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'I'll be at front of queue to change my slave name'

'I'll be at front of queue to change my slave name'
By Anna Holligan
BBC News, The Hague
10 September 2021

Descendants of African slaves have told the BBC they will change their surnames, after a Dutch city decided to make the procedure free of charge.
Utrecht council has decided to remove the €835 (£715) cost and bureaucracy to help people shake off their "slave names" and have the option to adopt one that recognises their African ancestry.
Under existing Dutch rules, if you have a surname considered ridiculous such as Anus, Garlic or Naked-born, there is no requirement to prove it is undesirable. However, if your name has its origins in the Dutch colonial legacy, an expensive psychological examination is often required on top of the fee.
"It's not right to then ask for money to turn back the procedure," says Linda Nooitmeer, chair of the national institute for Dutch slavery history.

Her own name translates as Never Again. Even though she's relatively happy as it was chosen by her ancestors, she is thinking of changing it. She sees Utrecht's move as "part of the healing process, to give people the freedom and identity back"

Three centuries of slave
Between 1596 and 1829 the Dutch shipped more than half a million Africans across the Atlantic Ocean to work on plantations

They were treated as objects and possessions and their names were erased, part of what Linda Nooitmeer describes as the "dehumanising" process.

"Everything is stripped. You were part of the cargo, like cattle. It's not only the name, but rituals, language, your identity, all evidence that you were African was taken away."

The Netherlands was one of the last countries to abolish slavery in 1863, 30 years after British abolition. Even then slaves in Suriname, on the north-east coast of South America, had to wait 10 years to be fully free. Slaves were also shipped to Brazil, as well as Haiti, Curaçao and elsewhere in the Caribbean.

Amsterdam mayor apologises for city's slavery role
Brazil's hidden slavery past unveiled
Anyone enslaved in Suriname had to be on a slave register, so it is known that some 80,000 people lived in slavery there in the 30 years before abolition.

Stigma for descendants
Freed slaves were given artificial names, often tied to the slave owner, the plantation or random amalgamations of Dutch cities or Dutch-sounding words, although regular Dutch surnames were banned.

Berghout and Seedorf were used as was Madretsma (Amsterdam spelt backwards) and Eendragt, a plantation name that means harmony. Other names translate as Obedient, Cheap, Tame and Submission.

Linda Nooitmeer believes these names serve as a reminder they were once subordinate, and that the chain was never fully relinquished.

Hundreds express interest
With that link to their ancestral home long destroyed, many have gone in search of their African roots to find a name that better represents who they are.

Among them was Yaw, who went to Ghana. And now Utrecht is removing the cost, he plans to make Yaw official, replacing his existing name Guno Mac Intosch.

"As soon as that door opens," he gestures to the city hall, "I'll be at the front of the queue."

Last year almost 3,000 people opted to switch their surnames, but only one mentioned colonial connotations. Utrecht's promise to cancel the fee and paperwork has already resulted in hundreds of expressions of interest.

"Maybe it's not the exact same name our ancestors had," Ms Nooitmeer explains, "But it was given within the spirit from Africa. And that's really powerful to give your children and descendants." Their names are an integral part of their identity, she says.

After emancipation, some created collectives and bought the cotton fields.

For them, adopting a new name was an act of empowerment, as the owned became the owners. Ms Nooitmeer believes they would have understood why their descendants were trying to rediscover what she calls their African energy.

A slavery exhibition was recently held at the Rijksmuseum in Amsterdam, curated by its head of history, Valika Smeulders.

We meet in The Hague's historic centre, in Lange Voorhout, which she explains was built on wealth generated by the slave trade.

Ms Smeulders is mixed-race and descended from the enslaved, enslavers and contractors. Her name incorporates Dutch, Scottish, and Portuguese and she considers it "very much colonial history". For her, changing a surname is a complex, personal choice and unlikely to create an immediate rush among as many as one million people in the Netherlands.

"People react very differently to circumstances. So for some, [their name] might be something that they want to embrace," she explains.

Many people who have a Dutch name plan to keep it, because numerous studies have shown a foreign-sounding name in the Netherlands can expose you to discrimination in education, housing or employment.

Yaw's son pointed out that the Scottish name Mac In Tosch probably opened doors in his corporate life.

Sitting in the shadow of the slave memorial in Amsterdam's bustling Oosterpark, Linda Nooitmeer remembers the moment Mayor Femke Halsema apologised for the council's role in the slave trade.

"It really did something to me. I would never have imagined that even four years ago, never. So we're making steps."

As I speak to Yaw outside Utrecht city hall a man comes over shouting racial abuse: "You're not African, just because you're black. If you think you are African, go back! Coming here for our benefits."

People glance up until another white man intervenes.

It is a shocking moment but Yaw takes it in his stride. For him the Netherlands is still on a journey and the recognition of people's desire to drop their slave names represents a small but significant step.

"Dutch people claim that they are really liberated and the country is liberated, then you see these things, this behaviour," he says.

The world-wide Black Lives Matter movement has made a difference, he believes, and the name-changing move is part of a process that shows greater awareness.

"We are here, we built this country, and we don't let people chase us away because they say that we do not belong here."

Going bald, embrace it or try to save it?

I am going bald. I knew it would happen, as my dad and his dad both went bald at fairly young ages. I was wondering what you guys would prefer to do. Would you rather just embrace it and go bald. I'm thinking I might shave it all off and go bald. Or, I could try to get treatment to help grow hair back, but I can't see myself going through that process for just a small amount of hair back.

Idk, what do you guys do? Are any of you's bald or going bald? And if so, do you just embrace it? I feel we black men look good bald anyway, so I'm not sure why I am so scared to just embrace it.

Are scalpers still taking up all the new gen video game consoles?

I have wanted to get a PS5 and Xbox Series X for the longest time now. I haven't had much luck getting a PS5, but I was able to get an order in for an Xbox recently, so that's going good so far. But, I feel like the PS5 is still stuck behind a wall of annoying scalpers who are still trying to get more money out of this console.

I can't stand scalpers though. I don't know how many times I wanted to get a new gaming device, only to be stopped by scalpers buying up all the inventory.

Have you ever had to deal with scalpers when it came to getting a new console? Are you guys seeing any ads online for expensive consoles?

Anderson Silva defeated Tito Ortiz in Thriller boxing match

Well this was a rather quick one. Anderson Silva recently took on Tito Ortiz in a boxing match held by Thriller. Anderson Silva ended up knocking out Ortiz about a minute thirty in. Ortiz was not looking great during this fight, but Silva looked like a million bucks out there. He's still got it. :)

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XBOTS ASSEMBLE: Halo Infinite MP Preview to Drop Sept 24th.

the new halo is finsta drop, what are your thoughts on it? The first gameplay they showed was ass and the brutes looked so stupid with that shiny ass armor. I hope they get things back on track Halo can't really take too many more L's.

I personally loved 4, that shit was dope, Chief felt like a human for the first time ever. Then they screwed it up with Guardians by making Chief a side kick, straight ass

Come on 343 don't let us down.

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Transgender Fighter Alana McLaughlin Wins MMA Debut

I know you've been waiting to see the results of this fight @Invincible1914, Alana won. Did you make any money on it?

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To everyone else, what do you think about this? I think it's straight bullshit and they need to throw that tranny in with dudes. Alana started taking the tranny meds at 28 and was special forces, it's screwed up to have him fighting females.

You think we will see more shortages?

A lot of talks about this vaccine mandating messing with truckers. A lot of them are not down with the government telling them what they can and can't do and I don't blame them. I am worried we will see more shortages though, especially if they go on strike. I have already witnessed several in my area. Do you think we will see more before the year is up?

Are you prepared for any shortages? I am considering getting myself one of those filtration systems for water at the very least. I think they are like $230 and filter enough water to last 5 years or something. At least if things really hit the fan, I will at least have water. lol

What are your biggest pet peeves?

What are some of your biggest pet peeves? For me, it's whenever someone eats with their mouth wide open. It's so damn annoying, I hate it so much. Oh, and I hate it when people clang their fork against their teeth, or slide it against their teeth. The noise is something I hate a lot.

Other pet peeves I have are; people who don't cover their nose or mouth when sneezing or coughing, when people steal food off your plate, people who talk too much during movies and tv shows, and much more. I think most of mine are probably most of yours as well.

What are some other pet peeves you have?

Predictions for week 1 of the NFL season

Well, we already have one game in the bag, and that was the Cowboys and Buccaneers match, which ended with the Buccaneers winning 31-29.

What are your predictions for this weeks games?

Sunday Games -
Cardinals @ Titans - I think Titans win it
Jaguars @ Texans - Texans for sure
Vikings @ Bengals - Vikings will probably win this one.
Seahawks @ Colts - Going to go against the grain, I think the Colts take this one
Steelers @ Bills - Toss up, could be either, but I'll say the Steelers win a close one.
49ers @ Lions - I see 49ers taking it, but don't count out the Lions just yet.
Chargers @ Washington - Washington will win it, I feel Chargers lost some key players recently as well.
Jets @ Panthers - Panthers are looking a lot better here. I can't see Jets going too far anyway.
Eagles @ Falcons - Tough one, but I can see Eagles winning it.
Browns @ Cheifs - Part of me wants to say the Browns, but I feel the Chiefs will be too much for them.
Packers @ Saints - I can see Packers winning. Without Drew Brees, I feel the Saints will have a rough start to the season.
Broncos @ Giants - I'm guessing the Broncos here. I don't see the Giants doing good at all.
Dolphins @ Patriots - This one could go either way, but I think the Patriots take it with their new QB under center.
Bears @ Rams - Rams seem like the better team, but the Bears are starting to get better year by year.

Monday Night Football -
Ravens @ Raiders - Ravens for sure. I would like to see the Raiders take this one, but I don't see the Ravens being stopped by them.

Anyway, what are your picks this week?

What was your first ever date like? Let's hear some stories. :D

Dating when you're a kid is dumb, lets just be honest. My first ever date was back when I was 11 years old. I had this massive crush on this girl named Megan. I asked her out on a date and told her I'd pick her up on my bike and we'd ride to the nearest park to have a picnic. I thought I was being romantic and cool. I brought a blanket to sit on, a basket of food. I made us each a PB&J sandwich, and I had brought a couple lunchables along in case we got hungry again. Anyway, the picnic was pretty quick, in that she immediately told me she wanted to break up.

Now, this was just a date, we weren't dating, but she thought for some reason going out on a date made us boyfriend and girlfriend. I was confused, but also heartbroken, because I had a crush on this girl since we were in kindergarten. And at the time, I felt like she was "The One", but she wasn't. Years later, she ended up dating this one dude and ended up pregnant around 16 or so.

That was the story of my first date. Nothing spectacular or fun to be honest, but that's my story and I'm stickin to it.

What was your first date like?

My Biggest Gripe w/Nas KD 2

Is it just me or is he not rapping about anything on each track? I want to hear a story or something cohesive but it’s like each track is Nas putting together a bunch of lines that do not relate to one another.

Don’t get me wrong, the shit sounds tight but it makes each song feel empty. The only thing that’s on subject with the title is the hook.

Am I trippin? @Mastamind @Geoff yall some music heads what y’all think?

Evander Holyfield came out of retirement for boxing match against Vitor Belfort

I heard recently that Evander Holyfield decided to take a boxing match against Vitor Belfort, because Belfort's original opponent had to back out. Evander is 58 years old though and isn't looking like a pro boxer anymore. He recently was recorded training, and I guess he looked slow and sluggish. Kinda like a 58 year old retired boxer would. Belfort is 44 years old, which makes him 14 years younger than Holyfield.

I thought at first it was going to be an exhibition, but it seems it could be a legit bout instead.

How do you think this fight is going to end up going? Belfort is an MMA fighter, so I don't think he has much history as a boxer. So it could go either way. But, if Holyfield shows up to fight and is ready, I could see him going over.

Discuss what you guys think of this matchup.

What were you doing on 9/11?

The 20th anniversary of the 9/11 attacks is today, and it still feels like it happened just the other day. I remember going to school that Tuesday, I was in 6th grade. I remember sitting there most of the day, watching the news coverage of the towers, and watching as they fell. It was a surreal experience and one I still can't believe I witnessed. Even if it was just on tv.

I don't think we did much that day in school. I don't think they cancelled school or anything either, because I believe I remember sitting in school most of the day. But, part of me is remembering going home a bit early.

I remember being home later and still watching the news unfold. The cleanup, the search for survivors and more. I still can't believe something of this magnitude happened to begin with.

What are your memories of that day? Were any of you near the world trade centers when this happened?

God of War Ragnarok Reveal Trailer

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How many of you played the first one? It was such a great game, I was hooked. Especially once you got a ways in and we’re able to go into any realm you wanted. I don’t remember the names but the only downside was outside of progresssing the story, the other realms didn’t have much to them. But overall a master piece, the weapons, attacks, mechanics and everything were first class.

Should the WNBA add more teams to their league?

I recently noticed that the WNBA only has 12 teams, compared to the NBA who has 30 teams. Reason I bring it up, is because I think they could easily add more teams into the mix. But, what cities would you like to see get one? I mean, if we can get another 12 teams in the WNBA, that would equal out to 24 and I think that's enough.

Would you like to see the WNBA get more teams? I think the more female basketball stars playing, the better.

I kinda like the single life

You know, I've dated a few women in my life, and most of my relationships were pretty good. I had my share of ups and downs. And I thought a few of my past relationships were with the "one", but that didn't turn out that way.

Anyway, I'm currently single and honestly, I'm not looking for anything at the moment. I figure with Covid still around anyway, it's kinda pointless to go out and date. I've been chatting with a few women from dating sites, but that's it, it's just been chatting. I was going to set a date with one of the girls I was chatting with, but before I could even ask, she tells me she got covid recently and had to quarantine in her home.

So, I've kinda said, I'm done for now. I'll keep chatting with these women, but will take it slow going forward. I'm not going to rush into meeting anyone right now, at least not until this pandemic gets sorted out some more.

Cowboys were looking good last night

Even though the Cowboys lost last night against the Buccaneers, they still made it a very close game that they nearly won. They ended up leading with like 1:40 left to go. But, Tom Brady had a drive down the field and they kicked an easy field goal that ended it 31 to 29.

But, I gotta give the Cowboys props for their performance, because they actually looked like a team again. Do you guys think they will be a winning team this season, or will they end up having another mediocre season?

Mandated Vaccination - How will this affect black Americans?

I see good old Joe has put in an order to mandate vaccination through companies. If a company has more than 100 employees, they will either have to do weekly testing (which is not cheap) or force vaccinate their employees. I am wondering how this will affect black communities and black Americans. In the US currently, black folks are the least vaccinated. I had to get vaccinated because I work at a hospital but to think you will have to get vaccinated to work at McDonald's seems ridiculous to me. I understand those who work in hospitals or are in the military being vaxed but outside of this, it makes no damn sense to me.

How do you think this will affect black Americans if this thing holds up and goes through?

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