterday. Whenever they go to bed now, the dog sleeps with them and he has to fight the dog to get a good spot in the bed and if he says anything about it, his partner gets mad.

Have you ever had anything like this happen in any of your relationships or know someone who it had happened to?

Happy birthday to one of the greatest hip hop creations ever

Happy 20th Ether Day!!!

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Where were you when this classic track came out??? I was a sophomore at UH, that was a crazy day lol. No one saw that coming. This was a terrible, terrible time for Hov stans because they were about to finish that victory lap....then boom.
